[-] Kieselguhr@hexbear.net 12 points 2 days ago

Yes! But the weird thing is not even compared to socdems, but among soulless neoliberals these are just shit candidates... Biden, Starmer, Sunak... wtf

[-] Kieselguhr@hexbear.net 39 points 2 days ago

It's so weird that the very same topic is also the biggest issue according to the European far right. A different continent an ocean away.

It's almost like the rampant imperialism of the global north causes inhumane conditions in the global south and people are desparate to escape.

Or maybe it's something else. Who knows?

[-] Kieselguhr@hexbear.net 35 points 2 days ago

I was told Biden is Palestinian! vote

[-] Kieselguhr@hexbear.net 5 points 2 days ago

dude looked like he could die any week now

[-] Kieselguhr@hexbear.net 13 points 2 days ago

I think the perfect liberal candidate is a relatively good-looking dude in his 40s or 50s who seems like he knows his way around corporate leadership.

I'm not even kidding.

Liberal worldview:

  • They want presentability and decorum.
  • They don't want anything to fundamentally change.
  • They love things like Apple and the neoliberal corporate aesthetic.

Liberal voters want a handsome corpo.

That's why they love Obama, Trudeau, et al.


It is absolutely ridiculous how out of touch they are with their own voter base.

[-] Kieselguhr@hexbear.net 25 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Is there really not some dnc high up tearing g him a new asshole for how bad he fucked that up?

This is the weirdest shit of the current generation of ruling class, both in the US and the EU. Compared to Bismarck, de Gaulle or Teddy Roosevelt, these are just a bunch of senile cretins who are barely capable of finding the toilet (US), or just sniveling little satraps (EU).

Surely these are moments from a declining Empire, right?

The three I mentioned were horrible wankers and war criminals, but if I pretend to be a shitlib they at least seemed/looked "competent statesmen" I guess? While the current crop is a removed bunch

But I'm not a lib, materially speaking it's still the same historical system at different moments in time.

[-] Kieselguhr@hexbear.net 61 points 2 days ago

Remember when Obama appointed Eric Holder to "supposedly" prosecute Wall Street for their role for causing the global economic crash that accelerated the slide towards overt fascism in the west? And the dude was just a Wall Street plant?

In July 2015, Holder rejoined Covington & Burling, the law firm at which he worked before becoming attorney general. The law firm's clients have included many of the large banks Holder declined to prosecute for their alleged role in the financial crisis.

It's relatively small shit compared to actual war crimes but there are thousands of examples like this only form the last 10 years... but liberals forget about them by the next week. I just remembered it randomly.



[-] Kieselguhr@hexbear.net 21 points 5 days ago

hey, maybe they'll get 2.9% answer rate for conscription letters instead of 2.8%

[-] Kieselguhr@hexbear.net 4 points 6 days ago

Meaning? The US attacking the largest country in the EU, and then it was swept under the rug by the EU and the European media.

I'd say that's quite... noteworthy.

[-] Kieselguhr@hexbear.net 103 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

It still amazes me that the general public/mainstream media just forgot about Nord Stream like nothing happened or it never even existed.

This is like undeniable proof of the invented reality of the western public consciousness.

No real investigation by journalists (apart from Hersh), western state agencies said they'll drop the case, walk away, nothing happened.

I bet that at least half of liberals never even heard the official cover story and they still think it was Putler.


[-] Kieselguhr@hexbear.net 77 points 1 month ago

Peak liberal investigative journalism

[-] Kieselguhr@hexbear.net 84 points 1 month ago

Wow madman Putin really did order the riot police to crack the skulls of student protestors... what a piece of shit dictator. Wait... it was the US? Surely EU will sanction them after this. Slava Navalny

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