
joined 1 year ago

This feels like an odd one, given it's an acoustic cover, but Frank Turner's cover of "Build Me Up Buttercup" sticks with me.

He also did a good cover of Tom Petty's American Girl, was fucking great to hear live, but I can't say it's better than the original.

They threw so many fucking tantrums. I remember when one subreddit decided to say fuck it and threw a revolt over their nonsense. They acted like having people hate them was a badge of honor and that anyone against them was "a stupid misogynist".

I've done the mug before.

Actually my preferred way for oatmeal. Warms the mug up, and it stays warm for longer!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

With the advent of lab grown animal neurons interfacing with parts, we need to expand the definition of "wetware".

It's meat. Doesn't even need to be people meat. Just meat that can be trained to react to stimuli, which opens up some options depending on complexity.


This is the first time in 6 years this cat has shown extended interest in a cat toy, and she got it all out.

[–] 20 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Fun personal story time:

Back when I was about 12, my dad and his then-girlfriend lived in a condominium. I was over for the weekend, and needed to take a massive shit.

Take said shit, it won't flush. Go get the plunger. Plunge plunge plunge. Try again. Now it's filling up. Plunge plunge plunge. It's still filling. Panic starts to fill my child heart.

My dad was at work, he wouldn't be home for another 10, probably 12 hours. I needed an adult. Wait, his girlfriend is home!

Embarrassed as shit, I go to her and explain the situation. She assures me I'm just freaking out, it's okay, she can handle a clogged toilet!

So she tries. And tries. Then all I hear is "THERE'S SO MUCH POOP! HOW CAN ONE CHILD MAKE SO MUCH POOP?!"

Turned out there was something going on with the sewer line and I just found out in the worst way possible. I wanted to die when I heard her yelling about the amount of shit backflowing. She wasn't even mad about it, just confused as to why it kept coming.

So long as no ones judging. Sometimes you just want to wrap your lips around the hot tailpipe while the engines running and you drop your ass like you're trying to commit a one-person mass extinction event on a dildo.

It's my auto-erotic ass fixation.

[–] 32 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Sometimes you need that good, deep clean only a chunk of bark will give you.


An impossible wish, yet one that burned itself into my heart the moment I read it, and a quote that has kept me walking.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It's just Benny. He comes to snuggle the cat. Harmless, really.

Just... Don't let him near any birds, okay?

PTT on Q, for an easier time accidentally hitting it at an inopportune moment.

That way everyone knows why you suck tonight is because you're going through a messy divorce, she taking the kids, my fucking kids, and you expect me to be at the top of my game? THE LICH KING CAN FUCK OFF UNLESS HE'S THE ONE PAYING THE ALIMONY!

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Shift is for Sprint. Ctrl is for Crouch.

It's right there, in the manual, page 2.

Tiny lamps, magnifiers with lights attached, the little "Lite Worm" you could plug on top that barely did anything besides put a bright spot on your screen...

There was a lot of bad ideas before the concept of a backlit Gameboy left Japan. Because of course they had an exclusive one with a backlight before the GBA was even a thing, let alone the SP.

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