[-] MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net 28 points 5 hours ago

During a layup question about Jan 6th, Biden focuses on the weird minutia of who was where when, but also briefly forgets whether he's talking about himself or Trump being innthe oval office at the time.

In the single biggest gimme of the night the moderators offered Biden a question that grilled Trump on repelling Roe v Wade and he muttered through it for a minute before inexplicably handing Trump his favourite subject by talking about some rape and murder committed by (on?) an illegal immigrant. Which naturally Trump ran with for his whole 'the Democrats are using immigrants to destroy America schtick'.

After it was over Biden didn't know where he was and was too frail to walk down three steps at the front of the stage and had to have Jill guide and partially carry him. It was still on camera.

[-] MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net 35 points 5 hours ago

This is unhinged and genuinely as dark as it is funny. He's not really any more cogent - just able to read off of a teleprompter, be heavily edited, and so jacked up and aggressive he looks like he might be about to have an aneurysm. And he still wanders off to the bride of thr stage as if to shake hands with someone not there or not sure how to get off it. It's the same dementia, just louder, faster.

[-] MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net 10 points 5 hours ago

This picture doesn't seem right... isn't the President and the bike usually on its side or upside down?

[-] MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net 9 points 6 hours ago

And might have white suburbanites in them.

[-] MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net 4 points 6 hours ago

Newsom has been setting this up for a while. I was talking about it in the news thread. Whether other dem factions will go for it though is anyone's guess. Supposedly there's a pretty broad faction in the House that wants Gretchen Whitmer.

[-] MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net 4 points 6 hours ago

I'm not sure they can but only because the president is head of the party right? If he agrees to stand down though then they can do whatever the fuck they like, voters and selfies be dammned.

[-] MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net 8 points 6 hours ago

Sadder; that was a pre-planned line that had been rehearsed at Camp David to be a Kamala 'I Was That Little Girl's moment.

[-] MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net 14 points 6 hours ago

Yes. It was a pre-rehearsed line that he almost fumbled and then they started blasting on social media right away.

This was supposed to be his 'I was that little girl' moment. But it's shit, a phrase that makes him sound like he's stuck in the 1920s, and lots of people like alleycats.

[-] MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net 8 points 6 hours ago

Underrated comment.

[-] MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net 6 points 6 hours ago

Some of the online ones tried to do the Biden ones but the numbers ended up being anywhere between 10-25 depending on whether you counted him changing, correcting, or uncorrecting statistics again later and how generous they were in just going 'that was less a lie and more just nonsense'.

[-] MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net 5 points 6 hours ago

Yup, that's it. Add a haunted, vacant stare into the distance and you've got them all.


I was expecting some sort of 'emergency' Chapo episode but it seems that Felix was taking a break from gaming and shopping for fighter jets to spend the night hanging in a Waffle House. Clearly he wasn't too impressed with Joe's performance, so I guess that's a sneak preview of the next episode.

[-] MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net 42 points 12 hours ago

The constantly running splitscreen too. Biden was zoning out, looking around as though remembering where he was a few times, peering for signals from his team off camera, seemed constantly confused about which camera was filming him etc. He either didn't he was on camera all the time, or simply couldn't keep that idea in his head and not fade out while he wasn't the one talking.

submitted 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago) by MolotovHalfEmpty@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Biden campaign HQ hype campaign after the debate:

Biden comes out seemingly completely unaware of where he is, while his wife talks to him like a dog.

Jill Biden: "Joe, you did such a good job! You answered every question! You knew all the facts!"

(He absolutely did not, of course)

Doesn't let him respond, just let's him grin mindlessly, while she tries to whip up thr base about the fact that Trump lied.

Biden's face goes back to confusion when the crowd stop cheering and shout "lie" about Trump as though he has no idea who or what they're talking about.

Video Here Apologies for the chud twitter link, it was the only easy clip I could find


PodBean has gotten shitter and shitter, randomly stopping play when not on screen.

Google has just announced its taking Podcasts out behind the woodshed so you can pay them for YouTube Premium to watch video podcasts in the background in your pocket.

I just want something simple, free or a one off purchase, that is friendly to copying Patreon feed links etc.

Suggestions appreciated, although I still don't relish the idea of refollowing 50+ feeds again.


So much better than it probably should be. Some great dialogue sample choices too. Even the EQ/tracklisting video is slick.

A certified oddball banger.


More than 20 years ago British rap was giving way to an increasingly northern move that included J Cristie who, despite a shit line about China and a few dodgy refs, put out relentlessly anti-imperialist UK hip hop for his short, but very solid dominance of what remained of the backpack/conscious UK rap scene.

The next record (2006) brought a sequel to The Grip, written - in part, with some broader context - from the sympathetic perspective of a young auicede bomber. Naturally the UK paying attention shit itself and the rest happily ignored it.

So why is this back again (for fhe feed)? In the UK and online people have spent the whole week being bemused or insensed about Galloway winning an election and becoming a British MP. They reference some shameless performances or reality TV. People on the left rightly reference his chameleon status, socially conservative leanings, and recent TERF shit.

But you know why he won a protest by election? You know why he's not just sampled but distinctive contextual sample for one of the most important non-grime records in 2000s music? Because he was and is one of the only public personas in the UK who has been constant on this issue.

The fact that fucking Galloway was who got endlessly sampled then and is getting elected now is fucking shit, but an example of how much worse the UK was and is in general.

But no-ones reading this anyway on a post about 20+ year old BritHop. So why not ramble?


George Grosz was a fascinating and viceral painter, deeply scarred and influenced by his experience serving in the first world war, before he was discharged and left with psychiatric problems and a serious drinking problem. Many of his paintings from that period deal explictly with the horrors of war and the human cost juxtaposed against societal conflict.

His later work saw him fined by the German government and some of his collections ordered destroyed as they became more satrical and focused upon what he saw as the hypocracy of those that advocate for such violence - things like preachers vomiting grenades and Jesus being forced into conscription.

He also went to Russia in the 1920s, where he was initially detained as a spy, but released when proven not to be and even met Lenin. He lived in the US for most of his life after the '30s but eventually returned to Berlin, where he died falling down the stairs one night drunk.


Kim Philby was an MI6 agent who had been working for the KGB since college. The man looked like a young Noam Chomsky, but spent his career fucking over MI6, the CIA, and notably Stephen Bandera's fascist 'resistance' movement in Ukraine.

Despite some gross but typical ingrained excuses for Western fascism...

When his forces reached the western Ukrainian city of Lviv, they found thousands of political prisoners had been slaughtered by the Soviets.

In retaliation, they joined the Gestapo in murdering thousands of Jews and Poles in the Lviv Pogrom. It is estimated that around one and a half million Jews were killed in Ukraine during the Holocaust.

The article is pretty damn good and talks frankly about Bandera and the UK/US effectively working with Nazis and spin-off fash as well as that legacy being celebrated in modern Ukraine.

I don't think it's smuggling in positive propoganda by stealth though. Just an accurate account and that reality, especially then, had a Soviet bias.

Also, Kim Philby Soviet stamp emoji when?

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