[-] Kichae@kbin.social 128 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

So, the article this is pulling from is a 2003 academic paper on class, race, and gender representation in American sitcoms. It's not an LLM produced bit of of insanity, nor is it someone who has never watched the show saying something unknowingly unintelligible.

It's a joke. Some dry humour, possibly put in there to see if peer reviewers had any idea about the then current television sitcom landscape.

[-] Kichae@kbin.social 85 points 9 months ago

This is Elon Musk erasure.

[-] Kichae@kbin.social 99 points 9 months ago

I thought her fans were mostly young girls

Uhh, that was 15 years ago. The core of her fan base is, like, in their 20s and 30s now.

submitted 9 months ago by Kichae@kbin.social to c/pics@lemmy.world

Every fall in Cape Breton the tussock moth caterpillars make their appearance, and this past weekend they put on a real show for me. A dozen banded tussocks marched back and forth across the banister at my uncle's house as post-tropical storm Lee passed us by, giving me an opportunity to try out my macro lens. #CapeBreton #NovaScotia #Caterpillar #InsectPhotography #MacroPhotography

[-] Kichae@kbin.social 91 points 9 months ago

Not explicitly, maybe, but implicitly, absolutely, and in multiple ways:

  • Supporting the system that creates one over the other
  • Having 'bootstrap' attitudes about the poor
  • Worrying about property value over utilization
  • Complaining about the homeless rather than the lack of action on housing
  • Voting against people who run on public housing

In so, so many ways, people say they prefer the latter over the former. Usually just with the caveat that the homeless people also be invisible.

[-] Kichae@kbin.social 186 points 9 months ago

And when both get too close, that's when you release yellow

[-] Kichae@kbin.social 92 points 9 months ago

Unity: Successfully implemented a product strategy that floods the market with game developers that know how to use its product.

You, an insufferable prick: "Why would they use a product they could find ready-trained developers for when they could use a niche product no one has any skills in??!?"

[-] Kichae@kbin.social 113 points 9 months ago

1.5 years of learning unity gone down the shitter.

And this is the real damage to their business here. They clearly lost sight of their business model: Create an army of developers who know their product very well, so that it's on a short list of products studios are all but forced to consider.

A wave of developers who know soemthing other than Unity or Unreal has the potential to turn the games development ecosystem totally on its head. They didn't shoot themselves on the foot, they possibly shot themselves in the femoral artery.

[-] Kichae@kbin.social 88 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's stupid, but also it's meaningless. People don't actually enter URLs into web browsers anymore, nor do they pay any attention to the URLs that are plastered over everything. They google the name of the thing they want to access, and "the right view" is easy enough to find.

Worse, it's a podcast, so it's website is just an ad for the actual thing, just like the background is, so it's not like she actually cares if anyone goes there. She wants them to search iTunes or whatever for it.

Laughing at her for the meaningless typo while she successfully markets her shitty podcast is just smug and empty catharsis. It's patting yourself on the back for noticing that your neighbour forgot to turn their lights out when evacuating as wildfires convert your entire neighbourhood to ash.

[-] Kichae@kbin.social 113 points 10 months ago

So, they'd still be wildly profitable, then?


[-] Kichae@kbin.social 90 points 11 months ago

That's stage 3 enshitification for you.

[-] Kichae@kbin.social 162 points 11 months ago

Brands don't have to do shit like this. They have weird trolls with weirder parasocial relationships to intellectual property to do it for them, unprompted.

[-] Kichae@kbin.social 96 points 1 year ago

Being able to one-click subscribe to all communities with the same name known by one's instance is a frequently asked for feature, so I can see it coming down the pipeline, but no, it's not a thing yet.

Even short of that, though, it would be really nice if the community search page had subscribe/unsubscribe buttons right there in the search results. It would at least make it easier.


Well, just ran the first 3 rooms of it, at least.

It's my step-son's 10th birthday this weekend, and for it he requested that we play "D&D". I... I've not been an active player since the pandemic started, and the whole debacle with the OGL really made me decide I didn't want to spend money on the 5e DMG. So, with his blessing, I went with Pathfinder instead.

There were six of us, three adults playing iconic, two 10 year olds playing custom characters, and me behind the screen. Of us all, only the 2nd kid - my step-son' s cousin - was an active D&D player. The rest had dabbled over the years, but hadn't played in a while.

I'm surprised how well the 10 year olds took to it. I've heard people complain about the game being a little more frustrating for people with less patience, due to the abundance of described mechanics, but the 3 generic action point system made combat... Well, not a breeze, since the oversized party still struggle deith the first encounter, but much less co fusing than the "3 separate action pools" of 5e.

I did hand wave away a few rules, just because I wasn't about to tell the birthday boy that circumstance bonuses don't stack when he and the party are struggling to make contact with some ROUSes, but for the most part it went spectacularly well.

It took 3hours to get to the end of the 2nd encounter, but the kids seemed to have a blast, mad were putting up a fight when told we had to pause the game for bedtime.

Ok the whole, I'm very impressed with the whole experience. I can't wait to continue the box!

submitted 1 year ago by Kichae@kbin.social to c/kbinMeta@kbin.social

There have been a lot of threads these last few days discussing the current feature-set of /kbin. While it's good to go out there and get a sense of what's the prevailing opinions are, it's probably actually better for the project as a whole that actual feature requests be lodged at the issue tracker.


Open source projects, and their code repositories, are often treated as the exclusive domain of coders, but the rest of us can actually help guide project engineers by contributing ideas. And like all contributions, they really belong in the project's repository, where they can be viewed in a single location not only by the project's maintainer, but by other code contributors who may see ideas listed and want to take on the task of implementing them.

So, rather than having the same feature down in the 87th comment of a dozen different threads, where code contributors are not likely to see them, let's get them up there front and centre!

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joined 1 year ago