Yes, a complete barbarian. We have them too, but we aspire to be better than just being equally barbaric in return. That's why civilisations do justice, not revenge.
Do what you can. Reduce your carbon footprint by eating less meat, using cars less, flying less. OK, by yourself it's not going to make a huge difference, but at least you will know that personally, you aren't making it worse. Join a group that is trying to make a positive difference.
Concentrate on the little things that make you happy. You can't stop climate change on your own but you can make something nice for dinner.
Value your friends and keep in touch with them. They probably feel pretty much the same as you do. Cheer each other up and support each other.
Get a hobby to keep yourself occupied.
That's all I can think of.
They aren't wrong that this law isn't fit for modern times, but not in the way they mean. It needs to be e expanded into a GDPR type thing.
Short answer: no proportional representation. Long answer: lack of proportional representation. If you are going to have voting, at least let people vote for the candidate they want rather than the least worst option.
FreeCAD can be a right pain in the arse and things can blow up spectacularly, but it does force you to use discipline in your designing. It's a great tool if you are careful and don't cut corners. Other than with the mitre tool, ho ho.
Fear leads to panic, panic leads to pain, pain leads to anger, anger leads to hate.
The bed of that stupid thing is about twice as high as the useful one, so you have to lift the cargo twice as high.
I was going to see them just before Christmas but I came off my motorbike and broke my knee into 4 pieces the week before. I know that's not particularly interesting, but I'm posting it because I'm still pissed off about missing it.
A couple of things helped me stop. First, I didn't set a day I was going to stop because that just made me anxious and want to smoke more as THE DAY approached. I decided I was going to stop soon and then one random morning I said to myself "this is it. Stop now", which took me by surprise and I didn't have a chance to get anxious.
Secondly, I kept to my routine of taking a break when I'd normally have a cigarette but I'd go outside and chew some ordinary gum instead. That way I could deal with the physical addiction first and the mental addiction later.
When you owe the bank $50 it's your problem. When you owe the bank $50m it's their problem.