It doesn't stop them, but it requires very little effort and definitely slows them down.

From the article

Cultured skin, as they put it, can heal itself, carry biological sensors like our own to provide sensitive touch, and could also have benefits in medical or human interaction contexts.

I'm horrified to ask, but what do you mean?

I like "Robber Barrons". I just wish it didn't sound so cool.

If you grew up as an edgy church kid you got a lot of opportunities, I'm sure.

Nah. It used to be an A, but some recent updates have kicked it down to a C. If you want a real A tier planet try Cromdomulom 12.

That doesn't sound like a problem with socialized medicine, so much as a problem with Canada's socialized healthcare system.

Like I'm pretty sure their right wing has been doing everything they can to dismantle their healthcare system. That's definitely going to reduce the speed and quality of care.

[-] 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

My city has one or two trans bars. Cis people are allowed of course. But most of the clientele is some flavor trans or nonbinary.

It makes me feel so much less conspicuous when I look out at the crowd and realize I don't stick out at all. I imagine this could serve a similar function to fat people who want to go to the beach.

But that's a good description of that series, or at least the first book. So it's a pretty bad, bad description.

For real, I hate having the conversation about the movie I just watched with someone drowned out with a trailer for some shitty original.

Long time (
[-] 247 points 3 months ago

I mean, this is how far our standard of living has fallen in the US.

Like, back in the 80's and 90's it was pretty normal for a family to subsist on a single income, in a reasonably nice house, with all of their necessities taken care of. It was so normal that even a brainless loser like Homer could do it.

Also because back then, kinda fat = automatic loser

Title (
[-] 61 points 6 months ago

They got two things right: Science can be wrong sometimes. And you should Google petrified wood (it's really pretty).

Rule (
Dots (
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Tell me rule (
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I'm bisexual, and trans. I've been on dates with men, and women, presenting as both a man and a woman. I usually just pay for myself, or awkwardly fail to turn them down when the other person offers to pay.


Mine certainly hasn't. I feel like I've had 27 years of downward spiral.

I've been slowly, but steadily collecting more and more people to miss, Watching my finances get worse and worse. My body is starting to fall apart. My life is boring, lonely and grueling. Every time I take a step forward in one area I take a step back in all the others. Therapy has been worse than useless, loved ones stop caring eventually, casual friends just disappear into the ether without a trace.

I wish I hadn't gotten "lucky" during my previous suicide attempts, because I definitely can't try that anymore. I wish someone could just do it for me, without me ever expecting it.

But your 30s are supposed to be easier. More stable. It's hard to believe that'll be the case for me, going into them with no connection to my past, no money, no marketable skills.

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