
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Went to Iceland a few years ago and the biggest thing I noticed was how clean everything was. In the US, at least where I am, trash is literally part of the street. Little black “gum” streaks, random paper flying about…

I don’t remember ever seeing any litter of any kind anywhere we went on the island.

I do remember seeing a random piece of raw meat on a meadow but that was it and I’m not sure I’d call that litter.

Yeah it’s not a good solution at all. Would have been better to have a separate place for water to serve both purposes. I see a lot of places that will have a glass pitcher dispenser on the side of a soda dispenser just for water.

The water usually tastes better from these, anyway. Not polluted by the sugary soda/carbonation that comes from the same dispenser.

Would also be obvious that someone isn’t getting free soda and pretending to get water since it’s a totally different place.

It's backed by the likes of Samsung, Square Enix, Circle & Mysten Labs and is taking aim at both SteamOS from Valve and Windows from Microsoft to give a simple interface to get gaming on handheld PCs and more.

This is going to be interesting. I think Valve will welcome the competition while Microsoft is not going to like this if they notice an impact.

It’ll be interesting to see what new features they can bring to the table that Valve can implement or improve SteamOS on.

But loving to see more Linux options and less reliance on Windows!

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

That’s probably their argument. They probably thought that by removing the water option, people won’t be able to sneak soda and pretend they were getting free water.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Oh no this was years before Covid that this was happening. I remember this because it was prior to a close family member of mine passing and that had something to do with my personal experience with this sub, in particular.

They said it was due to “brigading”, but a lot of the users being banned had never heard of the obscure subs that were doing this.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (3 children)

The wannabe tyrants of subs like OffMyChest who banned people for simply posting in another sub, regardless of context, and the fact that Reddit didn’t shit about it despite it being against their own ToS.

Super lazy form of “moderating” to not just wait for someone to actually be a dick in your sub. Most people receiving the ban never heard of your dopey little sub until they got auto-banned for the crime of participating in an unrelated sub.

I don’t know whether it’s best to know that your pet has deceased or that they’re still just lost. Both situations sound horrible for the original owners of the deceased cat :/ if it had owners, that is.

Kind of surprised their Ted didn’t have a collar on? They let that cat roam the neighborhood without any identification that he has a family? We don’t let our cats roam the neighborhood anymore, but when we did, we always made sure they had a collar so someone didn’t assume they were strays needing a home or to be taken to the shelter. Otherwise, would have thought it strange that this cat didn’t have a collar on, unless they assumed it was ripped off at some point?

That’s very thoughtful of them to provide a button that can be repurposed for anything else you’d like it to do!

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Hi there! How’s life treating you?

[–] 12 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Good, let’s keep it dead globally. This is never going to end well for anyone from any political side if this kind of thing gets implemented.

That’s the problem, a lot of these people didn’t have someone raising them.

Not to mention every OG single player game now becoming heavily multiplayer focused.

Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Rainbow Six, Grand Theft Auto…

Can’t just make a new IP. No…we need to ruin the old game you love playing and focus only on players who want an online exclusive experience.

I quit following Halo Infinite updates because it only ever was something new for multiplayer.

Rockstar canceled all DLC plans for GTA V and waited 10 years to unveil its successor. I’m not even interested in GTA VI because it’s inevitably going to be multiplayer focused and forget about the offline single player experience.

Rainbow Six Patriots got canceled so we could get Rainbow Six Siege which has pretty much become a CounterStrike knock off.

All these companies forgot what made their games great and who the original fanbase consisted of in favor of the flavor of the month players.

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