[-] MudMan@fedia.io 1 points 1 day ago

It's not just the games that support it, it will also tag other metadata it knows automatically on all games, like achievement unlocks. And you can manually add tags, too. It's all telemetry that Valve and the devs are already extracting from you, of course, plus whatever you volunteer in manual markers, but it's still a bit creepy to see it laid out on a timeline like that.

[-] MudMan@fedia.io 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Well, it's two different things, one is the background record, which is less "freaking out" and more "not for me on PC".

The other is blending the background recording with metadata on a timeline, which starts getting Recall-y in terms of logging a video recording of what you were doing where there is also a data record of what you were doing. I do think that part starts stepping over to kinda creepy.

It's more useful here than as a OS feature, though, because yeah, I can see it saving one the trouble of recording different matches separately or having to scrub back and forth to find certain things.

[-] MudMan@fedia.io 2 points 2 days ago

Yeah, I get that, but that's also true of Steam Link and Steam's general streaming solution (which I presume is what this is using) and it's trivial to get a different window to show up or even to get to the desktop from the in-game streaming, particularly if you have a non-Steam app in your library.

So yeah, it's gonna be on demand recordings from me... assuming the quality holds up (Nvidia's kinda sucks). Otherwise that's what OBS is for.

[-] MudMan@fedia.io 4 points 2 days ago

Well, that was MS's argument and I don't think it flies there either.

On a console it's fine, it's only ever gonna catch a game. On the Steam Deck as well, same deal.

For a desktop PC that you also use for work and media and other stuff... yeah, I want to be extra sure that if I alt-tab from a game to quickly answer some work email that's not going to accidentally be recorded anywhere, even locally. Like Recall, I can see people who would not mind that as long as the data stays in their computer, I myself like knowing that I don't accidentally leave exposed files with potentially sensitive information laying around without my knowledge.

I mean, it's fine, it just means turning the feature off. I don't use the equivalent feature from Nvidia for the same reasons. I still think it's funny that MS got (rightfully) put on blast for basically doing this and then Apple and Valve both announced similar features immediately afterwards. It's made for some awkward mental gymnastics on the Internet recently.

[-] MudMan@fedia.io 3 points 2 days ago

Hah. So if you turn the background recording on it keeps a browsable timeline with metadata about which modes you were playing, presumably based on your rich presence data?

How freaked out do you think everyone at Valve was this past month watching Microsoft's Recall feature get ripped to shreds?

All joking aside, I do not trust background recording on PC. I've seen how easy it is to bypass Steam Link's restritions on streaming your desktop, I guarantee that some of these clips would end up with something I don't want in them. I do think metadata annotation on long manual recordings is potentially interesting, but it IS creepy.

[-] MudMan@fedia.io 9 points 2 days ago

It's the PC version with controller support patched into the old Sidewinder support. It works super smoothly, although these days you can get the PS1 version to look a lot better with emulation tweaks.

Still, go get it. It's so cool to have this DRM free. The installer is safely in my library now.

[-] MudMan@fedia.io 3 points 2 days ago

Neat. Not the version I played, and arguably a lot of those issues were fixed in the PC port. But then, there are a lot more options for accurate hardware-level emulation and preservation of period-appropriate Amiga than the much muddier explosion of PC specs, so it's weirdly a cleaner way to preserve an optimal version.

I'm never sure how much to push early releases like these, though. Is the clumsy one-unit-at-a-time approach to Dune 2 worth messing with? Or do you just go play the (extremely good) remaster of Command & Conquer at that point?

[-] MudMan@fedia.io 12 points 4 days ago

I wonder, too. Pro-EU centre-right parties and social democrat parties still hold a majority, so on these things I'm not sure we'll see a major shift, but I genuinely haven't checked the voting record to see if the far right parties generally take a different stance on the more pedestrian consumer protection regulations or not. I probably should do that.

[-] MudMan@fedia.io -4 points 4 days ago

I... no.

It's a computer, doing math. It's genuinely fascinating and mind blowing that coherent language emerges from it, and there are probably profound things about exactly when and how. It doesn't need a fundamental moral stance, let alone eldritch horror, to be seen with some objectivity.

[-] MudMan@fedia.io 18 points 4 days ago

I see next to zero discussion about Gaza here.

People seem to be arguing about whether vandalizing libraries is good or bad. It's bad, for the record.

Of course that's only failure if your goal is for people to talk about the thing you're supposed to care about. If your goal happens to be to get people to talk about you, screw Gaza or anybody else... well, then yeah, mission accomplished. We can all go home now.

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