My Fold 5 Skin (lemmy.ca)
submitted 2 months ago by NENathaniel@lemmy.ca to c/futurama@lemmy.world

From Slickwraps, custom print from uploading my own file.

If anyone can link the original source/creator that'd be rad, can't remember where I saved it from

[-] NENathaniel@lemmy.ca 59 points 3 months ago

Yea sadly the kid was an aggressor here

But the cops should be using tazers or something non-lethal to deal with this kinda altercation


Paid is fine if it's low-cost

PDF editting is nice but not a necessity. Recommendations?

Currently just using OneDrive as a PDF viewer but there must be nicer ones too


Ive thought about it for ages but finally got it.

Btw go play some Quake :)


Am I doing something wrong or does TrueNAS/Nextcloud not support HEIC images?

I'm not super knowledgable on this topic so unsure how to fix (if possible to fix)


[-] NENathaniel@lemmy.ca 83 points 6 months ago

Being better than Elon is a pretty low bar but, I suppose I'd agree he passed it


Keencon Lan in Barcelona this weekend!

watch on: https://www.twitch.tv/shaftastictv & https://www.twitch.tv/maxterquake

vods should also be available on https://www.youtube.com/@ShaftasticTV

submitted 7 months ago by NENathaniel@lemmy.ca to c/framework@lemmy.ml

The right edge of my trackpad is physically higher lifted than the left edge which feels quite sunken.

This normal, do y'all have this?


LAN taking place in Barcelona is happening this weekend, starting at 10:00 CET Friday to Sunday

submitted 8 months ago by NENathaniel@lemmy.ca to c/grayjay@lemmy.tf
submitted 8 months ago by NENathaniel@lemmy.ca to c/grayjay@lemmy.tf

I sub to YT Premium.

If I log in on Grayjay and 'Provide YT Activity', will creators get the watch revenue from me?

[-] NENathaniel@lemmy.ca 68 points 9 months ago

Not necessarily how they're viewing it.

Once if was free, now it's $150,000+ with the possibility of that increasing anytime

[-] NENathaniel@lemmy.ca 168 points 9 months ago

Idk much about this company but I'm assuming $150,000 is nothing to them.

But I suppose it's the precedent this sets, not the fine itself

[-] NENathaniel@lemmy.ca 51 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Signal seems like an obvious choice over Telegram if privacy is the exclusive priority.

I do love Telegram tho for the ability to send full-quality photos/videos, log-on with 2+ phones simultaneously, visual customization, etc

[-] NENathaniel@lemmy.ca 70 points 9 months ago

I'm doing my best to constantly listen to new music every week to keep fresh and malleable in my taste

[-] NENathaniel@lemmy.ca 72 points 9 months ago

I'm not opposed to paying for services I enjoy/find value in, and from companies I don't dislike

Twitter does not pass these guidelines

[-] NENathaniel@lemmy.ca 52 points 9 months ago

The cable is the weakest link of Earbuds for durability.

IEM's with replaceable cables are readily available and getting very cheap & good these days (e.g. Moondrop Chu 2, Truthear Hola, etc)

[-] NENathaniel@lemmy.ca 90 points 10 months ago

Work tech retail, a lot of young people don't know shit about any tech tbh

[-] NENathaniel@lemmy.ca 47 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Well there are 3 alternatives.

Ads, which everyone on here would endorse blocking, so that’s out.

All journalism becomes volunteer work, running off of optional donations, which seems unlikely :D

Or all journalism becomes publicly funded via-taxes. This is probably the optimal option but I think most people would agree that ALL journalism being government funded has a ton of risks.

[-] NENathaniel@lemmy.ca 93 points 10 months ago

Everyone hates ads but no one wants to pay for it lol

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