[-] Manmoth@lemmy.ml 4 points 1 day ago

Lol this is exactly where my mind went

[-] Manmoth@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

confuse and demoralize

Oh man now I'm a Russian disinfo agent

Discourages participation in the democratic process

Uh. As opposed to what? Pretending that a privileged oligarchy doesn't exist? The bedrock of the democratic process is free exchange of information, no matter how inconvenient, and the enforcement of laws. Without one we are in danger. Without either we aren't a democracy.

Truth matters

The "truth" is that Joe Biden is a member of a protected class. Despite enormous circumstancial evidence (including bank records indicating payments in excess of $20 million to Bidens family and associates) his house hasn't been raided, his devices haven't been seized, he hasn't been brought in for questioning or made in anyway to feel uncomfortable outside of the headaches related to his son.

That's why there is 'no evidence'.

[-] Manmoth@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 day ago

Lol good one it's like you missed the entire point of my post.

[-] Manmoth@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Well is there any evidence?!

The title of the article is literally about the oversight committee demanding communication records as recently as last fall.

Biden is a uniparty member and for all of this smoke he was never properly investigated by the justice department at home or abroad. Every inquiry is some anemic posturing.

Special counsel David Weiss let Hunter Biden's most egregious financial crimes elapse past the statute of limitations -- convenient. Hunter was making millions overseas in Ukraine and moving it through Romania and China. He wasn't investigated for years until he ended up picking up a gun charge.

Why would an energy company in Ukraine pay Hunter Biden, a crack smoking drug addict, 50-80k a month if not for political access or a quid-pro-quo? Who is "the big guy" in Hunter Bidens email? Why were they trying to give him a plea deal that would absolve him of everything last July? If this were anyone that was not a member of the privileged class they wouldn't be able to move due to all the investigation instead you are labeled as crazy for thinking this is old fashioned political corruption.

Wikipedia dismisses it as a Russian disinfo conspiracy theory. Where have we heard that before? 🤔

It goes back to my original point these people are above the law.

[-] Manmoth@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 day ago

Judging by the article its purpose is to improve power availability during peak load times.

[-] Manmoth@lemmy.ml 58 points 1 day ago

Someone needs to make a browser extension that hides any article with "experts say" in the title

[-] Manmoth@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 day ago

You don't think this series of events is indicative of corruption?

The CIA also censored references to Shokins book on twitter.

Unrelated but the same people censored the Hunter Biden laptop story and called it Russian disinfo during peak election season. It turned out to be true. 🤔

[-] Manmoth@lemmy.ml -4 points 2 days ago

I don't know why people care. Obama dronestriked an American citizen and nothing happened. Snowden revealed that we are all under mass surveillance and nothing happened. Biden withheld funds from Ukraine to halt an investigation into his son and nothing happened. This ruling just reflects reality.

[-] Manmoth@lemmy.ml 34 points 2 months ago

A dietitian that taught my college health class told us that Americans tend to have too much protein in their daily intake

Americans have too much of a lot of things in their diet but high quality, lean protein is not one of them.

[-] Manmoth@lemmy.ml 33 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Anyone using these services in current year is asking for this. If someone is not computer literate and "has" to use these unnecessary services because they can't selfhost or whatever they need to recognize that total exploitation of their data is the cost and it will never, ever change unless you own your data on your own hardware.

I can't reiterate enough how much the government will never ever solve this problem.

[-] Manmoth@lemmy.ml 36 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I don't know why anyone is using youtube directly when they can use Newpipe or Freetube. No ads, sponsorblock and even the ability to automatically skip intros, recaps etc On top of that no google account tracking or algorithms.

Edit: Adding "libretube" as well based on some of the replies to this comment.

submitted 8 months ago by Manmoth@lemmy.ml to c/news@lemmy.ml
[-] Manmoth@lemmy.ml 32 points 9 months ago

Yeah. I'm not a big "celebrity" person but he's had a net positive impact to the world and devoted his life to his cause. I have a signed copy of his hacking book from a seminar in college. I hope he comes out on the other side. I have a lot of respect for him despite his eccentric statements.

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