[-] LucidLethargy@lemmy.world 6 points 4 months ago

This is especially true right now, when the enormous gulf between the wealthy and poor is the worst we've seen in living memory.

People are struggling to pay their rent, and yet Apple is over here selling this bullshit to people.

[-] LucidLethargy@lemmy.world 5 points 5 months ago

Apple also holds over 95,500 patents. I will never get why some people defend this crazy company. They make underperforming computers and sell them for wayyy over their value.

[-] LucidLethargy@lemmy.world 6 points 5 months ago

I'll settle for sawing off Los Angeles and letting it float off into the distance.

[-] LucidLethargy@lemmy.world 5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I think it's just Linux people trying to poison the well. I'm not even mad, haha.

But like, I'm not joining the lie, either. Some day it could happen, though, and on that day sign me up for a pitchfork.

[-] LucidLethargy@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago

I'm not laughing... I find the whole thing kind of depressing. Real talk, though... I'm just as pissed off at Google and many other huge companies.

I'm tired of huge companies exploiting the ignorance of average folks and damaging the progression of consumer technology. We deserve better than this.

If Apple sold their products for a pittence, I'd be their absolute biggest fan. They not only push aggressively overpriced tech, but they convince impressionable people to buy into their "ecosystem".

What the heck is that, even? What is their "ecosystem"? Macs, iPads and iphones all work with windows and Linux. Heck, Mac IS Linux at a core level. I'll tell you what it is... George Carlin give me strength, because "it's all bullshit, and it's BAD for you."

[-] LucidLethargy@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago

I've never seen a single ad in windows. I keep hearing they are coming... But so far it's just a few predatory practices failing to convince me to use their stupid browser.

[-] LucidLethargy@lemmy.world 5 points 7 months ago

I am, also, whelmed.

[-] LucidLethargy@lemmy.world 6 points 7 months ago

That's not on Apple TV. It's on (HBO) Max.

Why are so many people in this thread attributing shows to Apple TV that were never on Apple TV?

Apple TV+ does not have enough shows to justify $10/month.

[-] LucidLethargy@lemmy.world 5 points 7 months ago

All of those can be watched in a month, though. It's not enough to sustain an entire subscription. Also, foundation kind of sucked (nothing happened... maybe it will in the future, but also maybe it won't)

Tales from the loop is actually on Amazon prime, lol.

[-] LucidLethargy@lemmy.world 5 points 7 months ago

Not sure why they used this term. A DSLR is a camera most often used by professionals in the industry.

Digital single lense reflex cameras, such as the Canon 5d Mk IV, are still excellent cameras that outperform their smaller sensored counterparts in phones.

This said, many like myself have moved on to mirrorless in recent years. I'm not sure I miss anything other than the satisfying "click" from my DSLR's.

[-] LucidLethargy@lemmy.world 5 points 8 months ago

Those aren't even skate shoes, lol.

[-] LucidLethargy@lemmy.world 5 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I'm confused by all of this... Do Earth people not eat F̷̡̢̘͖̣̱̙̯̿̈́͐̋͗̉̍̈̍͗͐͋̑̈́͝͠l̷̹͚̣̬͓̠̖̘̹͐͌ͅę̸͚͔̖̪̘͍̲̦͈̦̥̤̉̇̆̀s̸̨̮̭̹̖̳̜̾̽̒̽̐̅͌̑́͌̚̚͜h̵̨̖͚̺̳̳̝͓͔͂̈́̍͋̔̓͌̽̕͠͝ ̷̜̗̟̬̖͎͚̻͖͕͓̙̦̤̹̯̈́̿͐̋̚̕͝ọ̶̉͋̌͊͊̈́̏̈́́̋̓̃͗͝f̷̧͔̮̗̻͔͈̼͙͚̲͚̬̉̋̔̌̒̾͑̃̈̊͌̍̍̚̕ͅ ̴̨̺̰͕͎̬̻͖͎̣͈͕̅̉̏̎͂̾́̊̉̈͗̌͂̑͘ͅt̷͚̤̖̮̩̲̬͎̙͙̺͎̋̏͜͝ͅh̴̛̛̜̳̭̘͑̐͋̂̓̓̇ȩ̶̙͕̻͈͔͍̗͓̙͓̠̅̌̇́̅͌̑̌̚͘͝͝ͅͅ ̵̨̮̙̯͇̻̦̩̲͖͔̒̇̇̌i̴̢̘͈͉͖̞͖̗̞̠̳͌̋́n̸̺̼̬͕͚͇̹͒͒̄̉̀̔̍̔̑́͛͗̈̂̀̚͘ņ̴̨̛̦̞̣͎̬̝̱͓͔̪͉̈́̂̈̔̄͊̈̕͠o̶̢̧̨̨͎̯̞̫̩̥̱͚͇͓̥͗̅̑̈́͗̍̆̏̓̍͛̽̏͝͝c̷̡̞̦͚͚̹̞͓͗͘e̷̡̦̗̞̦̟̍͊̅̓̍̔̆͛̆̈̍̎̉̕̚͠ņ̴̢̜̬̹̙͖̗̞͍̮̦͙̟̠̿̉̊̑̂̈̒͆̑̀͘̕͜͝ţ̴̛̹͍͙̺̖̹̦͎͕̺̉̆̎̇͋̋̔́̚ͅ?

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