[-] Kid_Thunder@kbin.social 112 points 1 month ago

The restaurant owner arguments are all super weak as usual.

"Menu prices will rise!"

No shit, but everyone was already paying the prices but now you can't just surprise patrons with the increase.

"There will be pullback. People will lose jobs and hours!"

Doubtful but even if true, that means that they knew they were lying to customers and clawing extra charges that they wouldn't know about already.

"'They' are thinking restaurants will absorb the costs"

Not exactly but they will have to compete with pricing as it should be.

They're just trying to get away with playing the same game Telcos have gotten away with for far too many decades.

[-] Kid_Thunder@kbin.social 84 points 1 month ago

The officer's excuse is that he only had the training he had to rely on. Putting his knee into the 7 year old's back and trying to scare the shit out of him saying that he's going to get familiar with the juvenile system, etc. etc. Being an overall piece of absolute shit and he's just essentially cowardly blaming his training.

If you need training on how not to be human garbage to a 7 year old then you surely shouldn't be an officer. That officer needs some serious psychological help.

[-] Kid_Thunder@kbin.social 98 points 1 month ago

I remember many years ago, the AF was charging airmen when some were splitting their tongues. The least they could do is charge these local PD with felonies. Obviously isn't going to happen.

What is crazy is the woman he was video chatting with said he heard a knock, asked who was there. No answer. Then a louder knock a couple of minutes later which is when he got his gun and they burst in. It sounds like it was unannounced.

I hope we get the video for this but Florida is trying to kill all of its open information policies, so we may never get to see it.

I really hope the cops are charged and convicted on at least manslaughter. Florida is pro-gun but also pro-cop. If the video shows them as being unannounced, I could see people actually being concerned because it could happen to any gunowner at that point, racial bias aside.

[-] Kid_Thunder@kbin.social 114 points 2 months ago

Uh violating First Amendment rights? The parade organizers are a private entity not the government. It's too bad a representative in state legislature doesn't understand the Constitution.


Basabe responded, writing, “You have no right to exclude me, not as an individual nor as an elected official, nor may you attempt to set me up again with a bogus ‘public safety claim.’ I have always attended this parade peacefully.”

So he's saying the security/safety claim is bullshit.

He also accused organizers of allowing “extremist” protesters “to agitate the crowds and incite violence against me for political purposes” during last year’s parade.

Now he's saying it isn't.

I thought the GOP was all about private entities refusing service to whoever they want and in a bigger sense less regulation from the 'nanny' government. I guess that only applies when they are being 'discriminated' against.

[-] Kid_Thunder@kbin.social 85 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I know shitpost and all that but this isn't actually true, as in it can't be verified. It was one small mention in a book (Threshold Resistance) by A&W owner Mr. Taubman. He basically said he wanted to know why his same priced 1/3 burgers weren't outselling competing 1/4 pounders...from a competitor...that I'm sure you can guess. So, he hired a marketing firm who put together a little focus group in the 80s. Some of those focus group members supposedly didn't know that 1/3 lb. is bigger than 1/4 lb. burgers.

Keep in mind that there's no evidence or any firm mentioned and the bias surrounding the author that is writing a book about his experiences including a failed venture.

All we know is it is one man's anecdote and it has been used for 39 years so far to make fun of Americans for supposedly not understanding fractions.

[-] Kid_Thunder@kbin.social 115 points 4 months ago

Man jokes about "good sex" being key to his 47 year marriage.

Conservatives: Rage while putting a thrice married rapist on a pedestal of morality supposedly "chosen by God" and what-not.

[-] Kid_Thunder@kbin.social 108 points 5 months ago

she has accused the Satanic Temple of making filings that “are only meant to evoke strong emotions and incite others.”

Uh yeah, it isn't a secret or anything.

What's next? Is she going to say "I don't think they actually believe in Baphomet either!"

[-] Kid_Thunder@kbin.social 83 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I imagine an argument in my head like this:
Comcast: 10G doesn't confuse customers. Obviously we are saying they can buy up to 10 Gbps on our network.

Somebody: Do you call your 1 Gbps plans Xfinity 1G?

Comcast: No

Somebody: Why not call it that instead of Xfinity Gigabit?

Comcast: Because customers might think cell plans at 5G are bett....oohhhhh you almost got us!

I know it didn't go like that but it would have been a good laugh.

[-] Kid_Thunder@kbin.social 101 points 5 months ago

Paranoid extremists get together and become paranoid that everyone else in the group are feds trying to trap them. Trip starts with group praying for guidance and immediately get lost.

This could have been an article in The Onion.

[-] Kid_Thunder@kbin.social 104 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

That's Magic Earth Navigation & Maps and the results are that app's fault.

You can tell from both the app icon and it's the exact same Burger King logo it uses (Google Maps uses a different one).

[-] Kid_Thunder@kbin.social 145 points 7 months ago

“Democrats are trying to scare women into thinking Republicans don’t want abortion legal under any circumstances.”

  • Sean Hannity

I think the GOP did that themselves last year in regards to the 10 year old girl who had to cross state lines into Indiana to get an abortion.

[-] Kid_Thunder@kbin.social 97 points 7 months ago

SEO ruined the Internet because it made SEO essential to be seen in relevant search results above other less relevant search results. In other words, less relevant search results can often be seen on the first page along with more relevant search results, or even sometimes instead of relevant search results on the first 2 pages of any reputable search engine.

Also, Internet Reputation companies have proven that SEO and fake content can be used as a weapon to push relevant search results so far down nobody sees them anymore.

Finally, how many times have you searched for something just to come across some random webpage with just a bunch of word salad that happens to somehow be relevant. An easy example of this are phone numbers. You search for a phone number that called you and chances are you won't see much relevant data. Just a mix of "robocaller" reporting websites -- usually with no information and random websites with just a bunch of phone numbers in sequential order with no relevant data whatsoever. Even if it's a business' actual phone number.

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