[-] KrombopulosMikl@lemmynsfw.com 47 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Can we please start ignoring these groups? “The Children” are their only concern no matter how it might negatively affect anyone else. Kids who are abused or trafficked should be helped, but that’s not the only issue we have right now and it’s definitely not more important than the effects eroding privacy would have for people and groups around the world. But these “wHaT aBoUt ThE cHiLdReN?!” groups really don’t care - as long as their concerns are addressed everyone else can go fuck themselves. Plus, lots of these groups are primarily staffed and run by former or current LEO who would like to see less privacy anyways.

[-] KrombopulosMikl@lemmynsfw.com 9 points 10 months ago

Yep. We can’t have state run vehicle inspections, but we have state run liquor stores.

I’m originally from FL. Once upon a time it was a liberal state, but it’s constantly flooded with new immigrants from the north that don’t want to pay taxes (aka Freeloaders) who are mostly right wingers. I’m hopeful that this trend will continue and that enough right wingers from PA will move there and result in PA becoming a little less conservative.

[-] KrombopulosMikl@lemmynsfw.com 8 points 10 months ago

Wait a second. Is there decent sex on Netflix? Where is it?!

[-] KrombopulosMikl@lemmynsfw.com 16 points 10 months ago

More OC porn

[-] KrombopulosMikl@lemmynsfw.com 10 points 11 months ago

Lemmynsfw is the biggest reason I’m on here.

Social media for anything else is just toxic, so other than niche things, I get most of my news from news sites now (that way I don’t have to see all the awful comments that just infuriate me).

[-] KrombopulosMikl@lemmynsfw.com 4 points 11 months ago

I’m not saying tech doesn’t have a place. Obviously we shouldn’t go back to drawing things in dirt with a stick. But we’ve tried EVERYTHING except for what would make a significant improvement: the best teachers and more time in the classroom.

[-] KrombopulosMikl@lemmynsfw.com 30 points 11 months ago

We don’t need more technology in schools. We need more time and to pay teachers more so we can attract the best people to the field. Technology can’t solve everything and our educational system has been under attack for at least 30 years. You wanna fix education? Fund it like the military.

[-] KrombopulosMikl@lemmynsfw.com 6 points 11 months ago

Wow. I really don’t want the government collecting all kinds of information on me. But I also don’t want corporations collecting all kinds of data on me. Can we address that next?

[-] KrombopulosMikl@lemmynsfw.com 5 points 11 months ago

Is that where the tumor is? If not, it could be an abscess. If you can get him to the vet sooner that would be good.

[-] KrombopulosMikl@lemmynsfw.com 6 points 11 months ago

Is this a joke?

[-] KrombopulosMikl@lemmynsfw.com 5 points 11 months ago

Damn! I want to taste it!

[-] KrombopulosMikl@lemmynsfw.com 5 points 1 year ago

Yum! I could go down on you for hours!

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