hey, without error 400 or 500 on /inbox's html requests ? 😀 👍
yes 😅,
For me thats working like this anyway, ^^
You should put the lemmy-ui's port (8635) first then in the conditions blocks, the lemmy's port
set $proxpass "{{ lemmy_ui_port }}";
if ($http_accept = "application/activity+json") {
set $proxpass "{{ lemmy_port }}";
if ($http_accept = "application/ld+json; profile=\"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams/"") {
set $proxpass "{{ lemmy_port }}";
proxy_pass $proxpass;
Jlai.vu 🤦♀️,
Merci @Banette@jlai.lu
En même temps tes un utilisateur problématique, que veux tu ? 🤷♀️
Car il faut bien rire...
This post is made to show the Nazi side of the IDF. Not to promote this message.
This /c is for the Palestine, and while in media they're talking about a "war", here nuclear show who they really are...
So I still don't understand your downvote.
Sorry if I'm misunderstanding.
Ça faisait longtemps les camps de concentrations. Retour en 1939. Merci israël.
New lemmy's instance here. Hello.
I come on your topic to test. Might as well enjoy of your topic.
Nice shoot