[-] Klnsfw@lemmynsfw.com 10 points 5 days ago

In a relationship built on exclusivity, running into your partner having sex with someone else is a shock for everyone: the one who's cheating, the one who's being cheated on, and the other one. I've been there.

The moment your love life collapses, you don't wonder if this isn't the opportunity to spice up your sexual life.

[-] Klnsfw@lemmynsfw.com 18 points 6 days ago

Making a link between zoophilia and sexual relationships with a queer person, how original!

[-] Klnsfw@lemmynsfw.com 12 points 2 weeks ago

It's much worse to learn development while being lazy about commenting. Or adding them all just before sending your source code to the teacher.

[-] Klnsfw@lemmynsfw.com 19 points 2 weeks ago

Too soon.

I'm still knocked out by the results.

[-] Klnsfw@lemmynsfw.com 15 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

To tell the truth, it's a complex question, like "why are there no female Christian priests". Christianity is a wide thing, with lots of subdivisions. So is freemasonry.

Why no woman ? There are historical reasons: a founding text (Anderson's Constitution) states that to be a Freemason, you have to be a free man. There are also old initiation rituals (a bit like a Masonic baptism) where the person is bare-chested. For traditionalists, this forever excludes women. This is particularly the case in the Anglo-Saxon world. Traditinnalists also often exclude atheists, LGBTQIA+ people, etc.

But worldwide, there are also progressive lodges, mixed or even feminine (which accept male visitors, but do not initiate men). I live in Europe, and in my loge we are about 10 men and 20 women. Lots of us are social workers, teachers, nurses or public servants. Lots of us are atheists or agnostics. Some of us are gay, lesbian or bi.

About what we do, one more time: it depends. The main idea is to have philosophical questionings, based on ritual and symbolism (A bit like a religious person who uses a holy text to nourish their philosophical reflections). All lodges also have charities, because the aim of Freemasonry is to improve oneself in the hope of making the world a better place.

But some progressive lodges (like mine) go further and are places for reflection on society, in a place where everyone can share their point of view without being cut off (this is an absolute rule) and without judgment.

In these lodges, all kinds of issues of social progress are discussed, including feminist issues. But also topics like the defense of democracy, the right to a dignified end of life, the impact of AI on the job market, ecology, the rise of the far right, and so on.

In men's lodges (I sometimes go as a visitor), even the progressive ones, there's very little talk of women in my experience. Except at communal meals, where you can hear the same mysogynistic remarks as in any all-male group (ewww, imho)

[-] Klnsfw@lemmynsfw.com 14 points 1 month ago

The trick is that non-monogamous relationships are not a collection of monogamous relationships where everyone has to fulfill each other's needs and desires.

[-] Klnsfw@lemmynsfw.com 12 points 1 month ago

Banned for minors.

For now, in France, minors can have puberty blockers, hormones, and breast surgery (it's quite rare, needs parental consent, and the process is so long that the surgery usually happens after 18).

I say "for now" because many of us fear that the ban will be extended to adults sooner or later. Transidentity is the new moral panic in France, and the far right is getting dangerously close to power.

[-] Klnsfw@lemmynsfw.com 18 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Some guys like to penetrate, some others like to be penetrated. Some are vers (versatile) and like both but may have a preference.

If you're vers, there's no rule. You can be top and bottom during the same sex session if your partner is vers. Or just be either top or bottom for this session. If your partner is exclusively top or bottom, you can adapt to the situation.

About orgasms. You can have a prostatic stimulation, but the main point is that the anus is a very innervated area, so you can have pleasure just by stimulating it (e.g. annulingus). There's also a form of intellectual pleasure, and the joy to give pleasure to your partner.

And you don't have to get an orgasm each time you have sex. And if you stll want an orgasm, your partner can finish you off with a handjob/blowjob when he's done.

Imagine a world where straight sex would be exclusively oral sex. You could like getting and/or giving oral sex, or both (top, bottom, vers). You could have pleasure just giving oral sex, without always focusing on your orgasm.

[-] Klnsfw@lemmynsfw.com 58 points 4 months ago

Sorry for the Valentine's Day mood, but to be honest, I've had an affair with most of the distros, and sometimes with several of them at the same time.

[-] Klnsfw@lemmynsfw.com 24 points 5 months ago

Bullshit. The croissants are not fried, but baked in the oven.

[-] Klnsfw@lemmynsfw.com 40 points 9 months ago

In 1984, sexuality is emancipatory for Witson and Julian. It's an act of resistance, because sex between consenting adults is a life drive (Eros) opposed to a dead society (Thanatos) that crushes individuals.

To link the defense of pedopornography (i.e. of children crushed by forced sexual relations), with 1984 is a complete contradiction in terms.

[-] Klnsfw@lemmynsfw.com 40 points 9 months ago

Already 419 upvotes, and counting. Glad to see that the instance, not only the mods but also the users, stand against that shit.

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