[-] Omegamanthethird@lemmy.world 2 points 2 hours ago

I'm not able to access that link. But I saw where criticism of the government was treated as derogatory statements on the people.


FWIW, the community was worldnews@lemmy.ml.

I assume I was banned because I said I understood Biden opposing surgery on minors, specifically trans surgery. Although I disagreed with it.

[-] Omegamanthethird@lemmy.world 11 points 16 hours ago

I'm totally fine with that as well. I've also heard that surgery requires a lot of verification and validation from psychologists. Medical professionals don't just sign you up for life-altering procedures. In fact, if I as personally deciding, I'd say let medical professionals do their job.

[-] Omegamanthethird@lemmy.world 24 points 16 hours ago

One of Trump's debates, Anderson Cooper kept grilling him on something he refused to answer about. At one point he declared that Trump is refusing to answer that question, explicitly. It was probably the best moderation I've ever seen.

Then in one of the primaries, one of the moderators called Pete Buttigieg a liar after he said their information was false and corrected them (he in fact was not lying). That was possibly the worst moderation I've ever seen.

At least in this one they would say "the question was..." when they didn't actually answer.

[-] Omegamanthethird@lemmy.world 4 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

The news is constantly trying to appear unbiased. And the only way to do that is by making both sides appear just as chaotic as each other.

That's the only reason why the news talks about how dems are in a panic instead of going line by line and talking about every damn thing each candidate said. They can't just go and say Trump lied 37 times and Biden really has accomplished everything he said he did. Because then they would be "biased".

[-] Omegamanthethird@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I'm actually well aware of that. It's essentially a way to get rid of the electoral college for the popular vote without actually getting rid of the EC. And I'd love for it to be implemented in enough states to work.

However, I think RCV can still work. It's just that the state allocated votes would need to first look at the state level race for president, determine a ranking, then look at the national level race, and allocate to the highest rank that can possibly win.

My entire comment was addressing that assumption. That assumption requires 2 levels of RCV, state vote and national (electoral) vote.

If RCV was implemented only at the state level, and the state chose Bernie, and that was the end of it, then it would pull electoral votes away from Biden.

If the electoral vote was also allowed to shift after the national electoral total was determined, then it's all good.

[-] Omegamanthethird@lemmy.world 15 points 1 day ago

I am extremely in favor of RCV as long as it applies to the national level.

It CANNOT end at the state level. If my electoral vote has a chance of being wasted on a 3rd party candidate that has no chance, then the system is EVEN WORSE than our current system.

As an example, if there was a chance that Trump could win because a few electoral votes went to Bernie, I would just put Biden as my first vote. But if the electoral vote would also shift to the next available candidate, then I would vote Bernie first.

"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."

I think the cold legitimately threw him off. Not that he was feeble from the cold. Just that it made him more easily flustered and he snowballed.

I've also had interviews that I was "prepared for." But trying to remember all the information at the moment was difficult. Hell, I was told one of my interviews was the best they had ever seen, and the last question had me flustered until I finally came up with my talking points after a minute.

That's what it felt like to me, a flustered man in a bad interview that snowballed.

I don't blame people for wanting to distance from the topic. The problem with Biden isn't his ability to lead and govern. It's his image. Talking about it directly hurts his image. BUT it's still a discussion that needs to be had.

It would be like Covid if talking about Covid also made it worse.

I literally don't know what you're talking about with bathrobes and silver alerts. What are you smoking?

He was fine. He has never sounded like this before. Just look at the State of the Union for what people were expecting.

This was him being unprepared and trying to remember statistics from 3 and a half years of accomplishments, with a cold, while running a country, while being 81. It reminded me of some bad interviews I've been in, honestly.


OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Oklahoma’s top education official ordered public schools Thursday to incorporate the Bible into lessons for grades 5 through 12, the latest effort by conservatives to incorporate religion into classrooms.


Reggie Bush has his 2005 Heisman Trophy back, as the Heisman Trust announced Wednesday the formal "reinstatement" of the trophy to Bush amid what it calls "enormous changes in the college football landscape."

