[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 26 points 7 months ago

Yeah, post-shaving alopecia is a thing, especially in double coated breeds. (Which is part of the reason you're supposed to avoid shaving them.)

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 42 points 8 months ago

The VA for Laezel (Devora Wilde) has actually seen this meme and read it in-character. :P You can find it on YouTube.

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 23 points 9 months ago

Never mind the nudity toggle, we need a "hairless cats" toggle at the beginning of the game too I guess, if we want everyone to be happy. :P

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 13 points 9 months ago

Worth noting, if you're dual-wielding, you can sneak attack with a bonus action. (Go into your reactions and make sure Sneak Attack is set to always.)

AT is mostly about adding control and utility abilities to the Rogue; options to take enemies out of the fight, and aid/supplement your sneaking. Sleep, Colour Spray, Hold Person, Invisibility, etc, are your mainstays. Your unrestricted spells (ie, ones that don't have to be enchantment or Illusion) should probably be geared towards defence and mobility. (Shield, Misty Step, etc.)

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 14 points 10 months ago

The rarities do somewhat correlate with power in a vacuum, but synergy>raw stats, generally.

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 18 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Eh. I haven't seen his dialogue since they apparently tweaked it, but I didn't find it that bad to begin with. There was a bit of a vibe in act 2 like "sorry you're hurt, didn't mean to lead you on, was just being nice" but thats life sometimes. /shurg

The RPGHorrorstory element... eh. I somewhat agree, mostly just in exactly how far along/established in his journey of magic he was. A young prodigy attracting Mystra's attention, and then ruining himself (and endangering others) in pursuit of more, is an interesting twist on the traditional exploration of a Wizard's hubris, the issue comes more from like "yeah, I didn't just attract Mystra's attention, I was a peer of Elminster and one of Mystra's Chosen" (conspicuous failure to mention the magical institutions of his home, EG, the Blackstaff, Vajra, Larael, etc., aside). TBH, just changing his interactions with Elminster to either double down on the implicit arrogance of assuming himself Elminster's peer, or have him be more of a fanboy, a la Karlach to Minsc and Jaheira, would've gone a long way.


Some insight to coming updates, the future of cut content, etc.

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 10 points 10 months ago

I think she's technically a lesser power/quasi-divinity at this point, on similar to or slightly below the rank of one of the (post-Second Sundering) Dead Three. The fanatical worship of (some of) the Githyanki over her long (un)life have taken her already exceptional arcane power and brought it to the edge of godhood, where the rules that should apply to mortal spellcasters no longer hold. IIRC, she's actively trying to achieve full godhood by enforcing her worship through her Inquisitors, with mixed results.

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 20 points 10 months ago

Well... it is a Baldur's Gate game (as much as I've seen claimed otherwise), so the story is centered around the usurper gods of death, their legacy and their attempts to gain power and influence in the world.

The first act is reasonably light (with exception of mindflayers and some light occular body horror :P), just normal dnd stuff, goblins, druids, etc.

The second... well, to avoid spoiling too much, let's just say it goes dark. :P Haven't seen the third yet, personally.

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 10 points 11 months ago

I have yet to be mutilated in any way (aside from snorting tadpoles like it's going out of style :P). Perhaps, making deals with malevolent fey and letting Volo of all people perform surgery are... questionable choices for your health. :P

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 32 points 11 months ago

/shurg Can't say I've found it this way, but I'm pretty used both to DnD mechanics generally, and Larian's approach to encounter design in specific. (I've so far had exactly one combat game over, because I was dumb and let Ragzlin get into the rafters and chuck javelins at me for like 20 damage a pop.)

Positioning matters, your environment is something to be used to your advantage, abilities that boost your accuracy are very powerful, and different enemies have different strengths and weaknesses. /shurg Hard to give much specific advice, because different encounters and party compositions demand different tactics and threat assessment.

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 15 points 11 months ago

Some specific quests have time limits (long rest based ones) but those that do are pretty explicit about it and make a point of warning you before you can unintentionally progress them.

[-] Oldmandan@lemmy.ca 29 points 11 months ago

Always a little annoyed at articles like this; "strength" doesn't tell me anything. If this is 5x more resistant than steel to deformation, but then shatters catastrophically, that limits its use cases substantially. Likewise, compressive, tensile and shear strength are all different properties, only one of which is referenced at all. Still very cool, and I look forward to seeing how it develops and learning more details about its capabilities (when I have more time I'll read the paper), but vague terminology like this has a bad habit of making stuff sound way more revolutionary than it actually is. /shurg

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Oldmandan@lemmy.ca to c/onguardforthee@lemmy.ca

Copying over from u/HowMyDictates post on reddit, because I'm petty and will continue to refuse to engage with that site. :P

The whole three-part series is worth a read. It's fascinating (in a horrifying sort of way :P) how all this lobbying and third-party marketing works, even the stuff not directly connected to the PBCC. The more I learn, the more obviously corrupt the whole system becomes.

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