[-] KpntAutismus@lemmy.world 75 points 4 months ago

with sonic runners, they had to reverse engineer the whole server infrastructure. i'd say the chances of you patching out server checks without decompiling the entire game are low.

but i'm not any kind of programmer, so i'd love to be proven wrong.

[-] KpntAutismus@lemmy.world 81 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

how would we be?

i'm gonna list a few things:

  • war in europe
  • genocide in gaza
  • everything is a subscription
  • appliances are made to fail now
  • phone manufacturers blindly follow apple's horrible decisions
  • housing market is going to hell
  • general enshittification of every service
  • cars are getting worse every day, be it the phasing out of ICEs in favour of EVs that have no hope of lasting even 20 years (that one may be fixed until 2035), the general reliability problems or the ugly designs.
  • Windows is actively getting more invasive and even less private, although linux is looking very promising
  • the political right is getting more drastic, and it seems to be working for them


  • global warming, i forgor

i am not surprised

[-] KpntAutismus@lemmy.world 74 points 5 months ago

people using user agent switcher so they can use bullshit like teams probably introduces errors into the statistics so microsoft can claim most users use chromium anyway.

[-] KpntAutismus@lemmy.world 88 points 6 months ago

"the land of the free"

[-] KpntAutismus@lemmy.world 83 points 6 months ago

in a fair world, all of these companies who abuse the GPL license woild get sued and have to face actual consequences. but the legal system favors the rich, and the FOSS dev is left to starve. killed by their own passion.

[-] KpntAutismus@lemmy.world 83 points 6 months ago

so if you didn't know, humans need sleep. and lucid dreams are more being awake than being asleep neurologically speaking.

so this company wants people to basically stay awake 24/7. sure, that's gonna work out just fine. no problems here.

[-] KpntAutismus@lemmy.world 77 points 6 months ago

publicly trade companies? the ones purely focused on profit? yup, hate 'em

[-] KpntAutismus@lemmy.world 73 points 7 months ago

the main complaint from me is still the headphone jack. they faced insane backlash when they released the FP4. i thought this company cares about the user as well as the environment. but it seems they didn't realize that people want actual features (like wireless charging, the headphone jack, or a usable battery size).

don't get me wrong, i own a Fairphone 4 and love using it. but making these mistakes 2 times in a row now is just pathetic.

[-] KpntAutismus@lemmy.world 82 points 8 months ago

we have nailed 2D printers. enshittification in the name of profits ruined them. i recommed epson eco-tank printers by the way. no subscription and one 10€ bottle lasts for hundreds of pages.

[-] KpntAutismus@lemmy.world 77 points 8 months ago

who would have thought that taxing the richest money hoarders would actually bring money back into the economy?

[-] KpntAutismus@lemmy.world 78 points 9 months ago

my cat's name is basically pronounced "cookie", but gets spelled kouki. found it a pretty interesting name because it means hope and/or happines depending on how you write it, it fit pretty well because i got him to help with my depression. and i think it worked pretty well. he is also very handsome.

[-] KpntAutismus@lemmy.world 81 points 9 months ago

time to hook an old pc running linux up to that bad boy. while you're at it, maybe set up a NAS. they can't get to you on open source software!

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