[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 60 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The chicken vs egg question has never been about chronology or science.

It’s been about religion vs science.

Science says the egg came first: something nearly imperceptibly not quite a chicken laid an egg that hatched a chicken. That’s how evolution works, with the egg coming first.

Religion says a god poofed a chicken into existence. The chicken came first, and only ever laid pure chicken eggs. The eggs will forever hatch a chicken and nothing but a chicken.

That’s the chicken vs egg thing. It’s not a puzzle at all, it’s just science vs religion.

e: simplified. I’m too wordy by default.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 55 points 3 months ago

This will sound ridiculous to most people:

I didn’t go to school after the 8th grade. I dropped out for several reasons, but even without lying, I talked my way into a very good career in IT. There was no database of schooling and I was hired on my personal merits, then I built a user experience department before that was actually a thing.

Within a few years, I was responsible for hiring but couldn’t hire anyone like myself. I wasn’t allowed to even consider anyone without a college degree, so I would have had to reject myself.

I’m not sure where I’m going with this. That was 2002, and now in 2024, we’re rejecting people who might be awesome at their job (not to toot my horn, but I was very good at what I did and won industry awards) because they can’t afford to get a degree, as I couldn’t.

Most industries are pay to play now, and you can’t even break in by being exceptional nowadays. We’re trapping people out of what they’re great at and would love to do just because they were born into poverty.

Imagine the gifts we’re suppressing and squandering.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 56 points 5 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

People downplay that Access Hollywood tape, but he wasn’t joking. He was completely serious. In his mind, he could - and did – literally grab women’s pussies because he thought they’d just let him do it.

Here’s the thing, as an SA survivor, there are several natural reactions to situations like that – fight, flight, or freeze. In close quarters, you often can’t flee, and with a large attacker, you can’t always fight. Freezing is a very common response to sexual assault.

So all these years, when he says ‘they just let you do it’, he’s been describing his victims’ freeze response. You don’t have to be a star for that to be your victim’s reaction. And yet his followers and the media have turned it into a joke.

I think I can speak for many SA survivors when I say that’s disgusting, appalling, and hurtful.

e: a few words

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 64 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

On the other hand, why is Europe depending on the US for their own defense?

They’re not. That’s kind of a weird thing to say, if you have any understanding of the situation.

The point of NATO is to present a unified front against the ever-present authoritarian threat in the region that’s been ongoing since WWII, and the US as a founding member has spent more on their military by orders of magnitude, so has had an outsized voice in NATO.

If they pull out those resources, that would hurt the coalition because, again, with their military spending being more than ten times the next ten countries combined, they’re the silverback gorilla in the room, and losing that against countries willing to throw their entire population as human cannon fodder into conflicts because they don’t care about human costs would hurt a lot. What happens when Russia decides to reclaim the rest of the countries Putin thinks are rightly part of their federation, because Putin has delusions of becoming an historical tsar? What happens when Trump’s US backs Putin in that effort?

Your few guns will not fix any of this. Your few guns will not even help stave off anything in your own county. That’s never how this has worked. This will be ushered in while you get your groceries and watch Netflix, with no clear enemy to fight, after an authoritarian has been voted in as president, as everything else is just a Tuesday.

I appreciate that you think you can head off the next major fascist regime because you’re armed, but that’s not how this works. You will never have a target to shoot at. You will be just like average Germans in the 1930s, waiting for the moment it has gone too far, and then in the late 40s trying to figure out when that moment actually happened.

e: also, there are no ‘orange shirts’. Your terminology is tres bizarre. It’s Brownshirts or red caps. That’s an embarrassing mistake to make.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 62 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

It’s a prank or one of those faked outrage memes.

When this was posted on reddit with a title saying it had been purchased this way, some people who worked at ice cream factories chimed in saying that was bullshit – they could tell by the way the ice cream was swirled under the frog. They said it looked like the ice cream was normal when purchased, and someone had added the frog after the fact.

Apparently they could tell because the container would have been sealed in the factory before the ice cream had set, whilst it was still quite soft. If the frog had entered at that time, it would have mushed down into the ice cream more, rather than being just on the surface. You certainly wouldn’t be able to see the feet like that.

