I get scheduled prescriptions from in person appointments, but for other prescription needs it just seems so expensive to have a 5 minute conversation with a doc just to get a refill and pay like $50 copay.

I googled up some medication I needed, just hoping for some bullshit to ship to my house somehow. And lo and behold, turns out you can literally do that. There are a bunch of telehealth/generic pharmacies you can order from.

I won’t list a single one or say which one I used because I don’t want this to come off as a shill post, but here’s a list of stuff I found


All Day Chemist and Reliable Rx

This is a generic drug manufacturer from India. I think they’re both the same companies because the websites are similar and the listings use the same pictures. I haven’t checked to see if scheduled drugs are available but highly doubtful.


A lot of these require subscriptions (lmao) while some offer per visit payment

Plus Health



Alpha Medical


[-] KnockYourSocksOff@hexbear.net 0 points 1 year ago

:jesse-wtf: how do you expect to make appointments and payments if you don’t… make appointments and payments


joined 1 year ago