I'm sure most of us have had to deal with issues reported by end users that we ourselves aren't able to reproduce

This video is an extended case study going through my thought process as I tried to track down and fix a mysterious performance regression which impacted a small subset of end users

I look at the impact of acquiring mutex locks across different threads, identifying hot paths by attaching to running processes, using state snapshot comparisons to avoid triggering hot paths unnecessarily, the memory implications of bounded vs unbounded channels, and much more

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by LGUG2Z@lemmy.world to c/nix@programming.dev

I updated my NixOS on WSL starter template for NixOS 24.05 and created a fresh walkthrough video.

WSL is how I first got started with NixOS (and now I use it to manage more servers and machines than I can keep track of!) and I'm a big proponent of being able to quickly spin up a simple flake with a relatively flat structure where people can play around with settings to come up with something they feel comfortable applying to a bare metal machine at a later point in time.


Hi friends, I develop and maintain the komorebi tiling window manager and have been posting live coding videos documenting its development for just over a year now.

I'm starting a new mini series on building a visual debugging gui tool to aid development on komorebi and especially to help with understanding some of the more esoteric edge cases and the interactions between the twm, user-defined rules and WinEvents.

I'll be building this from scratch using egui/eframe, so if you're interested in what building a non-trivial real-world immediate-mode gui and integrating with other (Rust, in this case) processes via IPC looks like, you'll probably get something out of this series.


Sharing some numbers on what people can realistically expect with GitHub Sponsors on a moderately popular project without any external / VC / corporate backing.

submitted 3 months ago by LGUG2Z@lemmy.world to c/nixos@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/13113247

After learning how to add an unstable overlay to nixpkgs, being able to override individual service modules from unstable was something that I still struggled with until fairly recently. Hopefully this helps someone else looking to do common-but-not-very-obvious operation.

submitted 3 months ago by LGUG2Z@lemmy.world to c/nix@programming.dev

After learning how to add an unstable overlay to nixpkgs, being able to override individual service modules from unstable was something that I still struggled with until fairly recently. Hopefully this helps someone else looking to do common-but-not-very-obvious operation.


In this video I discuss the trade-offs of building on top of unstable reverse-engineered private APIs, why I decided against it, and compare to similar software that chose to use them.

A couple of people who aren't particularly interested in the software itself told me that this was an interesting and engaging video on general programming approaches when building applications for closed-source systems, so I thought I'd share it a bit more widely here.

submitted 5 months ago by LGUG2Z@lemmy.world to c/nix@programming.dev
[-] LGUG2Z@lemmy.world 2 points 6 months ago

Thanks for the kind words :) Sent you a message ๐Ÿคž

[-] LGUG2Z@lemmy.world 4 points 6 months ago

tl;dr all the same caveats with self-hosted software apply; don't do anything you wouldn't do with a self hosted database or monitoring stack.

Well the actual rules โ€” who gets access to what

The rules themselves are the same public rules in the IAM docs on AWS, GCP etc., while the collections of these public rules (eg. the storage_analytics_ro example in the README) defined at the org level will likely be stored in two ways: 1) in a (presumably private) infra-as-code repo most probably using the Terraform provider or a future Pulumi provider, 2) the data store backing the service which I talk about more below.

"Who received access to what" is something that is tracked in the runtime logs and audit logs, but as this is a temporary elevated access management solution where anyone who is given access to the service can make a request that can be approved or denied, this is not the right place or tool for a general long-lived least-privilege mapping of "this rule => this person/this whole team".

where is that stored and how is it secured, to what standards?

This is largely up to the the team responsible for the implementation and maintenance, just like it would be for a self-hosted monitoring stack like Prom + Grafana or a self-hosted PostgreSQL instance; you can have your data exposed through public IPs, FQDNs and buckets with PostgreSQL or Prom + Grafana, or you can have them completely locked down and only available through a private network, and the same applies with Satounki.

Is there logging, audit, non-repudiation, tamper-proof, time-stamping etc.

Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes, though the degree of confidence in each of these depends to some degree on the competence of the people responsible for the implementation and the maintenance of the service as is the case with all things self-hosted.

If deployed in an organization which doesn't adhere to at least a basic least-privilege permissions approach, there is nothing stopping a bad internal actor with Administrator permissions wherever this is deployed from opening up the database directly and making whatever malicious changes they want.

[-] LGUG2Z@lemmy.world 2 points 6 months ago

What sort of sensitive data are you imagining in your reading of the README? It would be useful to understand to update the language appropriately ๐Ÿ™

submitted 6 months ago by LGUG2Z@lemmy.world to c/devops@programming.dev

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/9143654

Apologies in advance for sharing two link posts here two days in a row. Unemployment may be driving me a little nuts... ๐Ÿ˜…

I've been working on Satounki since I got laid off last month. It's the culmination of a lot of experience building similar ad-hoc internal tooling at various places throughout my professional career.

Satounki already includes:

  • AWS support
  • GCP support
  • Cloudflare support
  • Auto-generated Terraform providers from the Rust API
  • Auto-generated Typescript client wrapper from the Rust API
  • Slack bot for request notifications, approvals and rejections
  • CLI for requests, approvals and rejections
  • Dashboard for exploring policies, requests and stats

The scope of this project is pretty big and I'm looking for contributors.

The majority of the project is written in Rust, including the generated Go and TS code. The stack is pretty simple; Actix, Diesel, SQLite, Tera etc., so if you have experience with writing web apps in Rust it should feel familiar!

Even if this is a totally new stack to you, this is a great project to develop some familiarity and experience with it, especially if you can help improve the quality of the generated Go and TS code at the same time!

submitted 6 months ago by LGUG2Z@lemmy.world to c/rust@programming.dev

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/9143654

Apologies in advance for sharing two link posts here two days in a row. Unemployment may be driving me a little nuts... ๐Ÿ˜…

I've been working on Satounki since I got laid off last month. It's the culmination of a lot of experience building similar ad-hoc internal tooling at various places throughout my professional career.

Satounki already includes:

  • AWS support
  • GCP support
  • Cloudflare support
  • Auto-generated Terraform providers from the Rust API
  • Auto-generated Typescript client wrapper from the Rust API
  • Slack bot for request notifications, approvals and rejections
  • CLI for requests, approvals and rejections
  • Dashboard for exploring policies, requests and stats

The scope of this project is pretty big and I'm looking for contributors.

The majority of the project is written in Rust, including the generated Go and TS code. The stack is pretty simple; Actix, Diesel, SQLite, Tera etc., so if you have experience with writing web apps in Rust it should feel familiar!

Even if this is a totally new stack to you, this is a great project to develop some familiarity and experience with it, especially if you can help improve the quality of the generated Go and TS code at the same time!


Apologies in advance for sharing two link posts here two days in a row. Unemployment may be driving me a little nuts... ๐Ÿ˜…

I've been working on Satounki since I got laid off last month. It's the culmination of a lot of experience building similar ad-hoc internal tooling at various places throughout my professional career.

Satounki already includes:

  • AWS support
  • GCP support
  • Cloudflare support
  • Auto-generated Terraform providers from the Rust API
  • Auto-generated Typescript client wrapper from the Rust API
  • Slack bot for request notifications, approvals and rejections
  • CLI for requests, approvals and rejections
  • Dashboard for exploring policies, requests and stats

The scope of this project is pretty big and I'm looking for contributors.

The majority of the project is written in Rust, including the generated Go and TS code. The stack is pretty simple; Actix, Diesel, SQLite, Tera etc., so if you have experience with writing web apps in Rust it should feel familiar!

Even if this is a totally new stack to you, this is a great project to develop some familiarity and experience with it, especially if you can help improve the quality of the generated Go and TS code at the same time!

[-] LGUG2Z@lemmy.world 6 points 6 months ago

Thanks! Turns out I have a lot more time on my hands to be found around the internet since I got laid off last month ๐Ÿ˜…


This (Windows employing different methods to prevent users from writing programs that programmatically change application focus) has been an ongoing struggle for me for the better part of 3 years.