Tl;dr: It was originally posted as outrage bait, IIRC.

(e: found the reddit post)

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 56 points 7 months ago

Wait til they hear about Shakespeare, or basically all of the history of theatre.


Shortly after this picture was taken, we were on a float with my mother for the bicentennial parade. She made both our outfits of a (very itchy) polyester gabardine, and she wore a dress to match.

The apples my sister is holding meant something, but I don’t remember what and now I can’t ask her. I’d be very interested if anyone knows the significance of the apples during the US bicentennial.

I was 5 and my sister was 3.

submitted 9 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/starfield@lemmy.zip

I haven’t seen this with any other characters (lvl 46), but Sam Coe does this all the time. It’s so very creepy.

submitted 9 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/aww@lemmy.world

They’re both semi-feral and don’t always get along. Precious (the calico) doesn’t often have patience with her daughter, and Moppy (the big one) spooks at everything, real or imagined. I’ll never get another picture like this, so had to share.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 55 points 9 months ago

It’s infuriating that people are beholden to this fucking loser.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 55 points 9 months ago

Wait, they just figured out that famously hateful far-right pundit Candice Owens spews hateful, far right talking points? Who could possibly have seen that coming?

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 59 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Well fuck me, apparently. The Adobe and Sibelius fees already break me, and I’ve invested enough in Unity assets (not to mention the learning curve) to get a game close to preproduction, and this could drive me out.

I’m a tiny Dev just trying to break into VR, console, and mobile by myself, and am dirt poor with no support, just my knowledge and talent. I’m working on three beta projects, but this makes me scared to continue on Unity.

I’m a good designer and developer with industry experience, but my health has forced me into smaller Indy projects. I put all my eggs in Unity’s basket and now it feels like they’re ditching me just at the point I was ready for production.

God dammit. :(

Time Travel and Time Machines (www.researchgate.net)


This paper is an enquiry into the logical, metaphysical, and physical possibility of time travel understood in the sense of the existence of closed worldlines that can be traced out by physical objects. We argue that none of the purported paradoxes rule out time travel either on grounds of logic or metaphysics. More relevantly, modern spacetime theories such as general relativity seem to permit models that feature closed worldlines. We discuss, in the context of Gödel's infamous argument for the ideality of time based on his eponymous spacetime, what this apparent physical possibility of time travel means. Furthermore, we review the recent literature on so-called time machines, i.e., of devices that produce closed worldlines where none would have existed otherwise. Finally, we investigate what the implications of the quantum behaviour of matter for the possibility of time travel might be and explicate in what sense time travel might be possible according to leading contenders for full quantum theories of gravity such as string theory and loop quantum gravity.

The circle of loot (i.imgur.com)
submitted 9 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/starfield@lemmy.zip

Proof this is a Bethesda game. It feels like home.

submitted 9 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/starfield@lemmy.zip

I’m no astrobiologist. Could be defensive or a mating display. Open to ideas.

  1. There is a large philosophical literature on the first two paradoxes (and others), see, e.g., the entry on time travel, Wasserman (2018), and Effingham (2020), but very little on the easy knowledge paradox (emphasized by Deutsch 1991, discussed further below). Our approach differs from the literature surveyed in these two books by focusing on the physical—rather than metaphysical—possibility of time travel.

  2. Multiple collisions are handled in the obvious way by continuity considerations: just continue straight lines through the collision point and identify which particle is which by their ordering in space.

  3. The dynamics here is radically non-time-reversible. Indeed, the dynamics is deterministic in the future direction but not in the past direction.

[the rest won’t paste properly]

Interesting discussion by Christopher Smeenk.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 57 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Thank you for your work to keep that despicable trash out of our feeds. Sorry you have to deal with it. Fuck those losers.

submitted 10 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/memes@lemmy.ml
submitted 10 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

I’ve got several replies in my inbox that I assume were deleted because when I click them I get an error message (or maybe it’s another bug, not sure), and I’d love to know whether they’re happening based on a certain reply, but I can’t tell.

It would be awesome if the community/threat were displayed in the header of messages in the inbox.

Thanks for all you do!

