[-] NoisyFlake@lemm.ee 14 points 1 week ago

Wait, you're telling me that the price on the shelf doesn't include tax where you live?

[-] NoisyFlake@lemm.ee 11 points 1 month ago

Kurz verifiziert: Mit den Antworten kommt tatsächlich 100% Die Partei raus.

[-] NoisyFlake@lemm.ee 14 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Hi there. For me it's perfectly fine for non-vegans to post here, as long as they are as respectful as you are. I'm gonna try to answer each of your questions real quick from my own point of view:

Why do you make the conscious decision to not eat meat/animal products?

Because I don't want animals to suffer just so I can have a specific meal. There's enough alternatives I can create a delicious meal with that don't involve exploiting animals.

Do you have negative feelings towards those who raise their own animals for food, such as those who raise chickens for eggs or cattle for milk, and otherwise treat the animals ethically?

That depends, meat is obviously a no-go. Milk is also pretty criticial, since a) you're taking away the milk the mother produced for it's child, b) you have to separate mother and child so that the child can't drink the milk, and c) you have to impregnate the cow against its will continuously to keep up the milk production. Eggs are probably the thing I'd see as most acceptable, as long as the chickens can roam free and are not specifically held for egg production.

Are there other reasons for not eating meat that I’m not considering?

Well, for me it's mostly ethical. But there's also a huge environmental aspect, as well as a health aspect.

When did you choose to switch to a vegan lifestyle, what (if any) was the “catalyst”?

About a year ago, I was trying to reduce my meat consumption and somehow found a link to the Dominion documentation. If you haven't watched it yet, I gotta warn you, it's absolutely brutal. I couldn't watch it until the end because I was crying and shaking, and I haven't touched meat since. I went vegetarian first for about a month, and then switched to a fully vegan lifestyle when I found out that milk and eggs can't really be produced ethically as well.

What are some challenges that you have dealt with when it comes to this lifestyle?

Acceptance from family, friends and others. Most people are pretty accepting of me being vegan, but there are always people that feel the need to justify their meat consumption without being asked, telling me that my plant-based patty should not be allowed to be called a patty or are simply rude by making jokes about veganism like "if I put tofu around this steak, would you eat it".

I live in a small town, and ordering food is really annoying. There are basically two places that deliver vegan food, and that's pizza and Subway. But I guess it's not all bad, since I cook way more often because of this.

Why do you believe there is a continued stigma around veganism in many physical/internet communities?

The same reason there's stigma around different religions: people with different beliefs try to convince the other side that they are wrong. Oh, and also because most people only have heard bad things about veganism, like extremists that take the completely wrong approach to convince people to become vegan.

I hope I answered most questions to your satisfaction.

[-] NoisyFlake@lemm.ee 15 points 3 months ago

Totally depends on the use case. For data hoarding on a NAS, it's absolutely fine and the sane choice in regards to pricing.

[-] NoisyFlake@lemm.ee 12 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

They probably meant from a developer perspective. It's the only browser that's missing a lot of CSS/JS features and needs weird workarounds for the simplest things.

[-] NoisyFlake@lemm.ee 11 points 4 months ago

X11 does support multiple refresh rates. It's just that usually the compositor or window manager vsyncs every display, thus making everything refresh at the lowest refresh rate. Are you using KDE? If yes, place these variables in /etc/environment and reboot:

[-] NoisyFlake@lemm.ee 13 points 5 months ago

It's basically base Arch with a graphical installer and some reasonable (but optional) default packages.

[-] NoisyFlake@lemm.ee 11 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I also switched to Arch about a month ago, and I've been so surprised at how easy gaming on Linux has become. Even some games that use AntiCheat like Apex Legends run absolutely great.

I had to switch to X11 though, but that's the fault of NVIDIA because the drivers are still causing problems on Wayland.

[-] NoisyFlake@lemm.ee 13 points 7 months ago

And yet, it will be the most successful Call of Duty once again until people stop buying this shit every year.

[-] NoisyFlake@lemm.ee 12 points 10 months ago

Dies. Einfach Seiten benutzen, die auf One-Click-Hostern hochladen, dann bekommt man auch keine Probleme solang man selbst nichts verbreitet.

[-] NoisyFlake@lemm.ee 14 points 10 months ago

My guess is it was an actual gif that exploited some flaw in how the OS handled gifs and thus was able to execute code.

[-] NoisyFlake@lemm.ee 16 points 1 year ago

wtf, is this just obscured javascript?

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