
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 3 days ago

No idea what kind of level prioritising is meant, but all governments should provide benefits to children since any country needs their population to be healthy and not decline. You want young working able people to replace old population so that there are enough workers and taxpayers to keep country going.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Walpy is also pretty good. Has various categories and credits each wallpaper′s author.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago

It affects those that are working for the aggressor country. There are many of Russian descent still working in CERN:

All relations between CERN and Russian and Belarusian institutions will cease as of these dates. Relations continue with scientists of Russian or Belarusian nationality otherwise affiliated with CERN.

The Council reaffirmed that all the decisions it has taken to date in light of the ongoing military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation with the involvement of the Republic of Belarus, along with the actions undertaken by the CERN Management, remain in force.


What are those 'reasons'?

Biggest attempt to destabilise Europe since WW2?

[–] -2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Good article, but does not seem fitting. It′s about bunch of uneducated assholes making threats due to the fact that country from which they originated from is currently the aggressor. Same happened to Iraqis in USA for example.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Obviously closer issues will take priority over what happens further away. Same how East probably cares more about their situation than what happens in Ukraine.

That should not be read as lack of empathy for others, Israel government for example currently should be treated the same way Russia is.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

It's kind of logical to currently try to cut ties with a country that is causing destabilisation of whole Europe. Expecially if all that should be done to stop this is for Russia to just move out. Don't see it happening any time soon since they have poured too many resources in already.

[–] -2 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Have any data to back up western Europe has unproportiomal prejudice against Russians when compared to other nationalities? We currently have issues with Russian government and those that support it for obvious reasons, but this apparent hate of Russians is fantasy.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (5 children)

My comment was about CERN cutting ties with Russia, but not Russian nationailty. This idea that western Europe hates Russians is a propoganda, it is the Russian government that we currently have problems with for obvious reasons.

CERN doesn't care about invasions and warfare in the slightest

Looks like they do at least for this one:

All relations between CERN and Russian and Belarusian institutions will cease as of these dates. Relations continue with scientists of Russian or Belarusian nationality otherwise affiliated with CERN.

The Council reaffirmed that all the decisions it has taken to date in light of the ongoing military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation with the involvement of the Republic of Belarus, along with the actions undertaken by the CERN Management, remain in force.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago (8 children)

Termination is due to Russian government not scientists being of Russian nationality.

Marsollier estimates that around 90 scientists have moved from Russian to non-Russian institutions since 2022

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Teams in Teams is the naming I hate the most. Should have called them communities to match Viva Engage (Yammer) or just groups.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I thought the comment was for R5 1600 which is close to my R5 2600 and those Intels were close in performance. Checked specs of them and I see they are not, also thought that i5 6600K was 4/8. In this case, yeah, upgrade probably was more than noticeable.


The Office of the Director of National Intelligence is throwing $22 million in taxpayer money at developing clothing that records audio, video, and location data.

The future of wearable technology, beyond now-standard accessories like smartwatches and fitness tracking rings, is ePANTS, according to the intelligence community. 

The federal government has shelled out at least $22 million in an effort to develop “smart” clothing that spies on the wearer and its surroundings. Similar to previous moonshot projects funded by military and intelligence agencies, the inspiration may have come from science fiction and superpowers, but the basic applications are on brand for the government: surveillance and data collection.

Billed as the “largest single investment to develop Active Smart Textiles,” the SMART ePANTS — Smart Electrically Powered and Networked Textile Systems — program aims to develop clothing capable of recording audio, video, and geolocation data, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence announced in an August 22 press release. Garments slated for production include shirts, pants, socks, and underwear, all of which are intended to be washable.

The project is being undertaken by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, the intelligence community’s secretive counterpart to the military’s better-known Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA. IARPA’s website says it “invests federal funding into high-risk, high reward projects to address challenges facing the intelligence community.” Its tolerance for risk has led to both impressive achievements, like a Nobel Prize awarded to physicist David Wineland for his research on quantum computing funded by IARPA, as well as costly failures.

