[-] LoomingMountain@lemmygrad.ml 19 points 4 months ago

The Israeli authorities didn't let the researchers talk to any of the alleged victims personally so, yeah, there's that.

Israeli state: "These people have been raped and coerced by Hamas!" Investigators: "can we talk to them directly?" Israeli stats: "no."

books (lemmygrad.ml)

Hi all,

I don't know where to post this because it's not a question about theory but more about if anyone has read (one of) these books and what they think about it.

I'm reading Jean Ellenstein's History of the Stalinist Phenomenon. It's a historical analysis of how the conditions under which Stalin led the USSR came to be.

Then I got recommended Fully Automated Luxury Communism by Aaron Bastani. I lookednup Aaron Bastani as I didn't know him and my fidst feeling is dubious. Anyone that has read this book and can comment on it?

Finally, if there is a better space on Lemmygrad for this, let me know! Something like a books or book discussion space or something.

[-] LoomingMountain@lemmygrad.ml 16 points 6 months ago

Does anyone still believe this? It's been debunked so many times.

[-] LoomingMountain@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 6 months ago

Holy shit this is so good. Yes please!

[-] LoomingMountain@lemmygrad.ml 11 points 6 months ago

My cat wants to eat the rich. But she is also afraid to go outside.

[-] LoomingMountain@lemmygrad.ml 8 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Fuck yes I just listened to this doing non-thinky stuff for work and it's such a mindblowing lecture. It made me want to start a podcast where I upload Parenti's lectures to listen while riding bike or cooking or whatever (becauze YT is shit). Would anyone be interested in that?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by LoomingMountain@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

Hi comrades,

I love listening to Michael Parenti. I love listening to podcasts while I ride my bike or cook or whatever. So I was wondering if I'm the only one that would listen to Parenti's lectures in podcast form? If not, I will start a podcast where I host all of his long term lectures I can find.

I will of course credit Dr. Parenti, as you should. And would never monetize the podcast.

I would also like to ask Dr. Parenti for his OK but I know he has dementia so I don't know if this will be possible.

Maybe in time, I could add other lectures by other famous thinkers or revolutionaries on there. If I could understand Spanish, I would listen to Castro all day long.

[-] LoomingMountain@lemmygrad.ml 9 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

As soon as you have any actual answer on how to demonstrably improve peoples' lives and do this either within this system in a way that they'll let you, or without this system in a way that they won't assassinate you, I'm with you. I'm serious about that. But you don't have an answer, I already know, because all I see is posturing and arm chair theorizing.

Edit for Michael Parenti who ofcourse has absolutely amazing things to day on the issue: https://youtu.be/6gtUaGV6mNI?feature=shared

[-] LoomingMountain@lemmygrad.ml 6 points 6 months ago

Look what Stalin did from the grave!

[-] LoomingMountain@lemmygrad.ml 12 points 6 months ago

How anyone takes that country serious is beyond me.

[-] LoomingMountain@lemmygrad.ml 38 points 7 months ago

For me, this started in the aftermath of the Trump presidency, and the absolute denial and non-engagement of the Democratic party to self-examine their own actions that led to defeat, such as blocking Sanders to promote an unpopular Clinton, blaming everything on their voters, kicking and screaming, and then of course four years later fucking Sanders again.

I heard a good podcast with historia publica yesterday, and he said it excellently: when there's crisis, the youth wants to radicalize, but unfortunately, in our countries you are not allowed to radicalize left, only to radicalize right. (I'm paraphrasing).

[-] LoomingMountain@lemmygrad.ml 34 points 7 months ago

Simple and elegant visual explanation. Thank you for this

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by LoomingMountain@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

Hi all,

I have a movie podcast, in which I talk with my favorite people about one of their favorite films. And for januari, the film I'm reviewing is Frida, a movie about Frida Kahlo.

This made me do a deep dive into Frida Kahlo and, what do you know: Frida Kahlo, die-hard communist. She had an affair with Trotsky, her last painting had as subject Stalin, and when she went to the US, she was reported saying: “I’ve learnt so much here and I’m more and more convinced it’s only through communism that we can become human.” Badass quote.

So, yeah. Frida is a decent movie. They even openly show people discussing communism, they show a flag with hammer and sickle, they show Trotsky. That sounds like nothing but this is an American movie by an American filmmaker (albeit a woman but still).

Picture by Florence Arquin, 1951

[-] LoomingMountain@lemmygrad.ml 15 points 7 months ago

The idea that 20% of people voted, and this is seen as representative for anything, is ridiculous.

[-] LoomingMountain@lemmygrad.ml 6 points 8 months ago

I just finished Nagieb Mahfouz's Cairo trilogy, which was awesome. I'm now reading Histoire du phénomène Stalien by Ellenstein, while also reading a book on therapeutic relations. I also have Malcolm X's biography laying around for after.

Next major novel is wither 2666 by Bolaño, Der Zauberberg by Thomas Mann or something by Ngugi wa thiongo.

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