[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 12 points 2 days ago

Hey that's exactly what my rent / wage split was in the UK last year. The only reason anything got better is that minimum wage went up while my rent hasn't yet.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 2 points 2 days ago

Maybe I'm going mad but I don't think I've ever found dental floss slippery? I've got a feeling I wind it round my fingers but I'm not sure, even so I don't think it seems too slippery to hold.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 5 points 5 days ago

I honestly don't think Lemmy will function well without a way for identical communities across different instances could subscribe to eachother, allowing a single feed of information. This would stop the instances splitting the userbase.

Early Reddit had a subreddit for everything, but most were dormant. However as soon as you posted on it, enough people had it on their front page that you'd get a response. I think Lemmy feels very similar to how Reddit did 10 years ago, except many of the dead communities are totally dead.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 20 points 6 days ago

I once read a pretty good write up somewhere on Reddit with proof that they were getting reasonably large financial support from the daughter of an oil baron, and it's unclear if she supports the left or right.

On the other hand, a friend of a friend was arrested at a just stop oil rally in Manchester, UK a few months back, and I know him well enough to absolutely believe he thought he was doing what was best for the world, although I'm unsure if he'd deface anything.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 56 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I have no sympathy for the people who are being scammed here, I hope they lose hundreds to it. Making fake porn of somebody else without their consent, particularly that which could be mistaken for real if it were to be seen by others, is awful.

I wish everyone involved in this use of AI a very awful day.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 51 points 4 months ago

That's the most Lemmy response I've ever read, I love it.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 42 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

This could quickly be explained away as a contingent spell that specifically stops common muggle weapons.

The one moment that really irks me in the concept of wizard wars is a moment in deathly hallows. The gang are captured in Malfoy Manor and Harry manages to grab 3 wands from Draco Malfoy's hand, and casts stupify on Fenrir Greyback, who is hit with thrice the intensity and fucking basically dies.

If this works why aren't wizards rocking bundles of wands, let's see Harry use expeliarmus to counter Voldie's wizard wand Gatling gun of avada kedavra, or a bundle of wands casting sectumsempura and fucking turning a wizard to mince.

Wanna hit me with the torture curse you wizard nerd? I'll just use my bundle of sticks, my wand strap to Wingardium Leviosa you straight into the sun.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 59 points 6 months ago

Fun fact, sperm whales can generate a sonar click at 230dB. Decibels are a logarithmic scale so increasing by only a few dB is basically double the volume.

A sperm whale may swim past you, think you're interesting and give a little click to scan you, and basically stun or kill you instantly.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 133 points 7 months ago

I'm not sure I agree with the take for farenheit. It's an arbitraty choice, and to me who grew up in a country that uses celsius, I find that far easier to understand and farenheit may as well be random numbers to me.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 43 points 7 months ago

7 ton seems pretty big and I think they were warm-blooded, I recon they'll start starving before I run out of food. They may not be dead by day 30 but on those final nights of starving unconciousness you could probably stick it with the knife. Large birds of prey may only eat once per day but they still starve within a couple of days, and the bigger they are, the hungrier they get.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 56 points 8 months ago

It's an old picture, before AI image generation. It's a tiger teddy with some stuffing removed.

[-] Khrux@ttrpg.network 56 points 8 months ago

I'd like to see a horror film where the the generic killer navigates a small town that's had its locals form into a militia under homegrown martial law, and the killer actually thrives in the paranoia that comes from it.

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