
joined 1 year ago

If hatred is what you seek, you're on your own.

You know we can see through your whole "ah shucks, I was just wanting a little freedom" shtick, right? No one falls for that shit anymore. You know your opinions are vile, you just want to be able to ensnare vulnerable users into your bigot factory.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yup. Bye. Fuck off with your "opposing viewpoints," which, I suspect, is just a list of dog whistles and thinly veiled bigotry.

[–] 11 points 1 year ago

You know I am all about de-platforming bigots! No quarter for hate!

[–] 20 points 1 year ago

Question, why do we owe them federation? They claim that they are being brigaded by lemmygrad and the hate posts are a false flag. To me, that sounds like they are not able to moderate properly, and are losing control of their instance. This is the exact reason defederation exists, so why not use it? They can always come back when they clean up their instance.

[–] 15 points 1 year ago

They aren't sending their best, folks.

I checked it. All I see is a person with an account on an instance that allows hateful posts to go on unmoderated. Now, I could surmise that you are a regular Joe that made his account on a bad server on accident. But no. You seem to have no problem sitting at the table with those biggots. Beyond that, you are dead set on defending that horrid instance at every corner. So it's kinda hard to take what you say in good faith.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

"I have no argument, so I am going to focus on the person rather than the argument."


[–] 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

No one is censoring anyone. They are free to post whatever toxic shit they want. But we, as an instance, have elected NOT to listen. Censorship would be banning their instance from existing, which IIRC is impossible with federated instances. No, this is just de-platforming. We are turning off the loudspeaker connected to their instance. We don't have to give them a platform. There is no reason to do so. So we defederate.

EDIT: Let me dumb it down further. "We are removing the link to Stormfront from our home page due to their stances." Would you call that censorship? Is it censorship that I would unfriend someone because they are spewing hateful garbage? Of course not. If you really want to read that hate, there are plenty of ways to find it. We just aren't going to help you find it anymore.

[–] 30 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (5 children)

Defederation is de-platforming. These hate communities are able to recruit because let them. We give them free reign to whisper hateful falsehoods in the ears of the vulnerable, all in the name of free speech. They can be as hateful as they want on their own, but we are under no requirement to give them a platform to spread their ideologies. De-platforming works, so let the nazis chirp in their own little echo chamber. Keep their hateful rhetoric contained to their own little garden so our vulnerable youth need not be exposed. It's easy to say "just block them yourself," but that doesn't cut off the steady supply of misguided incel-larva to fill their ranks. Drown 'em out. De-platform them. Defederate now. No quarter for hate.