[-] KindaABigDyl@programming.dev 15 points 2 days ago

They should be worried. We don't want them comfortable.

So many negative things have entered our culture bc people don't care about dangers. Nearly every app should have a warning

[-] KindaABigDyl@programming.dev 1 points 4 days ago

Fr even some of the first few comments are totally unhinged

[-] KindaABigDyl@programming.dev 4 points 4 days ago

Post title is misleading as he's not really the one causing the drama.

The mods gave him a 6-week suspension, and now it's up, so he requested his access back. Nothing unusual

The drama comes from people who just hate the guy and are screaming about letting him back. His response to that was then very cordial and just calling out them for being to aggressive.

I'm not taking a stance on whether his suspension should become a ban or whether he's gonna change or whatever; I'm just saying it's simply false to say he's continuing to cause the drama and problems when all he did was ask to get his commit access back and tell his haters they're being assholes

[-] KindaABigDyl@programming.dev 36 points 3 weeks ago

I wonder if marketing this as "replacement to League" is the best move or if it should market itself as simply a new MOBA

[-] KindaABigDyl@programming.dev 34 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Also fyi there's trash-cli

I have rm aliased to trash-rm (not in sudo tho, so I can still force true deletion), so that if I remove something in terminal it also goes to trash.

You can empty the trash via trash-empty

It also uses ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/Trash (usually ~/.local/share/Trash)

[-] KindaABigDyl@programming.dev 42 points 1 month ago

My biggest disagreement is this:

Do not unnecessarily use braces where a single statement will do.

Always put braces around if statements. It will bite you in the butt

[-] KindaABigDyl@programming.dev 64 points 1 month ago

LibreOffice is the superior IDE for Delphi

[-] KindaABigDyl@programming.dev 33 points 2 months ago

Great reason to push more code out of the kernel and into user land

[-] KindaABigDyl@programming.dev 33 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Return to the office. Forced to use Windows again

[-] KindaABigDyl@programming.dev 28 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Systemd is a large piece of software. There are ways to make it smaller and disable various modules for it, but usually by default it's very heavy.

With a traditional init system, it's just an init system, and you'll use other other programs to do the other things. This basically means a chain of interconnected bash scripts. Perhaps you'll run into some integration issues. Probably not though. It'll be mostly the same.

There is no real advantage to this from a user perspective beyond a philosophical one. Systemd works quite well at doing the things it tries to do, but it's the Unix philosophy to "do one thing and do it well," and some people care very deeply that systemd does not follow their interpretation of that philosophy, and that's certainly a fair reason to not use it.

However, if you're not having problems with using systemd, I'd say don't bother switching.

submitted 11 months ago by KindaABigDyl@programming.dev to c/zelda@lemmy.ml
[-] KindaABigDyl@programming.dev 39 points 11 months ago

Lol is it really free of Western technologies if it's running on Linux?


I have enabled the strongswan plugin for Network Manager via networking.networkmanager.enableStrongSwan.

I manually set up my work VPN using nm-applet, but obviously this won't come with me if I reinstall NixOS, so I'd like to set up the VPN using nix.

The problem is that networking.networkmanager doesn't seem to have any sort of vpn configuration system. How would I go about this?

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