Probably was Aldrich Aims, he's is one of the best known American double agents and passed a bunch of lie detectors. He did it for money though so he's not as cool as the Cambridge Five in my opinion.

Kendall Myers is his wife Gwendolyn were very based however. They worked for the state department and passed secrets to the Cuban government for 30 years out of ideological loyalty.

According to a "law enforcement official", they were "true believers" in the Cuban system.[11] The United States federal affidavit quoted a diary entry by Kendall Myers as saying, "I can see nothing of value that has been lost by the revolution. The revolution has released enormous potential and liberated the Cuban spirit",[11] and referred to Fidel Castro as "one of the great political leaders of our time."[13] Other entries quoted reference a comparison of health care in the United States and healthcare in Cuba, and "complacency about the poor" in the United States.[11]

Unfortunately they caught him and he is now locked up at ADX Florence supermax facility, where they put all the terrorists.

At what point are we going step back as a society and realize this shit is pathetic? I'm sure our rivals don't need to use softcore porn to meet their recruiting targets. This is some real imperial decay shit right here.

US military has been failing to hit it's recruitment targets for years now. Mostly because American young people are too fat/insane/depressed/addicted to drugs to pass the basic physical and mental requirements, and not because of based reasons. It's like only 20% of that age range is potentially healthy enough to serve which is kind of insane. Hope we won't need to fight a big war soon lol

Maybe they think they can trick horny teenagers into getting into shape and joining the military if they believe there is some hot gurl waiting for them. I doubt it.

[-] LeninWalksTheWorld@hexbear.net 0 points 2 years ago

part of that is that the whole faction is half-baked because it was rushed to release. Legion got the most cut from it, multiple towns beyond the Colorado were scrapped. And siding with the legion locks you out of a lot of other quests, so why bother?

[-] LeninWalksTheWorld@hexbear.net 0 points 2 years ago

Gorbachev wasn't a full liberal he was a reformist and basically wanted social democracy. The liberal opposition that he at first championed with glastnost quickly outflanked him while the Soviet conservatives also hated him. His naivete and ineptitude destroyed the country by allowing liberal and nationalist forces (Yeltsin and his cronies) to tear the union apart from under his unsteady feet. The August coup was an attempt by the conservatives to force Gorbachev to fucking do something to save the country (several states had already declared independence at this point), but he couldn't even be assed to take a side so the conservative had to try to throw together a new government overnight.

So he's less of a sell out (that fits Yeltsin better) and more of a person who was just completely incapable of recognizing the situation and was overcome by more decisive forces.

[-] LeninWalksTheWorld@hexbear.net 1 points 2 years ago

guard is great you get to be like those historically incorrect descriptions of the Soviet Union, sending unarmed masses to soak up the bullets with their cheap bodies while your commissars shoot everyone who even thinks of running away. Great fun.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by LeninWalksTheWorld@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net
submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by LeninWalksTheWorld@hexbear.net to c/history@hexbear.net

Also in the original German it wasn't socialists second it was the sozialdemokraten (social democrats)

Fourth Reich :amerikkka: :germany-cool:

[-] LeninWalksTheWorld@hexbear.net 1 points 3 years ago

F451 is good. I personally love Brave New World and it relates to modern society wayyyyyyy more that 1984. Huxley is the King of Dystopian SciFi and also on his deathbed he asked to wife to give him acid so he could die while tripping balls. Absolute legend.

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by LeninWalksTheWorld@hexbear.net to c/main@hexbear.net

leave it a mystery if you are a left winger or a right winger or even a trot yourself.

Orwell was objectively trash read this where Issac Asimov destroys him

[-] LeninWalksTheWorld@hexbear.net 1 points 3 years ago

Here my one and only experience with PSL:

There was a large scale teacher strike in the state and some anarchists set up a table at the rally. The anarchists let PSL drop off some flyers at the table so the anarchists could hand then out for them. I got one which said there was a meeting that weekend.

I show up a little early ~5-10mins , and of course no one is there. I wait around for about 20 minutes and finally someone, a white lady, shows up. She swears she's not the only member and the rest are in the way. We have some small talk about the strike and probably another 10 minutes later a van pulls up. What follows is the most "American leftist moment" of my life.

First guy to get out is a young white guy. Once his feet hit the ground, he immediately take a massive hit from his modkit and blows a quite impressive sized cloud. Then a old white guy get outs and starts unloading boxes of..guess what? Newspapers. The 3 sit down and we're all given newspapers. It becomes clear to me now this is everyone that is going to show up.

Remember how there was a teacher strike in my state? Well we immediately launch into a discussion about Assad, Syria, chemical weapons and imperialism since that's the front page news of their newspaper. This dominated the majority of the meeting but we all agreed that the US should fuck off. We have a quick 10 minute discussion about the strike before everyone has to leave.

Overall org rating: Better than trots because at least they don't support imperialism in the newspaper

[-] LeninWalksTheWorld@hexbear.net 1 points 3 years ago

Anyone who uses the term "caucusoid extraction" deserves to have his caucusoid brain extracted from his skull Shutter Island style.


joined 3 years ago