[-] Narauko@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Nah, he doth protest too much. I don't expect women are appearing in his "fantasies". Definitely finding Christmas presents if you catch my drift.

[-] Narauko@lemmy.world 26 points 4 days ago

Typically it's prescribed for ghosts in the blood, but can pull double duty off-lable for ADHD if amphetamine is out of stock at your local apothecary.

[-] Narauko@lemmy.world 9 points 2 weeks ago

To be fair, any American at least 35 years old can run for president. Criminal status or history isn't a block to that, to prevent pulling a Putin and jailing political rivals to clear the field. The media is also a cesspool of ragebait and train wrecks due to the 24 hour news cycle and "ratings".

[-] Narauko@lemmy.world 7 points 2 weeks ago

The invisible hand of the market is not all powerful, which is why regulation and safeguards are needed for a "free" market to function. Anti-monopoly laws, labor laws, etc. I lean libertarian, but do not embrace 100% laissez-faire economics. Immigration falls under this same framework.

The West has eliminated their manufacturing and blue collar base by outsourcing it overseas, which hurt large swaths of the working class. Outsourcing labor by importing labor from overseas to do the job cheaper here has similar results. See the agricultural sector in the US for this example. Everyone always says that the reason immigrants are needed is because Americans don't want to do those jobs, but leave out "for the wages paid".

Some regulation is needed, and we have had wholesale failure of meaningful regulation and complete regulatory capture by the oligarchy which started under Reagan and snowballed out of control since. Proper support networks and social safety nets have also failed, for the same reasons. Unrestricted immigration does not solve these issues, and with these holes in place does indeed hurt.

Things that aren't a problem when everything is healthy and working as intended can definitely hurt when things aren't healthy. Obviously the "health issues" need to be addressed to actually fix the problem, but ignoring symptoms while doing so doesn't help.

[-] Narauko@lemmy.world 9 points 1 month ago

I've been wanting that since 1994. Jawsome!

[-] Narauko@lemmy.world 23 points 1 month ago

Are we also going to tolerate the same with Islam and terrorism? POC and safety because "crime statistics"? If those are not acceptable because it's not anyone's individual responsibility for others in an involuntarily assigned group, why is this ok?

[-] Narauko@lemmy.world 7 points 3 months ago

Each Wyoming is worth one California in the Senate due to the fact that California and Wyoming are both single states. The messed up part is the missing like 140 representatives that should exist to balance population to representative for each state.

[-] Narauko@lemmy.world 10 points 3 months ago

The US is far more like the EU than it is like Britain or Canada, being a Republic of aligned States. We have a body representing the states themselves (the Senate, and each state is equal and gets 2 Senators), a body representing the People in those states (the House of Representatives, which has been capped for total size and is no longer equally proportional but serves the same purpose), and a body representing the entire Union (the Executive branch - the President, Vice President, Cabinet, etc.).

[-] Narauko@lemmy.world 9 points 4 months ago

Yeah, I got tired of soldering new switches on my Logitech mice. It's the only reason I ended up with a Razer for my latest mouse, optical switches that physically cannot get double click failure. Logi isn't the only one with the double click failures, Razer traditional switch mice fail for me even faster than logi.

[-] Narauko@lemmy.world 8 points 4 months ago

May I introduce you to JNCO?

[-] Narauko@lemmy.world 7 points 4 months ago

It takes days or weeks for the polonium to kick in. He might look to be in the clear for now, but don't count all your chickens before they get defenestrated.

[-] Narauko@lemmy.world 9 points 5 months ago

Even American cats have spyware.

And they have since the 1960's: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acoustic_Kitty

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