“A lot of the IARPA and DARPA programs are like throwing spaghetti against the refrigerator,” Annie Jacobsen, author of a book about DARPA, “The Pentagon’s Brain,” told The Intercept. “It may or may not stick.”

According to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s press release, “This eTextile technology could also assist personnel and first responders in dangerous, high-stress environments, such as crime scenes and arms control inspections without impeding their ability to swiftly and safely operate.”

IARPA contracts for the SMART ePANTS program have gone to five entities. As the Pentagon disclosed this month along with other contracts it routinely announces, IARPA has awarded $11.6 million and $10.6 million to defense contractors Nautilus Defense and Leidos, respectively. The Pentagon did not disclose the value of the contracts with the other three: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, SRI International, and Areté. “IARPA does not publicly disclose our funding numbers,” IARPA spokesperson Nicole de Haay told The Intercept.

Dawson Cagle, a former Booz Allen Hamilton associate, serves as the IARPA program manager leading SMART ePANTS. Cagle invoked his time serving as a United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq between 2002 and 2006 as important experience for his current role.

“As a former weapons inspector myself, I know how much hand-carried electronics can interfere with my situational awareness at inspection sites,” Cagle recently told Homeland Security Today. “In unknown environments, I’d rather have my hands free to grab ladders and handrails more firmly and keep from hitting my head than holding some device.”

SMART ePANTS is not the national security community’s first foray into high-tech wearables. In 2013, Adm. William McRaven, then-commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, presented the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit. Called TALOS for short, the proposal sought to develop a powered exoskeleton “supersuit” similar to that worn by Matt Damon’s character in “Elysium,” a sci-fi action movie released that year. The proposal also drew comparisons to the suit worn by Iron Man, played by Robert Downey Jr., in a string of blockbuster films released in the run-up to TALOS’s formation.

“Science fiction has always played a role in DARPA,” Jacobsen said.

The TALOS project ended in 2019 without a demonstrable prototype, but not before racking up $80 million in costs.

As IARPA works to develop SMART ePANTS over the next three and a half years, Jacobsen stressed that the advent of smart wearables could usher in troubling new forms of government biometric surveillance.

“They’re now in a position of serious authority over you. In TSA, they can swab your hands for explosives,” Jacobsen said. “Now suppose SMART ePANTS detects a chemical on your skin — imagine where that can lead.” With consumer wearables already capable of monitoring your heartbeat, further breakthroughs could give rise to more invasive biometrics.

“IARPA programs are designed and executed in accordance with, and adhere to, strict civil liberties and privacy protection protocols. Further, IARPA performs civil liberties and privacy protection compliance reviews throughout our research efforts,” de Haay, the spokesperson, said.

There is already evidence that private industry outside of the national security community are interested in smart clothing. Meta, Facebook’s parent company, is looking to hire a researcher “with broad knowledge in smart textiles and garment construction, integration of electronics into soft and flexible systems, and who can work with a team of researchers working in haptics, sensing, tracking, and materials science.”

The spy world is no stranger to lavish investments in moonshot technology. The CIA’s venture capital arm, In-Q-Tel, recently invested in Colossal Biosciences, a wooly mammoth resurrection startup, as The Intercept reported last year.

If SMART ePANTS succeeds, it’s likely to become a tool in IARPA’s arsenal to “create the vast intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems of the future,” said Jacobsen. “They want to know more about you than you.”


Ryanair will ship a physical gift card to your doorstep free of charge if it starts from 100 €, but ask 2 € for a virtual one that is sent via e-mail.

From their ToS:

A €2/£2 (or local currency equivalent) admin fee applies to Digital Gift Cards. A €5/£5 admin and delivery fee apply to Physical Gift Cards. This fee is waived for purchases exceeding €/£100.

Additionally the classic "Same number for differently valued currencies" making these fees approximate and not made based on the actual cost.

That statement is also written in a way that can be ambiguous whether fee is removed for only physical or both types.

And another thing is that it seems they are processing these virtual cards manually. You have to wait around 40 minutes between payment and e-mail. Guess that's why there is a fee, someone has to paste a code in mail and send it out.

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