[-] Mrs_deWinter@feddit.de 15 points 2 months ago

A shame there's not more information about the incident.

I checked some German sources and this is what I found: The protest camp was build two weeks ago, before the "Palästina-Kongress", which was cut short because they had someone hold speeches who's banned from political activity in Germany for antisemitism and glorification of violence. The protest camp was allowed to stay because they didn't break any rules. Over the next two weeks several incidents started to accumulate, which were deemed increasingly criminally relevant. Planted areas were damaged, streets were blocked, passerbys harrassed, police attacked, antisemitic paroles and incitements were shouted. A court issued a ban on the camp and friday morning police announced this, at which time most protesters removed their tents and left. The few remaining stayed until 4pm when police decided to dissolve the camp, which some protesters didn't want to accept. This moment is most likely what we see in the video.

I know some people out there got the impression that Germany simply arrests anyone who's not unapologetically pro israel in this war. I myself would want our politicians to be more openly critical of israel, although I think I understand why they struggle to do so. Based on what I see in the news and the political opinions of the people around me (which are mostly pro Palestinians, anti Hamas, anti Netanyahu, pro Israelis) I do feel like the people on lemmy seeing this as examples of facism in Germany only see a very limited part of the picture. Videos like this with no context whatsoever are not exactly helping there, either.

If you want to see facism in Germany look at the AfD, our most right wing party. Their lead cancicate for the EU-parliament recently received 20k from Russia to spy for them (which obviously doesn't stop the party from endorcing him). Their position on Israel is nonexistent. Israel doesn't like them (since they're Nazis) and they, by policy, don't care about other countries at all ("Germany first"). If there's ever a return to facism in Germany, those are the ones that will do it.

[-] Mrs_deWinter@feddit.de 14 points 3 months ago

We gave up on reusing glass bottles in large part because they were not sanitary. Every boomer has stories of finding cigarette butts in their soda and beer.

I live in a county that almost religiously reuses glass bottles and have never heard nor experienced such a story. Seems like someone figured out how to sanitize them.

[-] Mrs_deWinter@feddit.de 14 points 3 months ago
[-] Mrs_deWinter@feddit.de 18 points 3 months ago

Nach einem Blick auf das Cookie-Banner hab ich die Website geschlossen.

Zustimmung zu Tracking und den "Zugriff auf Ihr Endgerät" sind zum Lesen des Artikels zwingend erforderlich? Danke, verzichte.

[-] Mrs_deWinter@feddit.de 19 points 3 months ago

To add:

  • No visible clocks. If possible don't check the time at all while trying to sleep. Doing math at night (aka "oh no only 4 hours left") only makes you angry or sad.
  • No alcohol. If unavoidable, try to be sober by the time you want to fall asleep. (Dring sooner, if at all.)
  • No coffee after midday. Some bodies suck at metabolising it.
  • Bedroom should be as dark and silent and comfy as possible. If there's any way you can add comfort, do it.
  • For persisting sleep problems: Change position or location. (E.g. turn completely around in your bed, feet at the headrest, or sleep on the couch if comfortable.) Brains are very good at linking a location with a state of mind, and changing things around can help if the thought of your bed stresses you out already.

For severe problems it's probably always wise to check with a physician, or if there's specific stuff in your head that keeps you awake to consider telling a friend or therapist about it. To distance yourself from your thoughts is something everybody can learn and it can be tremendously helpful with stuff like that.

[-] Mrs_deWinter@feddit.de 21 points 7 months ago

Communication about times would get so much easier, communication about schedules would get so much easier.

Except that it wouldn't. It would make communication about time a culture sensitive topic. Sure, the exact time of day in relation to the position of the sun might get lost with our current system, but if someone tells you "I've slept til 12am" at least you know it was somewhat around noon. Under your new system you'd always have to consider where someone lives.

[-] Mrs_deWinter@feddit.de 15 points 7 months ago

As someone who too enjoys sex scenes in movies and doesn't really get the hate for them - I really dislike (most) porn, and probably for the same reasons.

Sex and intimacy are a huge part of human relationships. Sex scenes in movies show (and not just tell) those relationships, where they stand, how they develop. There is no real intimacy in (most) porn. Porn doesn't tell stories, it doesn't show human relationships, it just depicts body parts smashing into each other basically. Very rarely a porn video is good enough to suspend my disbelief so I can imagine the important, the romantic part of it and forget that I'm watching either the product of an explorative industry or the fetish of a couple who film themselves because they like to have themselves watched by strangers. But to show me the dynamic between two fleshed out characters, how it changes over time, and what relevance sex has to them - porn can't do that.

[-] Mrs_deWinter@feddit.de 18 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

When remembering a stressful experience it's important not to get stuck in your thoughts.

Most people would be a bit shocked after what you've been through. Our brains tend to try to go over things a few times to get a grasp at what happened. Sometimes our thoughts become a movie of the stressful incident that plays on repeat in our thoughts. Try to think further. Remember how you got out of the situation, remember how you got home, remember how you had dinner, remember how you got to bed. And remember: You're okay, you're alright, this is all behind you, you did alright, and right now you're safe and fine.

Try to explicitly think this a few times. At the very least, this is a much more pleasant thought to get stuck on than "fuck, I'm in danger".

And if it helps: Either distract yourself or tell someone what happened. Both are okay. Just don't stop at the scary part when telling the tale, always think and tell about it to the point where you were safe again.

[-] Mrs_deWinter@feddit.de 17 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

After I got diagnosed with some weight related shit, I turned my entire life upside down, am at a much healthier 150 lbs (68ish kg), and feel so much better, both physically and mentally.

Something disillusioning from the field of psychotherapy research: Our best, most interdisciplinary, low-threshold therapeutic strategies allow people to, on average, lose and hold the loss of up to 7-10% of the weight they've started with. Which isn't even enough to get most people out of the obesity range. What you've been through is exceptional. By far most people will never manage to lose that much, not even with professional help.

To put it this way: If we look at obesity like a mental disorder it's one of the hardest to overcome, harder than depression or anxiety.

I get why so many people share your opinion on this, I just feel like it's missing context. Because sure, physiologically its possible for a depressed person to "just go out more" or an anxious person to "just stop breathing so fast" or an overweight person to "just eat less and move more", but this is such an oversimplified way to look at how humans work and why they do what they do that is simply stops being correct. Every now and then you'll meet someone who managed to do all this just like that, but for the vast majority it's an unrealistic and unfair thing to ask.

Obesity is a chronic disorder and will continue to be until we get better treatments.

[-] Mrs_deWinter@feddit.de 19 points 11 months ago

Looks like someone used the roof tool in Sims 3 with the wrong cheat still enabled.

[-] Mrs_deWinter@feddit.de 18 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Personally I think that if they really believe they have a message to the Muslim priests that they should then go to the Muslim priests in the middle east and burn the books, instead of hiding behind "freedom of speech" in a safe country.

The message is "this is allowed here, and it will stay that way". There would be no message doing it in a country without free speech, only violence.

I'm not saying I like that they did it, but I definitely want to live in a society where it's allowed to do so. There is no place in a modern society for relics. If people want to worship a book that's their private decision and should be without consequence for the rest of society.

[-] Mrs_deWinter@feddit.de 16 points 11 months ago

As for “deniers” , I dont think people questioning all of this are deniers, they are simply asking legit questions. Remember, this Climate thing has been being pushed/sold to us for like 60+ years now.

If you deny 60 years of research how are you not a denier? The only people with doubts at this point have no clue about science, sorry.

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