[-] MrPiss@hexbear.net 46 points 1 month ago

Growing up my mom imposed Russian-style bedtimes and tried to convince me with her dezinformatsiya that I was a sleepy boy who had a big day tomorrow.

[-] MrPiss@hexbear.net 46 points 2 months ago

You clearly do not understand America. It would be disrespectful to the soul of this country if the pentagon didn't run on about 20 shitty fast food restaurants in its food court.

[-] MrPiss@hexbear.net 46 points 2 months ago

God damn, when their propaganda isn't just denying throwing orphans into the orphan grinder, it's so comically bad.

[-] MrPiss@hexbear.net 107 points 2 months ago

It's wild that Iran seems like it has entirely stopped caring about what The Great Satan thinks and will directly strike military bases if the US helps Israel. I kept thinking that after Oct 7th and Israel's response to it, that there would be no going back and the nature of the occupation of Palestine would change going forward. Now I know that the fascists really will suicidally destroy their own project and are willing to burn the entire middle east to ashes around them. We can't predict what will happen at this point. There truly is no way out but through.

To everyone in the middle east, stay safe.

[-] MrPiss@hexbear.net 48 points 2 months ago

A Russian-language edition of the book will be available, the representative said.

I would fucking hope so. Are westerners so stupid that they need reminded of that? Is the book release primarily for international myth making about the fascist puppet they wanted?

[-] MrPiss@hexbear.net 61 points 3 months ago

We almost have a shutdown every half a year at this point. No matter what, they exempt or extend military funding before preventing or allowing a shutdown. The war machine always gets to continue.

It's almost comical that the government is close to shutting down and I'm learning about it a few hours before the deadline. We in the US truly live in a failed state if a government shutdown is, in a way, barely news anymore.

[-] MrPiss@hexbear.net 52 points 3 months ago

Yeah I get those dumb fantasies too. I view it the same way I view American politics getting better in any way, the delusions of an idle mind wanting a better world.

In other words, I miss him so much it hurts sometimes. ussr-cry lenin-rage ussr-cry

[-] MrPiss@hexbear.net 47 points 3 months ago

This reads like another instance of them being incapable of diplomacy. The western governments really do only understand violence and domination. It's very fortunate that they are losing their power in all areas except financial, and even that too will go away with time.

[-] MrPiss@hexbear.net 59 points 3 months ago


I've been thinking about all of the articles about NATO troops possibly deploying in Ukraine and the whole will they won't they of it all. I think that this piece by Bhadrakumar got me to finally understand what NATO is planning. There will be bilateral troop deployments from some willing NATO countries and because they won't be in NATO territory they will not be able to trigger article five. I'm convinced that the Brandon regime will push for this in an absurd attempt to win reelection. Try to go full wartime president with it with non-US NATO troops fighting Russia. They will try flying close to the sun on this one.

I don't know what that looks like in practice exactly but I can see a rough shape. macron said that France will move after certain red lines are crossed. I could also see staggered announcements and entrance into the plan.

First, after Russia goes on the offensive, announce some ghoulish framework for helping Ukraine and how it will be conducted. Next, announce noncombat troop deployments as "advisors" and such from France and a few other countries. Then, after NATO troops die in combat (like they're supposed to), they can announce limited combat forces and work their way up the escalation ladder. This would be a slow buildup with countries entering the new "coalition of the willing" over a few months, but I can see it happening this way.

This could also all be bullshit to try to scare the Russians though. I think that I'm around 50-50 between the two options.

[-] MrPiss@hexbear.net 86 points 3 months ago

I don't know how someone of Indian descent can say that with a straight face.

[-] MrPiss@hexbear.net 49 points 4 months ago

Democrats are only vicious like this when they're fucking over their supporters domestically or their allies internationally. If Trump wins they'll just post #notmypresident again and complain at brunch about the cheeto.

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