Excellently written. You understand it perfectly from my point of view.
Because they become the best at obeying. Guess it’s like as a dom they love the power and control over a weaker person like how a planet has control over its moon but with me, I’m like a super massive blackhole in terms of power over other people. My gravity captures everything that gets close to me and that power to someone as simple as a planet is awe inspiring and impossible to ignore.
If text made you feel that way then you’d really stand no chance in person with me ;) Subs who were doms are the best of subs ;)
Fit and fucking sexy babe!
Certainly requires a combination of many things I have going for myself. Looks to get your attention, allure to get you close, strength to position you how I want, intelligence to know which buttons to push, confidence to know I will make you do whatever I want, and experience from breaking so many different types of men and women.
I’ll forever be obsessed with Family Guy
Impressive girth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Breaking dom's is an easy thing for me....wonder why... ;)
Fun, good boy characteristics ;)
Well done :)
I agree with that statement 100%
Only apps where I NEED to potentially respond to something. So texts, phone calls, alarm system, Snapchat (but only specific people/groups) and the pager app I use for volunteering at my local hospitals. Everything else, turned off.