
joined 2 years ago

I used to enjoy the old Joystiq site. Followed them to Engadget. Hell, I used the Joystiq url redirect bookmark until it stopped working. Might as well just delete the bookmark now, no sense it watching it slide further into irrelevancy.

One day I'm going to be scrolling through my saved pictures, come across this as a still frame, wonder why I saved it, click on it, and shoot whatever it is I'm drinking out of my nose and mouth.


[–] 11 points 1 year ago (2 children)

enters a meme thread

saves all the pictures and upvotes all the comments

leaves, refusing to elaborate

That's what she said.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)


begrudging upvote


Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. I remember watching it as a teenager in the 90s and having no freaking clue what was going on.

You ever try emptying your clip at an entire Ikea?

No... but you probably just aroused a few dozen ammosexuals.

If you think the Klingon flag is problematic... hooo boy Zeon just takes that cake and scribbles a suspicious mustache on it while raising one arm at a problematic angle.

(And yes, it's totally on purpose, doesn't make it any easier to stomach.)


I'm always down for more OYW content. Can't say I'm happy about the Netflix jail part.



I need one of these. To glue onto my car tire.


Kinda digging the new Lacus look. And count me among those that think the new mini Haro plushies are adorable.

A lot of Gunpla news that's mostly out of date since the expo started last week and a lot of stuff has sold out in the US.

Not really a whole lot to talk about personally, but Kakarot is nothing if not thorough. Chapter data for skimming purposes:

00:00 HUF X Gundam Wing
01:07 December Gunpla Schedule
02:45 Amusement Expo + Gundam Seed Freedom Information
05:59 More Gundam Seed Freedom Merchandise
07:32 Gundam Seed Freedom Metaverse Event
10:05 HG Gundam Mk.II (Titans) (21st Century Real Type Color)
10:45 Gundam Seed 20th Anniversary HG Gunpla Set (Metallic color)
11:42 RG Freedom Gundam (Ver. GCP)
12:41 RIP Gundam Evolution
13:00 UC Engage News
13:38 GBO2 News
13:42 Arsenal Base News
13:55 Zakuto Girl
14:02 Hidetaka Tenjin Exhibition
15:11 MG Zaku Cannon Zeta Gundam Ver. Released
15:38 Robot Spirits Sword Striker Pack + Effect Parts Set Released
16:13 Premium Gacha GM Released
16:42 Gundam Build 10th Anniversary Collection CD Set Released
17:09 Asticassia School of Technology Radio Committee Vol.1 Released
17:23 Gundam Seed Phone Case Things Released
17:59 Gundam Reading Material
20:01 Gundam Apparel News
27:19 What’s the Best Gundam Build Team? [Poll Results]
28:35 Who’s the Best Gundam Queen [Ongoing Poll]
30:14 Outro


There are some story spoilers, as this glitch leverages a late-game plot fight.

Gonna preface this with saying that this is going to be more informational than practical for most people. Just too many restrictions. But the hope is that this leads to further discoveries. As it stands, the save file needs to have completed the regional phenomena but not turned them in to Purah yet. And once the glitch is active, the save cannot progress past beating the story Phantom Ganon fight. Which kind of kills the buzz IMO. Even so, it continues to boggle my mind how people find this stuff.


Not mine, just sharing cool stuff.


This is awful.

I'm not sure how recent this is, but put up an interactive flow chart to recommend a Gundam series to watch. Aside from the random translation misses ("Are you interested in story of engineers then pilots") the recommendations seem random. But they're not: it's all deterministic and repeatable. One portion of the tree as an example:

UC: yes
Short series: no
Origin of series: yes -> MSG movie I

Origin of series: no
Boy meets girl: no -> Gundam The Origin 🤨

Boy meets girl: yes -> Unicorn OVA

That "engineers then pilots" question? Answering yes leads to Twilight Axis. Really? That's your plan to get people into Gundam? 🤦‍♂️

Anyone find anything else facepalm-worthy?

Edit: why are we continuing the Reddit-like unintuitive line break markup? goes back and adds extra white space to start new lines as if CR/LF doesn't exist 😑


Admittedly, I don't follow any TotK content aside from here and on YT. Discord isn't my cup of tea, and Reddit lost me this past summer. So a lot of these tidbits might be old news. But I do love Kleric's style.


I adore this show. Fellow Gundam fans, you should give this a shot, even if the aesthetic puts you off.


What's gonna happen is that Bandai is going to get me to order this 1/144-ish Big Zam figure for however many hundreds of dollars, then in a few years, after it's had time to sit in the box and collect dust, they'll announce an HGUC version for much much less.


Timestamps for click-free headline skimming:

  • 00:00 Intro
  • 00:27 1/60 Metal Structure Kaitai Shouki Gundam Mk.II AEUG
  • 01:52 1/60 Metal Structure Kaitai Shouki Nu Gundam Addons
  • 02:41 Metal Build GN Arms Type-D & Dynames Repair
  • 03:59 Metal Robot Spirits Barbatos (1st-4th Form)
  • 04:43 GFFMC Gouf
  • 05:57 Gundam Seed Metal Builds Announcements
  • 07:00 More Figure releases
  • 07:51 Metal Robot Spirits Ka Signature Zeta Pluses
  • 08:41 Robot Spirits Gundam Mk.II Titans
  • 09:41 More UC Robot Spirits Figures
  • 10:46 Robot Spirits Big Zam
  • 12:00 Robot Spirits Aegis Gundam & Buster Gundam
  • 12:49 SH Figuarts Announcements
  • 14:02 Witch from Mercury Robot Spirits Figures
  • 14:34 Gundam Universe Figures
  • 14:48 Metal Robot Spirits Command & Beret Gundams
  • 15:28 Dimension Art Metal Unicorn Gundam
  • 16:26 GGG Master Asia Restock
  • 16:49 Gundam Seed Freedom Chibi Plushies
  • 17:05 HGUC G-Line Standard Armor
  • 18:26 Soft Vinyl Santa & Snowman Balloons
  • 19:16 Unicorn Statue Winter Makeover
  • 19:49 GBO2 News
  • 20:02 Gundam Extreme Versus 2 Overboost
  • 20:08 Alpha Tauri x Gundam
  • 20:19 Sunshine City Bandai Cross Store
  • 20:28 Musha Gundam Girl
  • 20:33 China Limited Gundam Things Released
  • 22:15 Gundam Build Metaverse Kits Released
  • 23:14 Mini Mini Carddass & Zaku Head Gachapons Released
  • 24:02 Audrey Burne Prize Figure
  • 24:42 Life Sized Nu Gundam Tumbler Arcade Prizes
  • 24:48 FLASH Phonecases (for Iphone 15 Pro & Pro Max)
  • 25:20 Witch from Mercury Carddass vol.3
  • 25:47 Gundam Reading Material
  • 26:26 Gundam Apparel News
  • 28:50 The Best Build Fighter Team (Ongoing Poll)
  • 30:03 Outro

All techniques credited within the video. This may be old news for the folks that keep up with Discord, but I found Suishi's overview and step by step pretty informative. I'm often blown away by the fact that stuff like this gets discovered at all, because the steps are so specific.

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