[-] MisterNeon@lemmy.world 14 points 10 hours ago

Campaign editor and a level cap of 20. I just want to run D&D for friends in game.

[-] MisterNeon@lemmy.world 27 points 11 hours ago

I hate this timeline.

[-] MisterNeon@lemmy.world 10 points 2 days ago

I hope the nightmare fuel is enough to get Megaman built before 2040.

[-] MisterNeon@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

So the "Aztec" (Mixtec Pueblo culture) had two major calendars The Tonalpohualli (count of days or days count) and The Xiuhpohualli ( year count or fire count). The Tonalpohualli is a spiritual calendar used for ceremonies and augury, it consists of 20 signs each given a thirteen day week. I've heard it speculated that it has something to do with the observable time that a human takes to gestate during pregnancy, but that's pure theory. The Xiuhpohualli is a 360 day count calendar with five extra days added to the end of the year (which were considered very unlucky). It was divided into 18 months that ran through the 20 day signs that the Spanish called a Veintena. This was used for feasts, holidays, and the planning of agriculture or war during the two major seasons (wet season and dry season). The two calendars would align every 52 years that culminated into a huge celebration called Toxhiuhmolpilia (New Fire Ceremony).

[-] MisterNeon@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

The birds (and technically one butterfly) refer to the actual numeric days one through thirteen in each given day (count the red dots). Not to go too much into details, but the birds were anthropomorphized into character traits that were associated with a person depending on which day they were born. The cultural context is pretty esoteric, but an example would be a person born on 13 would be wise because Toznene (parrot) looked bald. I have also read that the birds would act as a psychopomp on the occasion of one's personal death (apparently having corresponding red dots as their day) to fly off and deliver the part of the soul that leaves the mortal realm to a designated after life determined by circumstances of one's death.

[-] MisterNeon@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

Bolts of cotton too. Or maybe some jade or obsidian.

Broke & Loud (lemmy.world)
Jailhouse Goose (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago by MisterNeon@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I'm going to make the acceptable answers broad so jam, preserves, etc are all acceptable. I'm a fig jam or apple butter man myself.

Clowntown Council (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by MisterNeon@lemmy.world to c/fakebandnames@lemmy.world
Criminal Trees (lemmy.world)
Discount Money (lemmy.world)
The Bainrow Circuit (lemmy.world)
Propaganda Pills (lemmy.world)
Grim Grins (lemmy.world)
[-] MisterNeon@lemmy.world 102 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I'm CIS white male and I don't want to be a girl; I want to be a robot. I don't want pretty dresses or thigh high socks. I want a single glass visor for eyes and a rust proof exoskeleton.

Airport Squatters (lemmy.world)
[-] MisterNeon@lemmy.world 130 points 5 months ago

I'm tired of every election being the most important election. I want politics to be boring again, less evil too if possible.

[-] MisterNeon@lemmy.world 140 points 6 months ago

As a dude that uses Figma this makes my day!

[-] MisterNeon@lemmy.world 141 points 6 months ago

As an American I'm waiting for Republicans to start randomly saying anti-Finnish opinions. My bet is in about a week.

[-] MisterNeon@lemmy.world 101 points 8 months ago

Oh wow an internet relic.

[-] MisterNeon@lemmy.world 130 points 9 months ago

Hate to break it to you, but the old bags will be replaced by new younger douchebags.

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