I've done some reprehensible things, but I don't think I'm a bad person. Bit of a short temper but I try be good to everyone and not hurt or use people like I was. But if karma existed, you would say I was a veritable Genghis Khan

I don't quite agree, the metrics were designed to be out of your control, with the only way to meet them being doing more work than actually necessary and to always attempt to deliver the best work.

Mosh moof

Fuck, I can't do it, they're right!

[-] KyuubiNoKitsune@lemmy.blahaj.zone 49 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Some of these are funny and make me laugh but I really hate that this seems to be the Linux identity.

Shitting on Windows and it's users got old years ago. I see one of these every few days, or I see it in the comments attacking other users, it's just miserable and sad after a while.

Like we get it, windows bad, lets move on.

[-] KyuubiNoKitsune@lemmy.blahaj.zone 89 points 4 months ago

Trans people, seriously, they just want to live their lives in peace. They're not here to radicalise anything or to "trick" anyone. They just want to get on with their lives and be left alone.

[-] KyuubiNoKitsune@lemmy.blahaj.zone 146 points 4 months ago

Soon it'll be illegal to end your ovulation cycle because every egg is a life. Jesus these people are some fucking dumb religious zealots.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by KyuubiNoKitsune@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/games@lemmy.world

So I've worked in IT for around 18 years now and in that time I've worked for 2 gaming companies, I started my most recent a year ago, but I'm wondering if I should just jump ship for the tech industry again, I'm now waiting for the layoffs in our business unit. I'm an immigrant living on a work permit and losing my job will mean losing the life I've made for myself over the last 4 years, and that terrifies me.

I used to love the company I work for but now I'm wondering if it's worth it anymore.

[-] KyuubiNoKitsune@lemmy.blahaj.zone 38 points 6 months ago

When there isn't a genocide in the works maybe that'd be true. But why not let him rather make jokes about the Palestinian kids being murdered, because fuck everyone right? It shows your utter disconnect from the matter. It's fine that he punches down as long as it's not you that's being punched down on and having your right to be alive eroded every day while more and more hate murders happen to trans people, because that's so funny right? Haha fuck them... You don't sound like you're really marginalised at all, nor persecuted for being alive, so I think until you are, people with your viewpoint should just stfu.

[-] KyuubiNoKitsune@lemmy.blahaj.zone 85 points 7 months ago

What they're saying here is that the right is made from people who are fucked up, have very little respect and are often racist, not that there's anything wrong with the left. But they're too dumb to realise that I guess.

[-] KyuubiNoKitsune@lemmy.blahaj.zone 64 points 10 months ago

When I first saw some of their posts I thought that we'd federated with a right wing instance tbh.

[-] KyuubiNoKitsune@lemmy.blahaj.zone 44 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Damn, I'm not one for drama but Holy shit their comments on that thread are fucked up, they seem like a really toxic and unhealthy bunch of people.

We're generally better off without extremists who's only defense to anything they don't like is attacking others and badmouthing them.

It really shows their general character and maturity levels.

Also, it seems like there are a lot of other instances asking mods for defederation due to toxicity.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by KyuubiNoKitsune@lemmy.blahaj.zone to c/askelectronics@discuss.tchncs.de


I'm looking for some help in a field that is super technical and I don't fully understand.

I'm planning on using a bunch of these seeed studio Esp modules for some home automation projects, especially because they have a lipo battery charger making it great for portable stuff.

The thing is the the ESP32s have U.FL SMD antenna connectors. Most of the antennas that you can buy with U.FL connections while are reasonably small, come with 50-150mm leads, which sort of makes the small size of the module a little less valid.

What I'd like to do is get a female U.FL SMD connector and make a small daugherboard with an 2.4GHz SMD antenna on it, for instance a Janson 2450AT42B100 or a Molex 479480001.

They go over the circuit board requirements quite thoroughly so I don't think designing it will be too difficult, but what I don't know is, they say that you need impedance matching on the circuit, and I see that there appears to be something that looks like it on the ESP circuit diagram, but I'm not actually sure if it is or not:

You can see it in the middle near the bottom of the diagram here: Seeeduino-XIAO-ESP32C3-SCH

So my questions are:

1: Is this a dumb idea, having a direct plug-on SMD antenna?

2: Is that an impedance matchning circuit between LNA_IN on the ESP chip and U.FL-R-SMT-1?

3: If I can't get a female U.FL SMD connector, would using one with a lead and shortening it to make the daughterboard able to be much closer to the connector affect anything? Do I need to ensure that the lead length matches the wavelength at all?

Edit: Found this SMD female U.FL, so they do exist.

[-] KyuubiNoKitsune@lemmy.blahaj.zone 67 points 11 months ago

Simply because it's a system based on infinite growth in a finite world.

Look at what the greed of capitalism is doing to our planet.

In a perfect world where humans aren't greedy, maybe it could work, but humans are evil and greedy and it'll never work.

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