[-] MiltownClowns@lemmy.world 64 points 3 months ago

Everybody keeps saying it was found by luck, but this seems like it was found by a guy who maintains his repository properly and monitors his CPU cycles diligently just to prevent this sort of thing. I guess I would call it lucky he found it so quickly, but it was definitely not found by luck.

[-] MiltownClowns@lemmy.world 55 points 3 months ago

There were a lot of people there that day that all descended from the same family tree with not enough branches. Kind of hard to issue an arrest warrant for basic bitch number 67. Thankfully, most of the people are very proud and loud about their participation, so I assume we'll get trickles of these as old influencers get sent to jail and new influencers start bragging about their participation in attempts to take their place before they also get sent to jail, continuing the cycle of fuck around and find out.

[-] MiltownClowns@lemmy.world 44 points 3 months ago

Well, yeah. Do you not know the history of Black Panther? You just talking out your ass? The whole idea was isolationism in the face of colonialism.

[-] MiltownClowns@lemmy.world 50 points 3 months ago

What a weird and terrible take. Kudos for saying something so stupid that I've never heard it before.

[-] MiltownClowns@lemmy.world 49 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I have multiple servers with about two dozen self-hosted services I run. It all started ten years ago, torrenting shows and then automating. And now everything in my life is self-hosted and backed up. But if I showed my current configuration to me 10 years ago, it would look undoable, completely out of reach. So my suggestion to you is to pick one project that you like, build it. Make mistakes. Fix those mistakes. If you want to access it from outside your network, use WireGuard so that nobody else can have access to your system and find your mistakes for you.

Don't ask for advice. Don't ask for opinions. That's like going into a religion conference and asking which is the right God. You're going to have a bunch of very passionate people telling you a bunch of things you don't understand when all you want to do is tinker. So fuck all those people, just start tinkering.

Finally, Don't host any mission critical shit until you have backups that are tested after multiple iterations. I have fucked up so bad that I have had to reformat discs. I have fucked up so bad that data has just gone missing. I have fucked up so bad that discs have overflowed with backups and corrupted the data and the backups themselves. It was all fun as shit. Because none of it was important. Everything important was somewhere else. The only rule is the 3-2-1 rule, otherwise go fuck up and come back when you dead end on an issue.

Pro tip, use ZFS and take snapshots before you make any changes. Then you can roll back your system if you fuck up. I just implemented it this year and it has saved me so many headaches.

[-] MiltownClowns@lemmy.world 50 points 4 months ago

Decades of being the standard in a/v. That's like asking, why don't we get rid of gas stations and just install electric chargers? Well, everybody's got gas powered cars.

[-] MiltownClowns@lemmy.world 53 points 4 months ago

The guy from Pawn Stars blamed the migrant border crisis for his son overgosing on Fentanyl. It's just white people who don't want to blame the pharmaceutical industry and our porus ports. It's always the poor brown people's fault somehow, not your terrible parenting that resulted in your kids being drug addicts.

[-] MiltownClowns@lemmy.world 44 points 6 months ago

I dropped off when he stopped making content and switched to the podcast full time. Seems like every 6-18 months Ethan has another controversy where he accidentally lets his mask slip and a whole new group of people find out he's actually an asshole.

[-] MiltownClowns@lemmy.world 53 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I've never even thought of Twitter's reliance on App Stores. It's hilarious how many hands Elon is biting. It's impossible to keep track of.

[-] MiltownClowns@lemmy.world 49 points 7 months ago

Biden voters have the gun of fascism to their head. To pretend otherwise ignores reality.

[-] MiltownClowns@lemmy.world 48 points 7 months ago

Well gladiator isn't named after one of the most documented people in history, so probably not as well.

[-] MiltownClowns@lemmy.world 54 points 10 months ago

Most of the story might be construed as nothing but the show runner turn over raised red flags for me. Conan had the same show runner, Jeff Ross, for decades. Fallon can't keep a show runner for a year! On the Tonight Show! One of the most coveted show runner positions still left in Television. The fact that the most powerful people aside from fallon keep quietly leaving the show means to me that there is something rotten that they are all fleeing and keeping quite to protect their careers.

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