[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 5 points 15 hours ago


Corvids/Corvidae is a species of birds which include crows and ravens - they have demonstrated complex intelligence via tool use and social circles, so they're comparable to human intelligence of some specific various ages/milestones, but didn't invent a spoken language.

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 3 points 2 days ago

I'm sorry; AI was trained on the sole sum of human knowledge.. if the perfect human being is by nature some variant of a psychopath, then perhaps the bias exists in the training data, and not the machine?

How can we create a perfect, moral human being out of the soup we currently have? I personally think it's a miracle that sociopathy is the lowest of the neurological disorders our thinking machines have developed.

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 4 points 5 days ago

What the fuck is a metaverse?

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 76 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

TLDR: It's a great concept but it's about 100× more exhausting than you imagine.

I absolutely love stuff like this, and I also love cycling.

However, there is a big caveat here: I've been cycling for years and know my own power output:

Output -- Time Window -- Heart Rate

  • 1400 W* | 60 seconds | 208 bpm
  • 385 W | 20 minutes | 162 bpm
  • 148 W | 6 hours | 110 bpm

*(yes, I know. My thighs are larger than some people's torsos and it scares me too)

That means that on average, around 13 and ½ hours of pedalling to charge this thing. (2 KWh is also worth $0.68¢ where I live at standard residential rates).

Humans are not great at converting their physical and thermal energy into kinetic or electrical (20-24% for most bodies).

Pedal power is amazing for things like charging phones or powering small devices and computers though, or for something completely meta: Charging up a eBike or electric scooter (120W), to then use without pedalling later.

Which then begs the question -- if our "human/person power output" is like 150 watts constant .. and the sun provides 1.4 kW/m² of energy -- why not just lay down a 150W photovoltaic solar panel ($89) in the sun and sip on some unsweetened iced tea instead?

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 74 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

What you get is not dollars, but like productivity.

Interesting. Interesting theory Altman.

What if the dollars went to the people who generated that productivity, perhaps?

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 108 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Yeah honestly, I bought Tarkov second-hand for $8 and even then I felt like I was getting ripped off.

It's probably not news to anyone but the game has extremely lax anti-cheat controls.

As for why people would cheat in an online game, it always seems obvious from a psychological standpoint, but the cheats for Tarkov are so egregious they're like full blown developer offline DEBUG TOOLS.

I don't mean "oh no, aim assistance, and they can see you through walls" -- the cheat tools are hooking into features of the GAME ENGINE ITSELF, allowing players to see:

PlayerName, Current HP, Current Level, Full inventory contents, currently equipped weapon, position, heading, estimated value of inventory, estimated value of your account, age of account creation, and so on.

They can also: Teleport, FLY, increase or decrease their run speed, jump height, and so on.

The cheaters are basically running around with admin privileges in the game, and the developers don't give a flying fuck. It's like GTA5 levels of cheating.

Why would anyone play such a game, much less pay $150 to be abused by people? You can slam your dick in a car door for a lot less.

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 143 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Hello, expert solarpunk here.

TLDR: Car battery is 350Wh. Fridge uses 143W idle, so it'll run a fridge for 2-3 hours.

Explanation below:

Car batteries are lead-acid (sulphuric acid and lead plates).

They discharge according to Peukert's Law as the negatively charged plate gets covered in lead via the acid (electrolyte).

As the battery depletes, the negative plate can begin to take permanent damage, and so you can't discharge a lead-acid deeper than 10-20%, or about 10.8V, with the safe limit being ~50% discharge.

Most 12V, 60Ah batteries therefore only safely store and nominally discharge 350 Wh @ 350W.

You can discharge that as fast as you want but the faster you discharge, the lower the capacity is (with 1000-1500W bringing you way down to like 65 Wh). Fridges have a surge when they start up to fire up the compressor. Starter batteries can take that, but once the refrigerant is cold, the fridge just maintains the temperature which uses a lot less energy - about 143W on average.

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 96 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I once had one of those crypto-people message me with a sales pitch, asking for money to help start their small business in Africa or something like that (can't remember what, I think it was a micro-brewery)

As an actual business owner, their initial ideas sounded okay, and I began forwarding them resources on how to secure a low-interest loan from their government and grants and stuff like that and then they abruptly closed up with:

"This is scam, brother. This is scam. You have good heart. I tell you only once, do not message this number."

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 87 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

The Animatrix (prequel) goes into further detail as to why the machines did it -- it's an act of mercy for their creators. They refused to fight humanity, and it was mankind who darkened the skies, in an attempt to disable the solar power that the machine race relied upon.

It's not a prison, or some kind of torture device, or an experiment, but a way for humanity to continue living on a world that they made uninhabitable for themselves / incompatible with organic life.

Agent Smith : Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization. I say your civilization, because as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilization, which is of course what this is all about.

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 235 points 6 months ago

Fun fact: The human battery thing is actually a retcon the Wazowskis did at the last moment because they thought the American public would be too stupid to grok the actual understanding of the Matrix.

Humans are an entropic species, they consume more energy than they produce - any synthetic race that tried to harness energy from a net negative energy producer is an idiot.

What the Matrix is, is actually a distributed simulation MATRIX that uses individual human brains as nodes in a shared, hallucinogenic dream, indistinguishable from reality.

The real simulation isn't so primitive, it doesn't require people to be popsicle tubes in some crazy dystopian cyberpunk black and red tower attended by insectoid robots.

Instead the entire universe is contained on a single state machine, compromising a [redacted] amount of memory, running in [redacted]. Simulants are never aware of being inside of the simulation, except for rare instances where outsiders occasionally post on Lemmy.

Why they do that, we don't know. We suspect that it is [all further content redacted].

[-] Naz@sh.itjust.works 132 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I mean, it's a victory if they shout it loudly enough, right? A lie repeated long enough, so it goes:

Company is going bankrupt, users are gone, laying off the bottom quartile of the company, but they stopped the protest! Etc.



It's like reading the top two lines of a disaster report and declaring victory. Fuck Reddit.

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