[-] Nowyn@sopuli.xyz 28 points 9 months ago

There are two types of people you can donate to. Many instances have a way to donate to them to upkeep and upgrade costs. Then you can donate also for development of the project here https://join-lemmy.org/donate

[-] Nowyn@sopuli.xyz 15 points 9 months ago

And criminalization of civil society is in general thriving in many European countries including France.

[-] Nowyn@sopuli.xyz 28 points 9 months ago

People forget that for kids transition is first social only, then puberty blockers, then after a lot of counselling, hormone placement and in very, very rare cases top surgery. For latter, one of the very, very few if not only institutions that in same select cases would offer top surgery for teens that are in late puberty disbanded those surgeries.

When you look at the rates of transitioned kids who detransitioned and mental health outcomes for children and adolescents who couldn't transition, offering transition is evidence-based and saves lives.

[-] Nowyn@sopuli.xyz 10 points 10 months ago

I think having a digital ID system is very important in the modern age but where it is required needs to be limited. You should not need to use it where it isn't strictly necessary. We have one in Finland too. You will almost entirely use it to use official services that would need your ID in person as well. In this proposal, the issue is not digital ID but how it would be used. First, where it would be used could compromise revealing too much of your identity when you want privacy and secondly and more importantly, it could compromise revealing your private actions to the government. Latter can move into highly problematic territory when criminalizing actions that should not be criminalized.

[-] Nowyn@sopuli.xyz 11 points 10 months ago

In Finnish. Pilkunnussija is the word.

[-] Nowyn@sopuli.xyz 11 points 10 months ago

Just be warned Moomins are a gateway to communism (Weird internet theory). Or at least to more Moomins. We literally have Moomin everything here.

[-] Nowyn@sopuli.xyz 15 points 10 months ago

In addition to general learning which might be my favourite, I have multiple.

Maybe the most niche is a historical reenactment and historical costuming. Latter usually based on extant garments or garment finds. I try to get as close to the original in techniques, tools and materials using the best evidence I can find.

I also plan things that will never happen. I decorate houses and apartments on paper. I make extensive plans for travel that I can never afford unless I win in Lottory. Which I even never play.

I spend absolutely too much time playing with spreadsheets.

[-] Nowyn@sopuli.xyz 31 points 10 months ago

My personal favourites from Finnish.

"Ei ole kaikki muumit Muumilaaksossa" "Not having all the Moomins in Moomin Valley" Used for people who are either stupid or lack sanity. There are other variants of this and Moomin one is not older than a couple of decades.

I find our version of Grammar Nazi pretty great. We call them comma fuckers.

"Ei voi kauhalla ottaa jos on lusikalla annettu" "You can't take with a ladle if it was given with a spoon". This refers also to a lack of something, usually a lack of intelligence or sense.

[-] Nowyn@sopuli.xyz 32 points 11 months ago

Please note that it is not only a US-specific issue. Right has especially in its extreme lengths always been somewhat oppressive and as the right has become more right (again) (also read as in more fascist) in recent years oppressive policies they support are getting more and more oppressive.

[-] Nowyn@sopuli.xyz 11 points 11 months ago

Coming from the non-profit world, it is never that easy. Even when there is no one officially making any money, there are people who will see it as a way to make some bank. There is also a drawback in that not making money can and will affect the amount of time people can put in unless there is a fair way to get them compensation. Volunteering also brings a huge amount of interpersonal and inter-organizational drama. That is why grassroots organizations and movements have a habit of fracturing into smaller groups.

At the same time, there is power in goodwill and being non-profit. You just really need to be careful in vetting your instance and keep an eye on issues in a way people not used to this type of world are not familiar with.

But I wouldn't be here if I didn't have a belief that it could be successful enough as a community. I also wouldn't have been working in the NGO world for the past decade if I didn't believe in that. But let's not have too rosy glasses on. Growing slowly will also give this community a chance to work out the kinks and not die in a blaze of fire.

[-] Nowyn@sopuli.xyz 13 points 11 months ago

Of course use Signal or Matrix but please don't think that makes your messaging entirely impenetrable. I am not saying their end-to-end encryption has been breached. But a compromised device is a compromised device. Signal might be secure at least for now, but is your keyboard?

We do live in times of zero-click spyware and while the general public doesn't necessarily have to worry about things like Pegasus atm, it is still used increasingly and not just against people who break the law.

I do my best, although I do fail to be up to date every once in a while, to stay as secure as possible, but to think any communication is entirely secure is not a good policy.

[-] Nowyn@sopuli.xyz 16 points 1 year ago

Fountain pens are also for some people more disability friendly. Handwriting has sucked for me as long as I remember as it causes a lot of pain and cramping. Fountain pens glide easier and I can write longer with one than with any other type of pen.

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