[-] Nevoic@lemm.ee 11 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

They've already bombed the vast majority of Gaza and resettled people, and the next step is almost certainly another expansion of the settler state of Israel.

Most of the millions of people that live in Gaza have been resettled into a very small area. Whether Israel decides to nuke them or force them into neighboring countries as refugees is irrelevant to their end goal of settling the territory. The Palestinians are just "rats" that need to be removed.

I'm sure they'd prefer to nuke them and just get rid of their problem once and for all; a final solution of sorts. However they do have limited political capital in this conflict, and nuking the remaining civilians does have the potential to negative impact U.S-Isrsel relations. So there's a real chance they opt for just pushing the "human animals" out of the territories.

[-] Nevoic@lemm.ee 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Not all gamers are triple A gamers. I'd call myself an avid gamer (I used to put in easily 80 hour weeks gaming, now it's almost always lower, but I'll still go on gaming binges during long vacations or holidays).

The vast, vast majority of my time has been WoW and LoL. I have played other games throughout the years, but usually in the same genres (mmo/moba).

A lot of these games have entry fees of below $70. Right now most of my gaming time is cata classic, and that requires $15 a month. Over time that will obviously add up, but everything adds up overtime, and $15 a month is not prohibitively expensive for most people. Also it's really only $15 for the first month, just by leveling in cata classic to max you make enough to buy a wow token, and can easily pay $0 a month every month by just using in game currency.

[-] Nevoic@lemm.ee 11 points 1 month ago

As someone who has primarily used spaces, I still use the tab key. I sincerely hope most space users understand that your editor can expand your tab key into spaces, and people aren't genuinely going around spamming their spacebar 2->16 times for various indentation levels.

[-] Nevoic@lemm.ee 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Yup, just like it's employment 101 to not discuss salaries.

Lack of communication and organization is a fantastic way to keep workers in line. Genuinely all it takes are a handful of socialists in an environment of heavily exploited workers to get a union going. They can all feel the material harm capitalism is causing, but lack the language and means to express and resist that harm.

When socialists provide it (via politics in the workplace), that harms companies. When communication takes place (salary sharing, organization tactics, etc.) you place a strain on the bourgeoise to behave more inline with worker expectations. This isn't what capitalists want.

[-] Nevoic@lemm.ee 12 points 2 months ago

Yet the 10 commandments are still taught in most Christian orthodoxies, almost like there's no consistency or reason to be had here because we're talking about religion.

[-] Nevoic@lemm.ee 12 points 2 months ago

I filter myself based on the environment and people I'm around. This would always be the case. I don't go on unhinged socialist rants to my boss in 2024, and I wouldn't have done that in 1964 either. Hell, in 1964 I'd have an astronomically higher chance of being questioned and jailed for my "extreme" anticapitalist views in the U.S.

[-] Nevoic@lemm.ee 11 points 3 months ago

Yes but in different ways depending on the country. The U.S has a pretty clear analogue, the Native American genocide.

The main difference between Israel/Palestine and the U.S/Native Americans is the former is happening currently, the U.S has already successfully completed the genocide on their natives, while Israel is in the middle of its extermination.

Germany also clearly has the Jewish Holocaust, but they weren't successful in WW2, so that genocide didn't get white-washed and instead was shamed to paint a clear good guy/bad guy narrative, despite the Nazis open praise of the U.S for our successful extermination of the natives, U.S business interests aligning with Nazis before and during the war, and the U.S trying to stay neutral between the Allies and Axis powers until Japan forced the U.S into action.

[-] Nevoic@lemm.ee 11 points 3 months ago

Reducing net profit doesn't have any impact on pricing in capitalist markets. It's not like capitalists have some specific profit percentage they are allowed to hit (unless they're in a very regulated industry like grid or water supply). They want infinite returns, and they'll increase prices as much as the market allows to generate more profits.

Capitalists don't look at a net profit of 4.4% and say "yup that's enough", but if it were 2.8% they'd say "damn guess we have to increase prices for customers, I really wish we didn't have to do this".

They might increase prices as a retaliatory measure. The same way businesses slashed hours as a result of Obamacare. They didn't have to, but it benefited them to, and they didn't see a downside.

