
joined 3 months ago
[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I hate you so much right now.

/said while brushing legs off repeatedly

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

And the people with guns receive their orders from the President and lower hierarchies of the executive branch.

While police are generally 'executive' they are often supposed to take orders directly from the courts. Most warrants begin with phrasing in this manner: "[any] peace officer shall arrest..." Some states also allow judges to directly order peace officers to make arrests for offense committed in the judge's presence without a warrant being drawn up first. Even if their boss is telling them to not do it, they should ignore the unlawful orders and get along with the handcuffing, but it won't ever happen.

Just like how trump was soft-handed in every courtroom for the last four years, I can't imagine any judge right now ordering his appearance at court or an arrest. Anyone with half a brain knows that he would ignore it, and it would go to the supreme court and they would rubber stamp whatever he had done as being not subject to the law because he was 'acting in the presidential capacity.'

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Yeah, but what's GNU?

[–] 8 points 1 month ago

Plot twist, that's just the furry and his long-term lover just activated the remote controlled tail buttplug he has in.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

I think the impact, if any, that it has on the viewer depends on their answer to that question. I enjoyed the movie, but thought the characters acted like emotionally rife teenagers, and that the decisions they made were wrong. I've never felt like rewatching it. I'd make a bet that all of the others in the comments who absolutely loved the movie agreed with the characters' ultimate decisions.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

It's because most of the people who have access, or would have access, are comfortable. The majority of people who undertake actions that will render them Public Enemy #1 are in a religious fervor, situations they think are unbearable or will end them anyway, or are hyped by the (sometimes real) thought that they are acting with the social support of everyone they care about. Luigi, as an example, supposedly suffers from horrible pain in his back, and likely thought that most agreed with him on the evil qualities of healthcare insurers.

Government employees are generally well paid and have good benefits. They'll have families or significant mental/emotional investments in things that they don't want to see suffer because of their actions. Even in the most liberal/progressive of areas, there will also be enough colleagues/associates around that would lick trump's feces to ruin thoughts that 'the majority' of people would support their actions. The ones who are about to be fired may be pushed into a category above, but by that point they'll have that potential access cut off.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Doubtful, eh, though a humorous take. I had the notion that the reason you see yoda, anakin, and obi-wan was because they had left such an impression on the force. Super powerful jedi, lots of effects on the galaxy. What you as the viewer (through the lens of the character) are seeing is the force itself, in its 'mysteries' and movements, with the image of those people, rather like if you were looking at a pool of water and see a shape of a person on the surface after a person shaped rock had been dropped in.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

The servile corporate wageslaves who disregard their rights and throw a fit whenever they need to troubleshoot something,

This is what drives me fucking nuts. Somehow everyone seems to forget that they are constantly troubleshooting "the computer" for the people that they would have to troubleshoot "Linux" for. And why is that such a complaint? After all:

and asking users to click a button or type a word “is just too much.” It’s freaking sad.

Nobody who has had to deal with computers has gotten away from going through some esoteric help website with commands like "win+R," then "sysinfo" or "regex" or whatever, clicking through a five layer deep directory, and changing something. Alternatively, you might have been forced to uninstall a driver and reinstall an older version, or update bios with a usb. The only difference with linux is the instructions you'll be following will be for a terminal line, MAYBE. Just as an example of what you'll find if you're searching for help with linux. They have instructions for if you have no earthly idea what you're doing. No one can tell me that you had that much hand holding when you were having to figure out why the hell the windows update wouldn't install without giving you a bluescreen of death.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Sometimes it is a little more complicated than just getting the mod to be top dog in the launch. I just recently got skyrim working with mods, and it was definitely annoying. I still can't get starcraft to work right.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Bro, no one who is a 'casual user' or is one of the "people who aren't into technology" will ever need to look at the AUR. I've set up Endeavor for a friend who is, lovably, an idiot. He used it, without issue, for games on steam, opening documents, and browsing the web, which is one thing more than most will be using it for. Everything a casual person might need is in a gui.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I like the song, but good god in the sewers, what is up with the comments?

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

Ouch. That suuuuucks.

I had a similar looking tear from someone mysteriously moving a dumbbell to the bottom of the stairs during the night. It's always the most idiotic things with feet.

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