I finally made what feels like some significant progress this past week.

If you've ever obsessively gone deep down into a hole trying to understand and wrangle weird OS-level behaviors before, you might enjoy this video and feel a vicarious sense of victory :)

[-] LGUG2Z@lemmy.world 2 points 7 months ago

This looks cool! It's not packaged on nixpkgs yet so I might package it and then try to selfhost ๐Ÿ‘€

[-] LGUG2Z@lemmy.world 5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I wish I had more advice, but I'm in a similar boat, just got laid off earlier this month after being with the same company from Series A in 2018 all the way until today. I'm sending job applications and trying to get interviews, but it's hard to get past the resume screening stage, even with 8+ years of experience.

I've mainly been working in DevOps/SRE/Platform Infrastructure, but I am also an accomplished developer with a pretty thick portfolio of widely used open source projects, though it doesn't seem to matter.

There are so many applicants for every single job now that it feels hopeless, and of course every single opening wants you to waste your time on multiple asinine LeetCode gotcha questions.

If I lived somewhere with a public health system I'd love to take what money I have saved up and open a traditional middle eastern bakery, but I need to do something that will bring health coverage for myself and my family. Who knows, I might just end up working at Trader Joe's. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€

[-] LGUG2Z@lemmy.world 2 points 7 months ago

It's not exactly a traditional RSS feed, but I run a feed of my highlights on all things related to software development, and I'm an experienced DevOps engineer so a lot of my highlights are coloured by that experience.

If you come across a highlight that is interesting you can click to go and read the whole source article or comment. You can check out a HTML version before you decide if you wanna subscribe to the RSS feed.

[-] LGUG2Z@lemmy.world 5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I think it's a stack that really pays off in the long run for solo projects. After a long week of work the last thing I want to do is go tracking down runtime errors (undefined is not a function, my old friend) or messing around with Docker containers and Kubernetes clusters. It also doesn't hurt that once you throw away the costly deployment abstractions, the operating expenses turn out to be a lot cheaper.

[-] LGUG2Z@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

I actually stayed there (I'm still there); just finished taking my 2 month paid sabbatical, I now have an 8 hour time zone difference with most engineers so I get to work on my own without distractions, and I have a strong policy of not developing anything bespoke and only plugging together off-the-shelf components (I specialize in Platform and Infrastructure).

With the mindset shift, it's actually a pretty relaxing job. I make $180k, which isn't the best salary, but also far from the worst, and I have both an abundance of time and very little oversight (amplified with the timezone difference now that I'm in the US) which means that I can use that salary to pursue things that I am interested in, spend time with my family etc.

I definitely thought about quitting at the time, but visa restrictions (I had just arrived in the US on an L1-B visa which is non-transferable) meant that I couldn't. Now I'm a permanent resident, so I could leave if I wanted to, but I think that "quiet quitting" is still the right choice for where I'm at in my life.

[-] LGUG2Z@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

A few years ago, back when I still gave a damn (and probably during my most productive quarter in my entire professional career), somebody complained that my language was too curt on Slack, and I was a denied a 20k performance bonus as a result. It was pretty easy to not care after that.

[-] LGUG2Z@lemmy.world 13 points 11 months ago

More and more lulls with more and more years of experience. I hit the gym more, socialize more, cook more extravagantly, take walks more often etc. The most important thing was to train myself to not give a damn when people were making stupid decisions at work that were going to bite them N months down the line during those lulls.

[-] LGUG2Z@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

It's a piece of software which automatically arranges open windows on your desktop according to different algorithms and layouts, and allows you to switch focus them and move them around in the layout by using keyboard shortcuts. One you get in the flow, you very rarely have to use the mouse to move windows around, maximize them, minimize them, resize them etc.

If you've ever seen a post on !unixporn@lemmy.ml or similar places, the vast majority of them are using tiling window managers to get that look of clean organized windows on the desktop!

view more: next โ€บ


joined 1 year ago