[-] NetHandle@kbin.social 5 points 11 months ago

There are always things people have in common. More-so today with the accessibility to media provided by the internet. That said being a friend to someone isn't about checking a bingo card of similar interests. It's about listening to their experiences and being interested.

What do people watch on tv, what are they listening to, where have they vacationed recently, did you hear about xyz happening in the news.
Kids. People with kids talk about their kids.

Some of that might overlap with your experiences, some of it won't, it doesn't need to. You just need to shoot the shit, hear what they've been up to, say what you've been up to, and enjoy doing it. Maybe do an activity of somekind while your at it, maybe just eat dinner.

The age range is just when people get busy with life and have less free time to actually do things. So they have less to talk about. Work becomes their lives. That changes eventually, wait another five year period. You get settled in your career and your focus shifts more towards what's going on in your actual life.

You should look up 'speech communities'. It's a linguistic anthropology thing. Essentially boils down to 'people talk differently and about different things depending who they're talking to and where'. In your case you want a group of work friends to talk about work topics with, separate from your group of childhood friends, who you can talk about non-work topics with.

[-] NetHandle@kbin.social 11 points 1 year ago

NCBI's GenBank has some and they're trying to get more.

Here's an article about why it's hard. Spoiler alert, it's poverty.

Also I suggest checking out GenBank and BLAST, whether you're working in biology or not they're fun to play around with.

[-] NetHandle@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago

I think there's a problem with people wanting a fully developed brand new technology right out the gate. The cell phones of today didn't happen overnight, it started with a technology that had limitations and people innovated.

AI is a technology that has limitations, people will innovate it. Hopefully.

I think my favorite potential use case for AI is academics. There are countless numbers of journal articles that get published by students, grad students and professors, and the vast majority of those articles don't make an impact. Very few people read them, and they get forgotten. Vast amounts of data, hypotheses and results that might be relevant to someone trying to do something good, important or novel but they will never be discovered by them. AI can help with this.

Of course there's going to be problems that come up. Change isn't good for everyone involved, but we have to hope that there is a net good at the end. I'm sure whoever was invested in the telegram was pretty choked when the phone showed up, and whoever was invested in the carrier pigeon was upset when the telegram showed up. People will adapt, and society will benefit. To think otherwise is the cynical take on the same subject. The glass is both half full and half empty. You get to choose your perspective on it.

[-] NetHandle@kbin.social 5 points 1 year ago

I vaguely remember hearing something about redhat in the past doing something else the Linux community didn't like. I think it was back around 2008ish. Can anyone jog my memory? I was a bit too young to care at the time.

[-] NetHandle@kbin.social 17 points 1 year ago

The infamous nipple bot. Boldly finding nipples where no nipples were found before.

[-] NetHandle@kbin.social 5 points 1 year ago

Ok so there's a thing called Colyte, thats the brand name. It is a polyethylene glycol electrolyte juice. You can ask for it at a pharmacy, they might have a different brand. It tastes pretty good. Now it'll get you real cleaned out, so you'll have to keep eating like some kind of horrific human centipede. Drink lots of water, stay hydrated.

[-] NetHandle@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago

I looked at the bottom of lemmy, and this is what I found.

People hated him, for he told them the truth.

[-] NetHandle@kbin.social 6 points 1 year ago

You're not a failure, you're a content creator!

[-] NetHandle@kbin.social 9 points 1 year ago

It's marketing, it's propaganda, it's psyops. Influencing what posts make it to the front page, what posts stay in hot, what opinions get upvoted or downvoted just to make them look popular or unpopular. Mass reporting for posts that offend them. Having entirely fake, scripted conversations to convey points in a more trusted manner in order to influence the reader.

Remember, nobody is immune propaganda.

[-] NetHandle@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago

I would say thank you butt...

[-] NetHandle@kbin.social 12 points 1 year ago

Have you tried Arch?
You should try Arch.
It will be exactly what you make it.
It has great documentation and walkthroughs.
It's got a cool name.
You get to say you run Arch.
Join us... cthulu ftaghn

[-] NetHandle@kbin.social 12 points 1 year ago

So uhh, step one: get cholera (it lives on shellfish, and plankton do with this what you will, lick some shells or something)
Step two: ingest cholera
Step three: try not to die

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