[-] ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 22 hours ago

So, what has this story to do with my own comment?

[-] ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com 11 points 1 day ago

Yeah, I’m. For multiple reasons;

  • In Arabian culture, one doesn’t leave until marriage.
  • I’m still in university (almost finished tho).
  • Parents have health problems therefore, I’ll stay longer to take care for them.
  • House prices are insanely high (both renting and purchasing).

I’m living in Europe though but my dad is from a Arabian country and well, culture stayed with him. Anyway, I’d help a lot at home. Household things, helping with groceries, medication and such.

That said, I don’t care what anyone says about still living at home and not on my own. There will be always a chance to get an apartment but people often forget; parents won’t be here forever. One day they’ll pass away. Never forget that.

[-] ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com 3 points 1 day ago

Debating to either purchase Hi Fi Rush or Persona 5 Royal.

Already got Persona 5 Royal on PS5 but kind of want to replay it on PC and I’m not sure whether I’ll like Hi Fi Rush.

[-] ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com 10 points 4 days ago

Very few people are downloading the big-name console games ported over to iPhone in the last year – and an even smaller number are paying $15-50 to unlock the full games.

I mean… What did they expect? Playing on either console or PC is most of the time, the go to. Plays much smoother, bigger screen and perhaps better FPS. 

Playing on a iPhone means smaller screen, bothersome controls (sure you can connect your controller to it but then just play on console/PC). Not to mention the article wrote about “to unlock the full games” which I assume means, you’ll have to pay for the game plus pay within the game for certain things(?). 

The game is only playable on iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max and high-end iPads.

This might also have to do with it, not everyone immediately purchases the newest iPhone (and then purchasing a game that is much better to be played on console/ PC). 

There was more I wanted to quote from the article but have to hurry for work.

[-] ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com 25 points 5 days ago

With everything that’s going on in the world, I feel like “freedom of speech” doesn’t exist. It’s just a “buzz”.

Just to name a few things;

  • You want to criticize Israel? Antisemitism!
  • You want to criticize US-related Israel things? Antisemitism!
  • You want to provide evidence of crimes? That’s a ‘crime’!
  • You are against killing innocent people? Antisemitism!
  • You want to protest? You disrupt the order and therefore a crime!

Perhaps it is just me being pessimistic.

[-] ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com 2 points 5 days ago

At the end of this week, I will be getting a new game PC. So, I will play:

  1. The last of us part 1 remake
  2. High On Life
  3. Cyberpunk 2077
  4. Alan Wake 2 (half replaying it, already played 4 hours on the PS5)
[-] ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com 4 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Israel did not start this bullshit no top finish the removal. Get real, that's what we are getting.

I don’t really understand what you’re saying/ writing honestly. If you mean that Israel didn’t start this entire thing, I’d say, I disagree. Due to the history of how Israel become an actual state (1948, 750 000 displaced, lots of Palestinian murdered and many other atrocities). Not to mention the ongoing apartheid system, illegal settlers and such. 

Real question is where are these people going or we just gonna let Israel massacre them at the Egyptian border?

That’s one of the main problems. If other countries let the Palestinian people in their country it’s a free-ticket for far-right extremist Israel to steal everything from the Palestinian land. Which is a no-no. 

But if nothing is done, Israel will just keep bombing Gaza which results in innocent Palestinians being murdered by Israel. 

So here we are; majority of the countries doing nothing, Palestinians being murdered and lots of protests around the world.

[-] ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com 7 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I hate to nitpick, but saying you’re ready to hammer out the details, does not mean you accept the deal

No, yeah. You are right however (The article below is from 6 May). Now I cannot remember whether it was accepted by both parties. But it shows that Hamas definitely are willing to accept deals whereas Israel is continuously deliberately trying to avoid any deals.

Israel Gaza: Hamas says it accepts ceasefire proposal

From the article:

Hamas says it has informed Qatari and Egyptian mediators that it has accepted their proposal for a new Gaza ceasefire and hostage release deal with Israel.

Your comment below (done this to avoid confusion between your comment and the text from the article);

I don’t believe Israel would have accepted any ceasefire at all, at most they’re open to a “pause”.

I agree somewhat. I, personally, believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not want a ceasefire. However, I think that normal civilians of Israel do want a ceasefire (especially the families of the hostages).

EDIT: Added a few sentences and corrected some words

[-] ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com 38 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

The Israeli official made further comments blaming Hamas for the impasses, echoing the language of Israeli and US officials that “the ball is Hamas’s court” and that stopping the war is in their hands.

Did Hamas not accept a deal before while Israel (I assume their PM) rejected it? Found the article: Hamas accepts UN ceasefire resolution, ready to negotiate over details, official says

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stating clearly that Israel does not support a permanent ceasefire.

Israel blaming Hamas for not having a ceasefire or any deal and then this written in the article.

Israel’s demand appears to be for Hamas to release all the hostages right now in exchange for a temporary ceasefire

I mean any sane person would understand Hamas won’t accept this. This means they lose all negotiation ‘material’ (could not find a better word, apologies). The deal should be something along lines of; release of all hostages and a permanent ceasefire.

Hamas has said it will only support a deal that includes a permanent ceasefire

Exactly this. They are willing to accept a deal, it is Israel who does not want to accept anything.


So, I just got past the episode of the timeskip where Luffy's training of

Tap for spoilerHaki takes place

. I really enjoy the story and the character development. I was considering purchasing the Burning Blood game. However, I'm a bit hesitant and wanted to ask if it's 'okay' to get it at this stage of the story. Will the game spoil a lot of the story for me, or can I enjoy it without major spoilers?

