
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 year ago

We're entering a world where corporate media - be that music, television, movies, books, even political messaging - will soon be 99% algorithm driven. Train once, repeat ad infinitum. They already have an idea of how long it takes for public appetite to grow tired of the familiar and start craving new, and that will guide how often the algorithm should be re-trained. Meanwhile we, the consumers, will be kept fat and happy in our metaphorical pens being dished up a constant supply of delicious, processed ~~food~~ ~~entertainment~~ manipulation while they milk us for every dollar, minute, and vote that they can.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Neither am I, friend. I still miss Windows 7 most of the time.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Technically Windows 11 is just a slightly re-skinned continuation of Windows 10. They just had to make it a new version so that they could add in the extra boot security requirements (plus they didn't want to force the new skin on existing Win10 users immediately). But as long as you have a new enough machine then you can upgrade to WIn11 no problem if you want the new features. And if you like where you are, you can continue to use Win10 for another 2 years plus.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Just wait until they figure out how much more $$$$ they can make by putting all content behind microtransactions:

Imagine a world where, instead of grappling with complex tokens and crypto jargon, you have a digital wallet connected to your Web browser. This wallet would automatically handle microtransactions as you browse and consume content, creating a seamless and simplified experience, reminiscent of exchanging tokens at a funfair or arcade

This transition to the Great Paywall isn't just about the monetization of content; it's about balancing the scales and recognizing the value of content creators in the digital ecosystem. In the next chapter of the Web, users aren't just passive consumers but active participants whose attention carries tangible value.

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