
joined 1 year ago

Do not suffer the alien to be cold

Weiß gar nicht was alle haben. Holt euch doch einfach die Bahncard 100, da ist das Deutschlandticket mit drin. Kostet nur ~4500€ im Jahr. Also ~375€ im Monat.

[–] KomfortablesKissen@discuss.tchncs.de 17 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Das richtig traurige: selbst mit ner halben Stunde im Stau stehen bin ich schneller, weniger gestresst UND günstiger als wenn ich Zug fahre.

Da gehen zu viele Fördergelder in die falsche Richtung.

[–] KomfortablesKissen@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Hat mir noch kein Bier ausgegeben.

This is the result of having too many "nothing to hide" idiots.

They are all meaning to say "not my problem", but all they're doing is create problems for themselves and their kids. They only notice, as always with privacy, when it's entirely too late.

In the video you can hear them yelling "Hey! Release the kid!" and stuff like that. They also call the police "murderers" for protecting the child against the thrown stuff, so I don't really take them seriously.

I haven't found any statement from the father, or someone adjacent to them, so I don't know what they have to say about this. Maybe someone can find something.

[–] KomfortablesKissen@discuss.tchncs.de 10 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Source is the police, here is the Link to the news ticker

Here's the relevant part as a screenshot:

Gegen 18 Uhr wurden Einsatzkräfte auf einen Jungen aufmerksam, der zuvor offenbar ohne Begleitung an der Versammlung teilgenommen hatte. Aufgrund der noch andauernden polizeilichen Maßnahmen im Nachgang der Versammlung wurde der Elfjährige zu seinem eigenen Schutz in Obhut genommen. Sein Vater wurde benachrichtigt, der ihn circa 90 Minuten später abholte.

Translated by me:

At about 6:00 PM officers noticed a boy attending the event clearly unsupervised. Because of police activity after the event the 11-year-old was taken into police protection. His father was notified and he took the boy with him after 90 minutes.

[–] KomfortablesKissen@discuss.tchncs.de 27 points 1 week ago (11 children)

According to the police the kid was being chased and secured for his own safety because he was unsupervised at the event. He was returned to the father.

[–] KomfortablesKissen@discuss.tchncs.de 14 points 1 week ago (5 children)

I think not, I like the anime version

[–] KomfortablesKissen@discuss.tchncs.de 123 points 1 week ago (9 children)

If anyone is interested, here is the original (I think):

Never thought I could be a 7/11. Need me an 8.

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