[-] MaoShanDong@hexbear.net 24 points 2 months ago

Just to add some more context and info that was left off from this English summary.

The new "Company Law" allows companies to use capital reserve funds to make up for losses in accordance with regulations, breaking the current "Company Law" that does not allow the use of capital reserve funds to make up for company losses.

The new "Company Law" further improves the provisions that shareholders, directors, supervisors and senior executives should bear liability for compensation when a company illegally distributes profits.

) The new Company Law adds a new liability clause for damages caused by directors and senior managers to third parties due to the performance of their duties, in order to strengthen the responsibilities of company directors and senior managers and improve the level of corporate governance.

This new 公司法 amendment was passed last December and seems to not only strengthen worker powers but also seems to increase liability for upper leadership. If you're interested in reading more from a Chinese language source this is the new law in full text: http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2024-01/02/nw.D110000renmrb_20240102_1-14.htm. and here is a summary: https://www.zhonglun.com/research/articles/52526.html Translation software works well with both.

[-] MaoShanDong@hexbear.net 4 points 2 months ago

Found out my alma matar which I live a couple of blocks from is now a center of police brutality against student protesters. I wasn't able to go today due to helping a family member with some surgery for most of the day but thinking about going down tomorrow to give some support. Fingers crossed the pigs don't do anything stupid.

[-] MaoShanDong@hexbear.net 17 points 2 months ago

To go off on the point about projection a thing I've personally noted living in both countries is that when it comes to the issues of racism the entrenched nature of it in the western social consciousness and political establishment makes it a much different beast. Like there's no political party in china that has a platform based on the disenfranchisement of a minority group and goes around advertising the fact that the first thing they'll do when in power is to bus them out of the country. As such while there are undoubtedly racist individuals within China, I can think of one particular family member of mine who may hold such opinions, there is no concentration of said racism or a purposeful consolidation of that sort of sentiment towards larger more dangerous actions like here in the west. Considering the fact that most western countries were and to some lesser extent still are ethnostates when it comes to who holds actual power in governance, its not surprise they tend to project that thought onto China.

[-] MaoShanDong@hexbear.net 12 points 2 months ago

Yup. In all my years working/living/visiting the only context the word ever comes up is when discussing historical facts. In general most chinese follow the rule of three, meaning you are considered to be wherever the 3rd generation, ie your grandparents, are from. So it doesn't matter that I was born in Amerikkka and have lived here most of my life, since my grandparents were from Shandong that's what most Chinese people will tend to identify me as past introductions.

[-] MaoShanDong@hexbear.net 10 points 2 months ago

I spent 6 hours today stuck in a real estate investment "networking" event on behalf of a relative. Let's just say that that one video of the Ukrainian guy walking into a city committee meeting with grenades flashed through my mind constantly. A firm reminder to me why violence will undoubtedly be necessary against these ghouls.

[-] MaoShanDong@hexbear.net 20 points 2 months ago

There are a couple of points to consider the biggest one being that Americans as a user base are but a fraction of the global base,less than 10% iirc, and one of the hardest to monetize. Outside of financial considerations it's worth more to keep tiktok just for the global soft power it exerts on the other parts of the world and to send a message as well.

[-] MaoShanDong@hexbear.net 3 points 2 months ago

Safety issues aside there's actually a bit of a social aspect to this. Due to the prevalence of both carpooling and slow traffic many young people and families use the entertainment system for the passengers. Karaoke is really popular iirc so in order to stay competitive all new cars have to come with these features.

[-] MaoShanDong@hexbear.net 4 points 2 months ago

Considering that many consider bombing children and hospitals to be the right thing to do I'm not sure I really care lmao.

[-] MaoShanDong@hexbear.net 50 points 2 months ago

Lol this post on the deprogram subreddit was truly filled with lib brainrot before it got removed.


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