Note: wasn’t sure which community to post this, there were like 3 gaming communities. So apologies if this isn’t the right one to be in.


Is it possible to make a function that allows you to disable the notifications on comments and/ or posts?

So you won't see a icon when you open the app. Something like Reddit has: Turn off reply notifications

[-] ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com 118 points 1 month ago

Netanyahu never intended to stop the genocide/ war on Gaza, he made that clear:

  1. Netanyahu tells Blinken he will not end war on Hamas in Gaza as part of hostage deal.
  2. Netanyahu vows to invade Rafah ‘with or without a deal’ as cease-fire talks with Hamas continue.

Why would Hamas even accept the ''deal'' if Israel anyway will invade Rafah that has all the innocent Palestinian civillians?

They also shut down AlJezeera news and Israel claims they are the ''only democracy in the Middle East'': Israel orders Al Jazeera to shut down as Netanyahu rejects peace talks.

[-] ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com 167 points 2 months ago

Call me pessimistic, but I do think:

  • Privacy is an illusion.
  • Control is an illusion (a reference to Mr. Robot).

Certainly, we can do a lot to have more privacy, but it is an illusion to think that we have complete control over it. Especially with social media, jobs, and today's technology.

How’s this app now? (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
submitted 2 months ago by ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/avelon@lemm.ee

How’s this app nowadays? Still usable and in development?

Community seems not really alive unfortunately, saw the last post was from 2 months ago.


I currently play most games thru emulators but been wondering whether it is worth it to get the Switch V1 version for handheld.

my plan would be putting the roms onto the Switch and then play handheld (is this possible?)

Playing when traveling, a few hours in bed before sleeping or cozy up next to the heather in the evening seems nice. However is it still worth around €300 euro for it, may I have your opinion on the matter?

Telegram issue [Question] (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

So I’m trying to get a bot from a channel to forward its messages to my private channel. But I keep getting this message and I have no idea where to change this

I have checked both channel settings and the telegram setting.

This is the message I keep getting:

“Disable UserTransmission so bot can send files to users!”

I tried to upload a picture but for some unknown reason, Lemmy won’t let me.

Memmy development (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
submitted 5 months ago by ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/memmy@lemmy.ml

Just out of pure curiosity, is the Memmy app still in development?

I haven’t used the app for a month or so due to “an unknown error has occurred!”

But haven’t seen a single update from the app nor a single post about the app lately.

It is quite sad to see that decent amount of semi-developed apps are stopping. Artemis is an example of this.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

So I’m pretty new to Yuzu and Emulating the games.

I managed to get FitGirl repacks games of emulation and they work without Prod-keys and Firmware.

Now, I managed to get Prod-key and Firmware 17.0.0 but no idea what, I do with it and what I do after to get games.

I tried googling here and there but couldn’t get an actual answer or landed on unknown sites which, I find hard to trust.

Could someone explain, get me into the right direction or anything like that?

EDIT: SOLVED. Apparently the only thing I just needed was the NSP-Games files and then load them into Yuzu.

Monster (2004) (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

I was searching for an anime with a similar vibe to Code Geass and DeathNote and came across “Monster”.

It seemed good but the art/quality are quite dated. I often struggle with dated quality because, well, I’m just spoiled with the current quality of animes.

Is this anime actual similar to the two I mentioned and worth the struggle?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

I recently checked back on the PiratedGames subreddit after long while not being there. And I wonder what other people here think but in my opinion, the quality of the subreddit has gone downhill.

Most posts from what I see are now ‘’meme’s’’, ‘‘I justify pirate because..’’ and ‘’This is my collection!’’. Pretty much just hurr-durr look and upvote me kind of content.

Actual content to help with problems, discussions (besides, I justify it because) are not there.

I know this is kind of an ironic because, this post isn’t necessarily a helpful thing either. So apologies for that.

Also what is the smartest thing to do, follow the megathread here, there or both?

The more I check Reddit, the more glad I’m that the original Moderator of PiratedGames went to Lemmy.

[-] ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com 181 points 6 months ago

I’m honestly surprised and shocked that Nazism is rising up again. It is a scary idea that, that ideology is growing bit by bit.

Have people not learnt about and from the past?


So, I’m curious if anyone seen this short anime. I’m currently watching it, 3 episodes in and don’t know whether to proceed or to call it quits.

I love the worldbuilding, visuals and the fact that she’s a traveler but that’s about it. The fact she does not do much of help when needed kinda bothers me and I originally started his anime to have small cozy magic anime but 2 of the 3 stories are quite something (the plants & slave).

What’s your opinion about it? Do you recommend to continue?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I was not sure where to post this, so apologies if this isn’t the right place and would like to know where I should go.

For a while now, I cannot see my own posts. Despite having made 33 posts.

It will show up as if I have never made one

I have this particular problem with several Lemmy apps: Avelon, Memmy, Mlem and Voyager.

I’m curious if other people have a similar issue or what I can do to fix this. I tried to log in/out & delete and reinstall app. Doesn’t work unfortunately.

I attached an image of what it shows me when, I try to check my own posts.


Title basically:

Is there A way to download all my pins on Pinterest?

Because I want to save all of the things I once categorized and then leave the PoS garbage app and its company with its BS ads.

Anything that would just download everything in one Zip or Winrar and put it into one big folder would do it.

Apologies if this isn’t the right place to ask.

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joined 1 year ago