[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 14 points 8 months ago

Your average consumer grade 3d printer cannot print in metal. I looked into this at one point for jewelry, and you need commercial printers that cost thousands upon thousands of dollars for most metals.

Having said that, yes, 3d printing guns has reached a point where people can make 100% 3d printed full auto guns in pistol calibers. In fact, that's exactly what the Burmese resistance groups are using to fight back against the genocidal regime in their country. Because nobody in the international community cares enough to support them with military arms, but they can get 3d printers to print enough guns that they can kill and loot soldiers for better guns.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 17 points 8 months ago

You can kindly go fuck yourself. By assuming people not only aren't doing anything about the state of the world because they complain about it online but also assuming that they are in a position where they can do more, you are part of the problem. Especially by giving such polarized statements that simply shame people and have no clear, actionable suggestions on what to do. The system is designed to isolate people and prevent them from utilizing the power that they have to change things, and here you are, whining that people aren't utilizing their power to change things. You're just as bad as the people you're complaining about. You're not changing anything other than the number of people in the world who want to punch you in the throat.

There's a reason that historically, most protests in the US were centered around a core group made up of college age kids, up until the past 50 or so years. It's because that demographic has (had) the most free time and least financial burden. It's the reason that college is so expensive nowadays. It was retaliation against the college kids who protested against Reagan when he was governor of California. The lack of free time and financial pressure on the workforce ensures that we'll be less able to exert our power to change things.

If you actually want to help, you can help get people to the polls, especially for state and local level elections, or help aid groups that support striking workers. The reason old white people control so much of the state and local level government isn't because people are sitting at home whining - it's because their boss told them that they'll be fired if they take the day off to go to the polls, and their district is so gerrymandered that it wouldnt make a difference anyways. The racist retirees are the ones who go to every town meeting and show up to all the hearings and community polls because they have all the time in the world while they live on their pensions. So, if you want to change the world, start by driving people to town meetings and to the polls on the local election days. Fight to ensure that people have the time and can afford to exercise their rights to make the world better. Or you can keep whining on the internet like a baby.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 17 points 9 months ago

It took me until today to realize that Tumblr's threading is the opposite of Reddit's.

I guess that's what happens, though, when you haven't really updated your format in 20 years and have always had the reputation of being the social media site for people who hate social media.

Props to the original CEO, though, for making a site that did exactly what he wanted: not be Facebook in any way, and allow him to post photos that people who followed him could see and allow him to follow people so he could see photos that they posted. Mission accomplished on that end.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 15 points 9 months ago

They're calling it "financially paired" now? Republicans really will do anything to avoid calling it gay marriage...

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 18 points 9 months ago

It's also a very clever and awful propaganda strategy. They misuse words with important meanings until they become useless reactionary buzzwords. Like how woke, and politically correct before it, originally meant "to be aware of the unequal treatment of minorities in society" and "politicians should be aware of how the language they use affects people," and now they both just mean "anything that I, as a conservative, don't like."

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 14 points 10 months ago

You forgot the part where they also want women to carry dead babies inside them until they rot and kill the women.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 15 points 10 months ago

...I ain't one to yuck on somebody else's yum, but that's definitely a Valentines Day style heart she's holding...

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 18 points 10 months ago

I saw a series of studies once for HRT (not a surgery, but relevant to transgender research and major bodily changes) that said that 90% of patients reported either an improvement or at least no change in their quality of life after HRT compared to before. Of the 10% who reported a worse quality of life or stopped treatment, the majority of causes were due to external factors such as harassment/hate crimes or being disowned by friends and family. The least commonly reported cause was post HRT regret, and the vast majority of that 10% said that they would be restarting HRT as soon as they safely could.

Not only is that a huge success rate, but it also says something about the percentage of people who would respond to such a survey, as going "stealth" as it's referred to, can be a major component of transgender people's safety considerations. If people don't know your trans, you can't be assaulted for it. And considering the sexual assault rate for trans women in the US is 80%, they have reason to worry about that sort of thing. Also, a quick Google search tells me that the average response rate for medical surveys is 76% for in-person surveys, 65% for postal, and online surveys are 46% for website based and 51% for email surveys. So that 59% isn't too far outside the range as long as it isn't in-person surveys.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 14 points 10 months ago

I'm somehow in a similar yet completely different boat from you. My feed under all is made up of like 5 communities - memes, lemmy memes, 196, linux memes, and programmer humor - with guest appearances by politics and technology. Regardless of what I set the filter on my feed to, I have yet to see a single piece of porn crop up; and I had to specifically find a search tool on my pc to find some communities to subscribe to like an r/foodporn equivalent just so I would at least have some stuff pop up on my phone with some more variety related to my interests.

This is probably all related to Lemmy being new and not knowing how to get the most out of the app I'm using (and that being new as well), but as of right now I'm largely using Lemmy the way I used to use ~~Twitter~~ X or something rather than how I used to use Reddit. As a time waster rather than a place where I got invested in the communities I interacted with.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 19 points 11 months ago

There's a screenshot elsewhere in the comments of him saying he was specifically removing transphobia and homophobia as punishable offenses from the rules because those rules "were being used to silence conservative voices." That's a pretty clear stance to me.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 18 points 11 months ago

Because these 2 things are not the same, and by conflating them as such, you pretty clearly show what side of the fence you fall on. Debating on whether or not minorities deserve the right to exist is not the same thing as arguing about which brand of magic sky-daddy you subscribe to.

"Anti-LGBT viewpoints" fall along a pretty clear line. The same one that "anti-Jewish" and "anti-Black" views fall on. That these minorities don't deserve the same rights granted to white people, or even that they shouldn't be allowed to exist period. There has never been any other view presented by "anti-LGBT" people. They seek to exclude minorities from everyday life and eventually kill them off entirely. The arguments they use today against trans people are the same they used against gay people, which are just rehashed arguments they used to oppose equal rights for black people. There's no politeness to be found there. Might as well say that we should hear the Nazis out on this "final solution to the Jewish question," so long as they're polite in their arguing their case.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 17 points 11 months ago

And it's not just the tourism industry that's suffering, but construction and anything that requires freight shipping as well are already feeling the effects. There's been videos for the past several months of completely empty job sites with half finished houses and condos because DeSantis has made it a crime to drive undocumented workers, who make up almost the entirety of the construction workforce. A vast number of freight truck drivers also said that they won't deliver to Florida for similar reasons, though I don't remember exactly what law caused them to refuse to go into the state.

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