[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 12 points 8 months ago

I've seen people make the argument that no matter what you do if they successfully break adblockers, Google stands to make a profit, but it could actually hurt advertisers.

Obviously, if you stop watching, then that's less overhead for them, and if you pay for premium, then that's literal money in their wallet. But if you start watching ads, Google can leverage more money from advertisers for the increased views. But people who use adblockers are unlikely to click ads, so advertisers pay more for their ads to be shown to people who weren't going to click on them anyway.

Ironically, it's in both our interest and advertisers to stop Google from breaking adblockers.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 10 points 9 months ago

Basically, we're only allowed 2 parties per year, and if you want any more, you have to buy a subscription, or else the party police will take away your party privileges. We're hoping that with enough complaints, they'll allow us another party before having to pay.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 10 points 9 months ago

It's also easier for the ruling class to simply ignore protesters, and it doesn't get your message seen by the general population. This is why the civil rights movement included marches that ground entire sections of cities to a halt and why MLK supported groups like the Black Panthers. Disruption and inconvenience are necessary to enacting change. Even with mass public support, nothing really happened for civil rights until MLK was killed and billions of dollars worth of property was torched. A week later, the civil rights laws were created, approved, and enacted.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 13 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

It sounds like your job requires no talent and you could be easily replaced. Is it so?

Just because there are other people out there who can do the same job as you (or them) doesn't mean that it takes no skill, nor that replacing them can be done at a snap of the fingers. But nobody is irreplaceable. That's how companies see their employees. Even you.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 12 points 10 months ago

I think both drag performers and Broadway actors have the perfect skill set for reading books to kids. It's like the difference between reading the lyrics to a song and hearing a musician sing it, regardless of whether they're a country singer or an opera singer or a movie music composer. An actor, whether Broadway or not, would know exactly when to pause to create dramatic tension, be able to give characters their own unique voices or personalities, etc. And the fantastical, exaggerated costumes of drag I imagine just make it all the more exciting for the kids.

As for how drag performers reading books to kids started, I have no idea, but somebody else said it started from people volunteering to read books to kids at local libraries, and the LGBT community got into helping out in that way, which led to drag performers doing it. And that makes sense to me. The LGBT community seems to be heavily made up of people who want to support their communities. Probably because they've often had to band together and create their own.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 12 points 10 months ago

As a whole, the Dems are pretty center of the aisle, because America as a whole is fairly conservative compared to Europe (despite 60% of the population being more liberal than the government at most times). Europeans generally consider the Dems in the US a conservative party, and corporate Dems are definitely closer to the right than to the left. The other issue besides the general conservative leaning in the country though is that there's about 50 other groups of various left leaning shades that would be their own separate parties in Europe but are bunched in with the corporate Dems and therefore have little say in the party platform.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 10 points 10 months ago

And the irony is that people switched to cable for the exact same reason. They got tired of the nonsense that broadcast TV pulled with subscriptions for different channels and all the ads and everything, and went to cable because you paid one bill for every channel. Then, everyone moved to streaming because you had to buy 50 different cable packages for the one channel on each you actually cared about, and there were just too many ads to deal with, etc.

Something something, those who don't listen to history are doomed to lose profit margins or whatever.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 11 points 11 months ago

This is the big one to me. It's much more difficult to search for specific content if it's isolated amongst communities on different servers, all trying to fill the same niche and splitting the potential userbase for said niche up between them.

If there was like a tag system in place that communities could use to tag themselves as being for a specific thing, like cooking, for example, and then you could aggregate/search posts from all communities under the cooking tag across all servers federated with yours, it would greatly simplify finding content for less tech literate users while also increasing the resilience of the entire network by allowing more communities for a specific niche to exist, which would prevent content loss if one server goes down without discoverability being an issue.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 10 points 11 months ago

You could always buy a second copy to gift to a friend. Then you'd be able to play together on top of giving them another sale!

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 9 points 11 months ago

They even helped develop the COVID vaccines.

Furries need high paying jobs to be able to afford all those commissions and fursuits, after all.

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 11 points 11 months ago

"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die."

Seems appropriate considering these were found in Lovecraft country. How long until we start seeing the fish-faced people?

[-] Khotetsu@lib.lgbt 13 points 11 months ago

I've been using an app called Summit for Lemmy, and it feels very RiF-esque. RiF was the only way I used Reddit, and it's made the transition very easy. In fact, in some ways, I feel it's done some quality of life stuff even better than RiF did, like color coding comment chains, which makes it easier to keep track of who's responding to who.

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