Yep, truly a disgrace. No boob-chasers at all in the theatre or movie industries. Especially not among the guys in charge
She must have been was attacked by the Evil Mad Upsticker What Upsticks At Midnight.
At first I misread this as him wassailing her drawers. Not sure if that would have been better or worse...
I have to think the plot was setting the guy up as a raving lunatic--what other kind of person would berate someone for NOT storing their sweaters in their underwear drawer?
Or at least 79 of their personalities!
His optometrist kept trying to sell him on glasses, but all he needed was to remember to raise his desk.
Also, he'd been wondering for months where that doohickey on the back left corner of the desk had been. "Why did I put it on the under shelf? Oh, right. That was the evening I had that bad trip and spent the evening hiding under my desk."
Great. I'll be way over here then, watching you. If you go crazy, I'll know it was a cosmic horror.
And my skirt! Oh, wait, no; that had polka dots when I bought it.
I was ready to dispute this, but I went out back and tried it--you're dead on. Go scientific method!
Austin Powers!
We saw one yesterday in a parking lot with a big 'fro that was shaved short around the bottom, like a 'fro crossed with a bowl cut. Coincidentally, that was right after commenting in the store that mushrooms must "in" this year for home decorating.
True, he's been blind since birth, but that doesn't mean the buffalo wasn't great.