Revokes degrees??? The other shit is fucked but revoking degrees is way over the line. Burn the place to the ground.
Oh lord can we leave the reddit memes on reddit please?
Are these made by real conspiracy theorists or made as a joke? It's hard to tell. But the fact that they correctly used further makes me think they're intelligent.
Brent needs to stock the gas station.
Do they think that stuff was manufactured and assembled in space and was never on earth at all
I wish I was rich enough to wear a shirt that stupid. I mean I wouldn't but it would be nice to be that rich.
Ok what factories are we supposed to use? We can't build new ones because these fuckers are sending all the Mexicans back home. Mexicans build everything in this country.
Wtf do they believe then
It blows my mind that people still think answering and yelling at them is a good idea. Aren't they usually recordings now anyway?
Ok but we gotta do more than get permits to stand in a designated area with witty signs.
I can't wear my King of the Hill shirts anymore because I don't want people to think I'm a trumpster.
You... you know typing in your dramatic pauses is a reddit thing, right? We're all trying to escape that shit.