They might be able to increase prices, blame it on this law, and have people who are aligned politically with them put up with it and maybe even support their business more to "stick it to the libs". They already do this with things like inflation, blaming it on Biden and then increasing prices far more than necessary.

[-] Nevoic@lemm.ee 10 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Some people, yourself included, have gone overboard on the sensitivity towards bias. You're at the point that including facts reads to you as bias. It's always made sense that excluding certain facts can be perceived as a bias, but now you want an "enlightened centrist" media outlet to omit facts to paint the fascists in a better light?

You've gone too far. The truth is Ron is a piece of shit. If speaking that truth is biased, then reality is biased.

[-] Nevoic@lemm.ee 10 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I hate the phrasing "terrorist group" here. Not because what happened here wasn't an atrocity, but because people generally refuse to call state-backed violence "terrorist" violence. The word terrorism is incredibly broad, easily describing a ton of things Israel does. Yet, we refuse to call them a terrorist organization.

Israel slaughtered hundreds of protesters 4 years ago in Gaza.

Israel and Egypt have been blockading the Gaza strip in violation of the GCIV since 2007.

In 2014, a triple-homicide was committed. Israel claimed it was Hamas, and arrested hundreds of Palestinians. Hamas sent rockets into Israel, killing 2 people, and Israel initiated Operation Protective Edge, killing thousands of Palestinians.

Not to mention the entire Israel-Palestine conflict can be traced back about 100 years, where imperialist Britain endorsed the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine in the Balfour Declaration. Eventually leading to the formation of Israel in the late 40s and the subsequent ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, forcing nearly a million natives to move to make way for Israel.

"terrorism" is politically charged language with the intent of making us sympathize with a certain side. Of course we'll side with the "Israel state" and against the "Hamas terrorist group". The language used to describe these groups already prescribes how we should view them. Western media will never describe Israel's atrocities as terrorist actions, so people will dismiss the slaughter of tens or even hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians as "just war".

[-] Nevoic@lemm.ee 10 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Centrism isn't a political position. It's an attitude. It means you have a tendency to view dichotomies as false, and further that the truth, as you understand it, exists somewhere between two presented (false) dichotomies.

Centrism means different things depending on political context. It could mean you're a socialist, a capitalist, a fascist, a bolshevik. It doesn't present a political view in and of itself, and as such it's usually an incredibly unprincipled stance.

Do you look at class through a socialist lens or a fascist one? As in, do you believe the classes are opposed in their interests or aligned?

Do you support the state's monopoly on violence and subsequent declaration of private property rights?

Do you view allowing the interests of capital to steer the global economy via institutions like the IMF as a grave injustice or the invisible hand of the market doing what's best for humanity?

The answer to these questions, if you look into things, will often align in a coherent way. It's unlikely, for example, that you'll take a socialist lens on classes in viewing them as conflicted while also supporting the declaration of property rights in direct opposition to the interests of the worker.

If you're in the U.S and you're a self-described centrist, you're likely a capitalist who's simply undecided on some social issues. If you were brought up religious but went to secular public school, that would cause some dissonance in analyzing social issues. However, this inability to form a coherent view shouldn't be the main feature of your self-described political stance.

It's better to just say you haven't done enough research to come to any reasonable political position. It's much better to accept that humans don't know everything and know where your own knowledge falls short.

[-] Nevoic@lemm.ee 10 points 10 months ago

Some people prefer using keyboards to navigate.

I'm an i3wm, neovim, zellij user and WoW player. I have so many bindings that I use to navigate or do things, and I've optimized/automated away things that are repetitive to me.

Zellij follows the unix philosophy in my book of being a good multiplexer. Sure, Intellij is also a sort of multiplexer with panes and terminal Windows, but I can't use spotify_player and navigate around it inside Intellij like I can within zellij.

Essentially I like installing a tool for doing one thing well, and then combining tools to make my environment fully usable. It allowed me to super easily swap out tmux for zellij when I found I preferred it, but I can't swap out Intellij's paning system for VScode's if I find I prefer it.

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