The Heisman Trust's decision comes after Bush forfeited his Heisman Trophy in 2010 in the wake of significant NCAA sanctions for USC, which included Bush receiving improper benefits during a Trojans career that spanned from 2003 to 2005.


The House on Saturday passed a $95 billion aid package that includes two long-awaited bills with $60.8 billion of Ukraine aid and $26 billion in aid to Israel.

The Ukraine bill, which passed with 311 votes in favor, 112 votes against, and one present, will now head to the Senate alongside the Israel aid bill and two others — one with aid for Taiwan and another that forces Tiktok's parent company to sell it.


I'm just curious if anyone is watching. It's been entertaining.

I keep wondering if there's a potential spring camp/minor league future for the UFL. They could start popping up in college stadiums during the off season. Imagine if a college team, let's say the Arkansas Razorbacks, had a UFL team that focused on giving former Razorbacks a place to play if they don't go to the NFL. It could even be a way to entice middling players to go to that school. Now do that with any college that wants to participate.


The Bills received a 2025 second-round pick in exchange for Diggs, a 2024 sixth-round pick, and a 2025 fifth-round pick. The Texans acquired that pick from the Vikings when they traded their 2024 first-round pick to Minnesota last month.


I was just thinking about Marvel stuff that has gotten unfair negativity. So I was wondering what people are liking. Not just controversial stuff. Just, whatever you're into at the moment.

What Marvel stuff are you watching right now that you're enjoying?


Wilson's release will end a disappointing chapter for both sides. The Broncos went 11-19 in Wilson's starts over two seasons and failed to make the playoffs.

The Broncos signed Wilson to a five-year, $242.6 million deal after his arrival and will take an $85 million hit in dead money over the next two seasons because of the release.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Omegamanthethird@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world

"Three U.S. C-130 cargo planes dropped 66 total bundles, equating to about 38,000 pork-free meals, into the territory on Saturday morning. The bundles were split between three planes, the official said."

"The airdrop is expected to be the first of many announced by President Joe Biden on Friday. The aid will be coordinated with Jordan, which has also conducted airdrops to deliver food to Gaza."


This is an objective, unbiased ranking in the same vein as the NFL Title Belt. As such, the number 1 ranked team will always be the same as the current NFL Title Belt holder.

This is Super Bowl Week of the NFL Title Rankings of the 2023 season. See here for last week’s rankings.

The Chiefs beat the 49ers to keep the NFL Title Belt and first ranking. The Chiefs will now hold the NFL Title Belt until their first loss of the 2024 season.

With the Commanders losing to the Cowboys in the last game of the season, the Commanders will remain last place until their first win of the 2024 season.

Let me know if you’d like to see more of this, if you’re curious about how I came up with these rankings, or if you noticed any mistakes.

Ranking 2023 Divisional Round Δ Notes
1 Chiefs -- The Chiefs beat the 49ers to keep the NFL Title Belt and first.
2 Bills --  
3 Steelers --  
4 Bengals --  
5 Ravens --  
6 Texans --  
7 Browns --  
8 Saints --  
9 49ers --  
10 Lions --  
11 Bucs --  
12 Titans --  
13 Jaguars --  
14 Dolphins --  
15 Jets --  
16 Rams --  
17 Packers --  
18 Bears --  
19 Seahawks --  
20 Cardinals --  
21 Colts --  
22 Raiders --  
23 Patriots --  
24 Falcons --  
25 Cowboys --  
26 Broncos --  
27 Giants --  
28 Eagles --  
29 Chargers --  
30 Vikings --  
31 Panthers --  
32 Commanders -- The Commanders will remain last for the offseason.

This ranking assumes that there are never any fluke games and all teams are appropriately ranked. If you beat a team that is higher ranked than you, you move ahead of them and they move down one spot. However, other teams can jump in front of teams that are higher ranked than you, moving you further down the rankings.

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