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/timetravellerguide@lemmy.ca

The first way we'll implement time travel will be sending data. First will be the equivalent of messages in a bottle – with no ability to choose the recipient – then we'll be able to send ordered data (the equivalent of texts, followed by voice/waves, then pictures/video, and eventually physical matter). We should currently be looking for rudimentary messages sent to us from the future, not trying to physically travel in time.

Adding dimensions to our understanding is a step towards navigating them. Time is the next logical dimension to understand (see, map, and navigate), and we can be fairly sure of this because we already travel in that dimension, though we don't yet have conscious control of our interactions within it. That means the time dimension interacts strongly with our native 3rd dimension (I mean strongly as opposed to weak interactions we can see with other particles in quantum physics).

Visualising that dimension will lead to navigation, though it won't become physically usable straight away. We should be looking for messages sent via data from the future, not trying to build a physical time machine.

A physical time machine as we've historically envisioned may not be possible, because the mechanism for moving through time in ways other than our standard vector may not have anything to do with the 3rd dimension that we're embedded within. Since time is likely a separate dimension from what we consider the third (and in which we're used to operating), a mechanism that allows us to travel in time will likely not be a 3rd dimensional 'machine'.

Visualising dimensions beyond our usual perception is the first step. If we can understand the structure of other dimensions and map out their rules, we increase the chance of being able to gain conscious control over them collectively. That would absolutely look like magic at first (in a similar way to lightning looking like magic to primitive people, but it's rooted in science that can be understood and manipulated), but it's nonetheless a real thing with properties and rules that we can understand and interact with. We already interact with it, albeit passively.

We move in one direction and see in the opposite. The first is our perception of the future; that's our normal vector. The second is our memory. We experience the highest fidelity at the point we call now, in which our local time point intersects strongly with at least 3 other dimensions. What we experience as the past is a perceptual gradient cone with less fidelity the farther it recedes from our 'current' perceptional point.

We should develop a receiver/detector first. We typically do this with properties of the universe which we observe, using physics and mathematics. Observation comes first, followed by documenting and testing rules, constants, variables, and formulas – that's how science works. Any observations and conclusions must make sense within the framework of existing physics.

Some preliminary questions include:

We each have a local reference frame as dictated by einsteinian physics in which time feels constant, and we know local perception isn't constant across the universe like, say, causality. We can define our local time using mathematical formulas, and we've explored some of its rules. We need to increase the fidelity of our understanding, defining more time rules, constants, variables, and formulas so we can properly design experiments.

Are there particles that link strongly to the time dimension? How are they structured? What are their underlying wave structures? What are their constants and properties? How can we express them using formulas? How do they interact with the other closest dimensional intersections or interfaces? How can we see or visualise them? How can we manipulate them?

What are the constants associated with our current vector? What formulas define our location and movement, and how can they be manipulated?

We need a receiver, like an analogue to the radio. We usually develop rudimentary receivers before we can fully map our understanding of a phenomenon. We likely already have enough knowledge to build one, like any other sensor we've developed. We just need to know what signal we're looking for. Assuming we've worked this out in the future, what's the simplest signal we should be looking for and how would we detect it? That should be our first step.

So the most intriguing question we can answer right now is: What would a message from the future look like, and how would we receive it?

E: I'm terrible at spelling apparently

submitted 11 months ago by LillyPip@lemmy.ca to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

I’m sorry if these are known issues, but I cant tell because of these issues. I can’t sort this sub in a way that helps.

I like to sort by new, but as of today I only see Top, Hot, Active, Most Comments, Most Comments (yes twice), New Comments, and Old. I want to sort the community by ‘new posts’, not new comments, but that’s no longer an option at all. Also, if I try to reload a few times, it crashes the app.

Not being able to sort by New Posts is pretty bad, and I’m hoping this wasn’t a design change (I assume it wasn’t, but since I can’t sort without the app crashing, I can’t tell what’s happening).

Thanks guys. I know you’re working hard and I appreciate everything you’re doing!

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 54 points 11 months ago

I only care about aliens if they’re going to use their tech to fix our climate. Otherwise they can fuck off.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.ca 60 points 11 months ago

Many of them are dominionists who actively want the world to end so Jesus will come back. These people will kill us all for their fairy tales.

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