hate GIMP, have yet to find a suitable Photoshop replacement
It's been awhile since I've tried GIMP. Nice to know that 1. Nothing has changed, apparently and B. I'm not the only one.
hate GIMP, have yet to find a suitable Photoshop replacement
It's been awhile since I've tried GIMP. Nice to know that 1. Nothing has changed, apparently and B. I'm not the only one.
I resemble that remark.
Hyperlinks are a liberal psy-op. I'll only click regular links.
Any word on if cross-platform multiplayer will be supported? Would love to play with my nephew but he's a PlayStation kind of guy.
Life, uh...
Lore tic
...finds a way.
That was absolutely beautiful.
I'm, uh, just gonna go back and grab a coat real quick.
Relevant CGP Grey